Chapter 528

Name:Elder Cultivator Author:
Chapter 528

The swarm of thorns had some limitations in how it could target Anton, acting more like one grand thing or at most some dozens of smaller groupings, which was extremely beneficial for Antons safety as he wove his way around and through the attacks while remaining wary of changes.

His efforts that were not dedicated defensively were limited to occasional shots at the one causing all that trouble, the local Worldbinding cultivator Aridasa. Fighting in his domain was troublesome, but Anton managed to fire off a few shots in the mans direction, attempting to coordinate with The Independences attacks. Beyond that, he continued to provide a distraction, keeping the Worldbinding cultivator occupied while other forces on the planet Cheitov were dealt with by landing ships. It also kept the mans thoughts off of Devon, though no doubt he was aware of his presence.

It seemed Aridasa wasnt quite at his limits with the swarm of thorns, however. He managed a few smaller swarms as well, targeting ships or cultivators as well as controlling the movements of some of the local trees. Those same trees were some of the main targets of The Independence, and those of any practical size for a cultivator battle were quickly being turned into charcoal. No doubt he could call upon more from the surrounding kilometers , but that would take time that they didnt plan to let him have.

With a few thorns in his body, Anton didnt dare leave them. He felt no further connection to Aridasa after they punctured his energy defenses, but he burned them to ash regardless, focusing the flames around him into specific points. If things continued like that, he would have to retreat to a further distance soon, allowing the man to target the trifold alliance more easily.

Finally, Devon was close enough to spring into action- closer than strictly necessary to encompass Aridasa within his range, large chains springing up around the cultivator. Anton immediately felt attention switch and punished the action with a few shots at the man as well as a wave of fire around him scourging some of the thorns.

Weaker cultivators attempted to assist Aridasa, but the trifold alliance had its fair share of Life Transformation experts to match. There were some at the peak of Life Transformation on either side or with otherwise exceptional power, but the cultivators of Cheitov were pressed by the starfighters and The Independence- its powerful weapons operated by dozens of individuals in a coordinated fashion.

A tendril of thorns- narrow around the front where the fastest thorns had pulled ahead- darted towards Devon. Instead of fleeing or forming a shell of chains around himself, he stretched out two, wrapping them around the flowing thorns. As the chains spun around the thorns without touching them they continued to approach him, before they suddenly fell to the ground, their connection severed. It was just one part of many, but Devon kept himself safe for a few more moments.

Then every thorn of the swarm reversed its trajectory or simply dropped to the ground. A small swarm of ants appeared in a ring around Aridasa, visible only with the naked eye on the battlefield of hundreds of human soldiers. It was sensible that they had been overlooked until that point, even if the man had been cautious. In fact, Anton supposed that noticing them before any of them sunk their mandibles into him was a decent feat.

Most of the ants retained their position, hovering in position even for those without wings. A few, including the largest, charged forward. Aridasa countered with a wooden sword, but the small targets swerved away with great agility. They descended upon him at the same time as the first thorns reached the area, a final layer of sizable chains blocking the area from being clearly seen.

In the end, several chains remained while the thorns dropped away, one prominent void ant with her mandibles resting casually upon the mans throat. Somewhere in all that, Aridasa had been informed he could surrender- and he took that opportunity. Seeing their leader captured, local forces coagulated into defensive groups as the information spread. Those who laid down their weapons or at least stopped attacking were spared further violence.

Then it was Antons turn to be a friendly but not too friendly negotiator. He tossed some varied communication devices to Aridasa, some more familiar to the man but all sufficient to get information to the trifold alliance. We speak the same language, Anton said.

Aridasa waited for something more, before determining he was expected to reply. We do.

Good. Then we can negotiate. While he was fulfilling this job, the Ruterans were going around setting up small, nearly invisible devices. Some were specifically cloaked from energy senses so that even if the others were noticed they might remain. Their job would be to help enforce some of the provisions Anton was going to declare. We have a list of demands, and no, that does not include access to your vaults or your head.

Anton had the advantage in the negotiations from the fact that they could just kill Aridasa. As for why they didnt and chose to negotiate, that was Antons job to make him understand. Eventually, everything had been laid out. Aridasa frowned, So, you want us to completely cease operations for a decade? Such a thing would cripple us. From the way the man held himself, Anton figured it wouldnt actually be quite that bad. Not directly, anyway. We couldnt manage that, especially not against the demands of others.

We could raze your planet right now, Anton shrugged. Or you can find some way to convince them. If they want materials for now theyll have to look elsewhere. Or well have to come visit again. Anton could see the man weighing his options in his head. Certainly he was considering just agreeing now and preparing to fight them later. If he was smart- and any cultivator who reached Worldbinding had great intellectual capability in some regard even if they didnt make use of it- he would realize that whatever preparations he made Anton and the others would prepare further counters for him in specific.

A decade, though

... Im not sure, a bad feeling maybe. Happens before battles.

Does it? Anton asked.

Of course, Nicodemo said. Even generals get nervous. What did you sense?

Nothing, Anton said.

Theyre shielded?

Anton shook his head.

Something feels out of place?

Once again, Anton denied the assertion. I just have a feeling.

General Nicodemo drummed his fingers on his bicep, thinking. That is completely unscientific. I suppose youre leaving even if we stay?

... No, Anton said. If you remain, I will remain with you. To death, if necessary though I would like to prevent that.

That bad, huh? But you dont really feel anything.

Just a feeling, Anton confirmed. Ive not found myself in unsurvivable trouble until now, but a cultivator learns to trust such things. I believe it isnt a coincidence. Before you make a decision, I would consult with the rest of the fleet.

Nicodemo thought for a few moments. We have to decide quickly, correct? Anton nodded. Then were leaving. I have the authority to call off this whole thing whenever. Weve accomplished enough, and I assume Weos will accept your reasoning, such as it is?

From me? Yes.

And that no doubt goes for Ceretos, though with you and your grandson and the Great Queen representing Ceretos, they wouldnt have much choice but to listen. Nicodemo gave the order, and the fleet adjusted their course, no longer approaching the planet but instead pulling away from the systems orbital plane to angle back towards their homes.

I suppose thats another thing, Anton said. The Great Queens injuries, I mean. But Im not certain if her health would make any difference in potential disaster. Perhaps they could have accomplished more if they stayed, but Anton felt justified when he felt ships lifting off from the nearby area as they began to pull away. We have pursuers, Anton mentioned. Lets keep well away from that planet, shall we?