Chapter 565

Name:Elder Cultivator Author:
Chapter 565

... and this one replicates the background energy levels, Velvet explained some of the functionality of the Stellar Wave.

Thats why youre the one controlling all the stealth stuff, Alva said. I get concealing your energy, I dont get then intentionally using energy to be even less obvious.

I didnt even get to see all the stuff from the Sylanis Cluster, Velvet sighed. I wonder if I could hide myself in subspace?

Dont know. Either way, you manage that while I take a look at that base.

Dont forget to be careful with your sensing energy.

Listen, its not gonna be perfect, Alva said. I cant conceal energy Im using to feel people out. But I can be subtle enough.

Finally in their third system they had found an occupied planet. And it was not difficult. All of the signs of cultivators were present, including barrier formations that didnt make any attempt to hide their presence and in fact did quite well to advertise them to the world. It seemed that the Trigold Cluster wasnt terribly shy about their occupation, perhaps counting on the fact that nobody would be looking.

A simple pass around the planet indicated it wasnt being settled normally. There were only a few occupied locations, large cities outside of which only a few locations with especially dense energy were occupied. Extreme regions, like the types that attracted sects to settle and develop their particular styles.

As for the cities themselves, simple visual observation- from a great distance- revealed many of the buildings were exact replicas. Standardized. From a bit closer, they could see training fields with large numbers of individuals performing the same moves.

Outside the city walls was very little. Fields of grass and occasional trees- all growing radially from the settlements. Clearly the planet hadnt come with life, but instead it had been implanted.

Grandpa would be so upset, Alva said.

But he likes the idea of settling new worlds, Velvet answered.

Theyve got one type of tree! I havent seen any animals! Alva waved her hands wildly. If someone brings along a single disease the whole system will collapse.

A fair point, Velvet admitted. But perhaps because they dont intend to live there for long, its too costly.

They still have at least half a century, Alva pointed out. Depending on how long travel time takes.

Yeah Anton would have at least a whole country put together by that point, Velvet nodded. The question is, do they just abandon these places for five centuries normally?

And how do they eat? Alva tapped her chin.

I got it, Alva said. That was basically what she had sensed too. She hadnt felt any intent from the approaching ship, no impending danger or fluctuation in their energy. Maybe they really had turned and randomly run into them. She had to admit, the other ship looked like it got the worse end of the deal. Its masts were torn off- sails werent fully necessary for star ships, but they still had purposes. Meanwhile, their own ship just had a deep gouge along its belly. They were still flying, but the enemy ship was going down.

That was good, but what was not good was the notice it attracted. Alva felt several Life Transformation consciousnesses flare up as the incident progressed.

We lost concealment! Velvet warned. It was only for a moment, but theyll know where we were.

We have to get out of here, Alva said. Increase altitude!

There were many other shouted orders. Within a short time there were Life Transformation cultivators and a few Integration cultivators preparing ships- Alva could tell that much through the barriers. At the same time, a crew member rushed onto the deck. Seniors! The cargo hold is broken open! Some supplies have fallen out, and more are threatening to spill! The rapid climb is jostling it!

What a pain. They had extra supplies- but something falling out would undoubtedly reveal their location. Ill deal with it, Alva said. You continue to maintain our stealth.

Instead of going through the ship, Alva simply jumped down over the side, latching onto the ship with her energy. She slipped in through the crack, which was indeed worse than it had initially felt. Shed sensed it and determined the ship wasnt going to fall apart- and not further than that at the moment. Even as she was swinging in through the breach, a crate was on its way out, the shaking of the ship and the winds pulling it along. The gash was only a meter wide and at most two or three long at an angle, but that was more than sufficient to cause them problems.

It had luckily missed any important parts of formations- though Alva knew that there would still be some impact because of the ship changing, if nothing else. Her energy reached out along the seam, holding back not only the cargo but also the scattered splinters of wood. This was sturdy stuff, but their barriers had been down and the other ship just careened into them at high speed. What terrible luck. Or ingenious planning to make it seem coincidental. Though if that had been the case, the enemy would have reacted faster. Instead, their ship had half-crashed and their others were just beginning to lift off.

Alva felt senses sweeping over the general area they were in, but she had no idea if they were noticed or not. The ships certainly moved in their general direction, but hesitantly. They were still not far from where the crash happened, after all- the enemy could have guessed.

Around the time the enemy increased their speed and launched their first attacks- a volley of bolts from emplaced ballistae- their own ship had the barrier formations engaged. Velvet had either noticed the preparations or had partially given up on stealth. When their own ship shot back, Alva added her own attacks to the mix. She was supposed to be up on deck where there was an augmentation formation, and not down below where a good portion of her energy was occupied with holding things together hopefully someone would come take over that part.

The barrier helped with some of the shaking, and the wind, but things could still fall out and either burden the barrier or simply be lost. Alvas hands pulled the string of her bow, launching Spirit Arrows at the enemy ships. A couple Life Transformation cultivators by themselves werent of significant consequence, but on top of other Integration cultivators they could be an issue. If nothing else, they could wreck the ship and make things much more difficult.

Downing the ships would be best, either forcing those who could fly to expend their energy on that or grounding the enemy. She pierce the barrier and the helm on one of the ships that had no Integration cultivator. With no lateral control, that ship quickly veered off course despite attempts to latch onto the mechanisms with the energy of those on board.

There were still two more Alva was worried about. However, as she was trying to pick which one to focus on, a command came from above, echoing through the ship. Hold fire!

That was Velvet, and she was obviously intentionally reaching Alva so Alva withdrew her energy, waiting to see what would happen. From her perspective it was very little she mostly felt their ship turn as the far horizon drew further away- their ascent having brought them out of the lower atmosphere. There was a single bolt that pierced through the barrier over the hole in the side, and almost into Alva- but she could easily deal with one arrow, oversized or not. She caught it and spun around to slow its momentum, while doing her best to not leak energy out.

The following attacks were quite off target, and it seemed they had their stealth protections engaged once more. As they flew almost over the enemy ships, the vastness of space opened up before them- and improperly aimed attacks became less and less likely to hit them.

Now all they had to do was get away, deal with the hole in their ship, and also the consequences of being spotted. Simple.

Maybe they should have just stormed the planet, though obviously they couldnt have anticipated it to be so thinly defended as it was. If the other cities were the same, there were at best a dozen Integration cultivators on the whole planet- something that their alliance or even just Alva and the others could take care of on their own.

Alva looked at the hole in the ship and wondered if that particular spot was cursed. It sure felt like it- though actual curses were just manipulations of energy.