Chapter 586

Name:Elder Cultivator Author:
Chapter 586

The time was rapidly approaching to determine if they could afford to defend the Worthy Shore Society. Of course, there was no question about the people. As an island sect they had ships aplenty even ignoring the continental fleets. However, the sect itself was a small foothold in enemy territory. Valuable in some ways, but extremely difficult to hold.

Ceretos fleets simply couldnt match the Trigold Cluster and the Exalted Archipelagos combined forces- not if they moved as one unit. That was simply because they had to leave a sufficient amount of their forces to defend their homelands.

Treloars face revealed nothing of what he felt at potentially having to give up not only their history of connection to the Exalted Quadrant in the upper realms but also the land every generation had grown up upon. Anton knew that he would have been extremely reluctant to give up the Orders land, or any piece of Graotan. Though that had grown to extend to most of Ceretos. And as they were allies, Anton even felt some of that for the Worthy Shore Society.

To have a chance at this, well need everyone possible to join the fight, Anton sighed. He was specifically thinking of Everheart, who had run off at the earliest excuse. The troublesome part was that there hadnt been any word from Erin about what was going on with Paradise. What do you think about engaging? Anton asked. Is there anything to be gained from attempting more complicated tactics here? A direct confrontation would be too risky.

Hmm, Treloar stroked his chin. It would give us an opportunity to assess the forces of the Exalted Archipelago. Which I guess we arent part of now.

They managed to foster more than a few Assimilation cultivators among them- without it being obvious, even. I thought I would sense such advancements, but apparently I was wrong. Anton shook his head. What could we learn?

Their quality, Treloar said. Theres a huge difference depending on how long theyve been in Assimilation and the results they produced. Should we count them as equal to each of ours? I would be surprised. Though we did not completely lock down the knowledge, none of them received personal guidance from you.

Im not the only one who could have done it, Anton pointed out.

Well, I didnt guide them. And neither did Lev, or I imagine anyone of note on the continents. They all had reasons to be cautious around them. The worst case for us would be Naamah having guided them.

She hasnt responded to inquiries, either Anton frowned.

Im not saying I suspect her, necessarily. The important part is that we dont have a long history of Assimilation. Our techniques were all meant for optimal Ascension. Changing that with only secondhand information would take someone of sufficient genius.

The Exalted Archipelago has many people. Surely you have geniuses among you? You consistently produce Ascension cultivators after all.The initial instance of this chapter being available happened at N0v3l.Bin.

Treloar shook his head, Geniuses? Sure, we get some. Every few centuries. But in truth, most of us are simply average or slightly above and rely on the extremely refined techniques that push us towards one goal. I could not have hoped to alter the Worthy Shore Societys techniques without your aid. I would still not have broken through, Treloar held up a hand, Dont bother with politeness. I know my own skill well enough. And more importantly I know my own connection to Ceretos. I gave up Ascension for a different path but I cant believe all of the others truly wished to give up Ascension. They should have been instructed on what they should do and nobody can make anothers cultivation choices for them. Not and expect the same results.

Be careful of the clouds! Anton called out to the pilot. Anyone with air styled abilities, blast the clouds out of our path and if possible wring out the moisture. The latter was rather difficult directly above the ocean, but the others on the ship were there just for such supporting moves. The pilot twisted and turned, avoiding incoming attacks while predicting future danger zones.

That at least forced the hand of one individual which Anton could pick out, while the battle elsewhere was just beginning.


There were sometimes conflicting orders given to Chikere. She had been told to not dive deep into enemy forces. She did have the self-restraint for that to work, so she could have complied with that. However, she also was given the direction to fight in the manner she thought was most efficient, and it was simply impossible to do that at the same time.

Taking the spirit of the orders to heart, Chikere decided she should at least not go too many layers deep into the enemy forces. For example, there was a pretty decent sword on someone next to Fajra herself. She would have to leave that one for later, even if it was the best one present. Her allies were counting on her, after all.

Nothing stopped her from dashing across the water towards the oncoming ships, however. That did leave her alone, but she would be more effective without worrying that her dodging would leave allies vulnerable. She did have to pull out every blade she had to cut down the hundreds of arrows, spears, javelins, harpoons, and everything pointy or edged coming at her. And a few cannon balls, though in her estimation the Exalted Archipelago was about a century behind in that field. It was surprising they bothered at all.

The first ship she came to, she cut in half- from the side. Though ships didnt function if you cut them in half on any axis, so it hardly mattered which angle it was. But the front and rear halves did provide her a good amount of shelter as she dashed through it.

Then a heavy aura focused on her. Chikere turned to see Fajra. The woman probably thought she was beautiful or awe inspiring. That was certainly her intent, but as she was not a sword she couldnt really be either of those in Chikeres eyes. She could be a hindrance though. Chikere glared back, cutting through the womans aura with her own. It seemed Fajra didnt find her important enough to devote a greater amount of her attention to overcome Chikeres resistance, so she was free to move around mostly unhindered.

Chikere couldnt help but glance over that was occasionally, tempted by the sword. And while she was there she might as well cut down Fajra. But no not today. She couldnt do it entirely alone, and todays battle was just a test.


Devon found some joy in entangling enemy ships with his chains, slamming them into each other. That would damage the formations and hulls of both, a quite efficient use of his own efforts. The greater danger were the cultivators on the ships, but they would need their vessels to chase after the group en masse, so he was simply preparing for then. Others were engaging with Integration cultivators and the Exalted Archipelagos Assimilation cultivators, but Devon focused his efforts on the fleet.

Because of that, he also paid attention to their sea fleets as a whole- with only half an eye on their flying ships. He could feel Fajra suppressing their cultivators, but something was missing. Then one of their ships was lifted from the water and snapped in half by giant crab claws. That was Juta, then, in yet another form. She had only been in a few battles, but she didnt seem to have a preference for anything specific.

Devon supposed hed better go help with that. What was the best method? Perhaps binding closed the claws, or drawing allied ships into the area so she could not so easily target one fleet. He would also have to keep himself safe, but he was not the only one moving to head off Juta. Anish and Annelie were closest, and Devon would be able to coordinate with them quite well. Though it did seem that they should be pulling away soon, as it seemed unlikely they could take out one of the enemys leaders without preparation and a bit of luck. Trying to force it would only result in more losses for their side.