Chapter 630

Name:Elder Cultivator Author:
Chapter 630

After killing the last of the enemy squad, Captain Tiras gave everyone time to bind their wounds before they had to move on. They were fortunate to have gotten the upper hand in the battle, quickly capitalizing on it. It would have been impossible without significant cultivation advantages, except they all practiced Citadels Downfall. There were still casulaties, but theyd only lost one more of their squad. However, there was another problem.

One of them was injured, unable to walk. We cant afford to move slowly, Captain Tiras said. He didnt hesitate, lifting the soldier into his arms and beginning to march.

Aconite began to say something. Chidi was going to translate, but first Are you sure you dont have any lingering anything? We dont want to make him worse.

Aconite shook her head. I shed all of the poison.

Alright. Ill translate, then.

Aconites words were fairly simple. I suggest that you place the injured individual on my back, since he will hinder me less.

Captain Tiras shook his head. Thats not a good idea. Carrying him like this, I can set him down somewhere safe if combat comes upon us. You wont be able to do that with someone strapped to you. Nor could you conceal yourself.

With that, the matter was settled, the squad continuing on its way without really stopping. They left the bodies behind- concealing the battle would be impossible anyway. Though, Aconite said she would provide a bit of a surprise for anyone coming to find them.

The Harmonious Citadel squad would be missed the same day, depending on when they would return to the city. Unless the enemy had been particularly off of their patrol route, the Scarlet Alliance Squad could only expect finding the bodies and beginning to track them down to take a handful of hours. If a stronger enemy group was following after them, they could catch up in the same time or less.

Aconite trailed the squad, doing her best to help with their tracks while Chidi picked a route that would hopefully reveal the least of them. Rocky terrain that was a bit annoying, but would at least require people to search around a bit to keep track of them. As long as their route took less time for them to walk than it did to track them, they could pull away from any potential pursuit.

They would have to sleep eventually, though, and the enemy would know that.

The squad continued to avoid smaller settlements. Though it would be useful for them to have information about what was happening, they also couldnt be sure if the enemy would control the area, or have spies planted. Maybe they already had them before, and they simply hadnt been noticed.

If they had been able to move along the road, Sieburn would have been a half days travel at best. Now, they had been traveling for a day and could only hope to reach it in the evening. But then well, that would depend on what they found.


Aconite scampered up a tree, her claws digging into the bark. The branches were insufficient to hold her weight on their own, but she used her energy to spread out between them, letting her perch reasonably high up. From there, the tallest tree in the surroundings, she was able to see Sieburn.

When she scampered back down after a good minute, Chidi could immediately tell something from her posture. How was it? he asked.

Aconite shook her head. The Harmonious Citadel also holds Sieburn.

Chidi deflated. How far would they have to go, to find somewhere safe?

Upon informing Captain Tiras, he furrowed his brow. Do we head for the next city? Can we make it? He wasnt really asking anyone, just talking to himself. Chidi only barely heard it.

I think I should infiltrate the city, Chidi declared. We need to know what territory they control and his thoughts went vaguely up to the sky, where he felt a vague haze. He had the feeling the response to his message that he was awaiting might never arrive. Some sort of grand scale formation was in place, and he could only vaguely guess it was preventing such messages. If he knew more about formations he might bypass it, but without observing a physical part of it he doubted he could do it at the moment.

You have the skills to do so? Tiras confirmed. Then you should. Just guessing will leave us tired from running about. If theres no safe territory we will simply have to find somewhere in the wilderness we can survive and plan.

Hmm Chidi pondered. They have people guarding the hole, right?

They must, Aconite agreed. So perhaps it would be better to search for the most secure part, where they will not expect infiltration.

They eventually found a boring, flat side of the wall where there were no gates. But instead of sneaking closer, Aconite began digging while they were all the way out in the trees, behind a few layers of trees.

I know you can dig fast but Chidi grimaced, Wont this take too long?

My mother could create this tunnel in an instant, Aconite said.

Sure, but she could probably just topple those walls too. Or sink half the city.

By the time Chidi finished what he was saying, he was convinced of Aconites ability to achieve her goal. She was already up to her shoulders in a sloping tunnel, a huge mound of dirt piling up.

So, I see that you can dig that now. As long as you can keep it up for a few hours. But theres another problem, he gestured to it. What will we do with all of that once were in the tunnel?

Aconites face wrinkled. If I had trained even a fraction as much as I should have in my mothers talents

Chidi nodded, Same here. I thought I learned enough. He had been working hard, but he hadnt truly taken advantage of his access to a formation grandmaster, instead being content with what he felt was above-average success.

You will have to ride on my back, close to me. We cannot afford the time to cart it all out, or I will still be digging in the morning.

Alright, Chidi said. I guess that wont be so bad.


Chidi was wrong.

Cramped tunnels? He could deal with them. Dirt? Fine. He wasnt a pampered kid that couldnt stand bits of decayed organic matter mixed with minerals getting on him.

Being basically wrapped around Aconites back, his face pressed into her fur where he could barely breathe or smell anything other than an earthy and sour smell of absorbed poisons, that was not great. And being scraped against the roof of the tunnel, piles of dirt falling on him and reducing the airflow, continued to not be great. But he also didnt want to try to stand directly behind Aconite- where she was constantly flinging great quantities of dirt at speed- and he couldnt possibly stand in front of her because there was dirt there. Dirt that was getting clawed and chucked behind them rapidly.

When he was fed up, Chidi would tap the back of Aconites skull and make some intentional noise. She would crouch down, letting him squeeze over to the side.

Why dont you take a short break? Chidi said. Ill soften up the section ahead. Since there was a whole Aconite between the dirt in front and the partially empty tunnel behind, he didnt bother trying to get it there. Instead, he pulled out his sword.

Chidi knew the people managing the armory would be furious to know he was using a sword on dirt. But it was his sword, now. Besides, he was still using it properly. Or rather, he was going to if he could maneuver his arms and the blade to all face in the right directions.

He couldnt really swing, but he still eventually managed to cut. More than just the meter length of his blade, but several times that. He moved his blade around in a crosshatch pattern, treating the dirt as something to be dismantled. It remained basically in place, effectively in long rows. It took a few minutes, but it gave him a chance to stretch.

Then he was back on Aconites back, grains of dirt rubbing into his face and nose and ears and every little pore. He used his energy to clear his nostrils and prevent dust from getting into his lungs, but it was not pleasant. Once more, Chidi decided this was an experience he would prefer not to do again. But it would make for a good story, should he survive somehow.