Chapter 644

Name:Elder Cultivator Author:
Chapter 644

The sharpness of spear points drew lines through Chidis position, and his body moved to negate their intent. A half step to the side on the scree, a twist of his blade to deflect a trajectory, and many other small movements in rapid succession. Then when the time came, he would step inside the range of one opponent and make his own attack, creating his own line through them. Often enough it was successful, and when it wasnt it forced his opponents to retreat to a non-optimal location. Such as closer to the giant snake, which was still present.

Occasionally the battlefield shifted under the will of the giant snake, either pushing or pulling some of the magnetic scree and many weapons and armor. Lesser members of the Harmonious Citadel were the first to fall, while the Essence Collection cultivators were only just realizing the danger they were in. Though the Scarlet Alliance squad couldnt assume the snake would assist them, keeping their opponents between them and it was sufficient to pressure them.

Chidi got locked in battle with one for a few short moves. His body reacted more than his mind, and a moment later he had a large gash on his left side as the spear grazed past with energy extended- but his opponent lost an arm in the exchange. The wound on Chidis side wouldnt matter that much if he immediately treated it. But first the battle had to be won.

Captain Tiras as well as the vice-captain Denitsa had each taken out another of the Essence Collection cultivators. The snake crushed one beneath its body, and then wrapped itself around the remaining one, crushing his bones.

There was a tense moment of groups facing off with each other. Chidi tried to determine where the snake was looking, but he could only feel its motions. A tongue sticking out, detecting heat. Further up its rather large head, he felt trails of blood. So the creatures eyes had been stabbed out. Chidi felt a bit of pity for what it had lost, though he didnt know sight himself.

A roaring growl came from Aconite, not one with meaning besides the obvious. A threat, and intimidation. Neither side moved for a moment, before the serpent began to retreat, cultivator still clutched in its tail. They let it go, because they had no reason to hunt it. Material wealth wasnt worth the very real risk to their lives, especially if they couldnt reach anywhere that would make use of the materials.

Chidi pulled out a medical kit, ready to stitch up his side, but he stopped. He wasnt the only one injured. The squad had lost a few people as well, despite attacking an enemy who was already engaged with a powerful opponent.

The one that stopped Chidi was Ida. A survey of her physical form might have made Chidi think she was dead, a hole through her chest. And certainly, she would be soon. However, her body still pumped blood and retained heat.

The things taught to Chidi by Grandmaster Chikere did not make him a doctor, but he was qualified enough as a basic combat surgeon. Needle and thread found their way into his hands, where he began to stitch up the worst of the damage. It wasnt going to be enough. Chidi also pulled out a medicinal pill from his bag, only to wonder how she was going to swallow it. There was a hole right through her sternum, which went through her trachea and esophagus along with damage to her heart. She couldnt swallow it, but he could shove it straight towards her stomach.Ñ00v€l--ß1n hosted the premiere release of this chapter.

It began to dissolve naturally, but it would be better if it was consciously circulated. Unfortunately, Chidi couldnt do anything about that. All he could do was stop the bleeding- he was very good at undoing cuts, as his training had made him quite familiar with them. It was only a short time directly under Chikeres tutelage, but the comparison to the offensive end of things made it stick with him. And it was better to try than not.

The blood of Chidis first scouting student was all over his hands as he frantically tried to get it back in her. If hed been relying on sight, he would have been completely incapable. His access to inside of her closed up with muscular action, but his energy wielded needles like tiny rapiers, drawing patterns that held the body vaguely in shape.

When he finally got to stitching up her outer wounds, Chidi was honestly shocked she was still alive. That could only be partly his own efforts and the medicine. Proper body tempering training made people more durable, but there were still limits. This required determination to live, and probably a good bit of luck.

Ida did not open her eyes, and Chidi did not want to force her but they had to move. So he hoisted her onto his back, the same as other squad members were doing for those who could not move. Those who did not survive had received quick burials- the enemies were left for beasts to consume.

Chidi realized he hadnt yet worked on his own side. Fortunately, the blood had clotted, partly because of his undershirt. It was going to be a royal pain to disentangle that without ripping open his side, and there was still some internal bleeding, but Chidi circulated his energy and focused on promoting recovery as he moved. This was another sensation he only wanted to experience once. It hurt much worse than the cleaner cuts of the grandmaster.



It would mean you failed to avoid an attack properly, but it also means you were fighting people who barely matter.


Chidi could feel her looking around, specifically the way her energy senses roamed. You left a needle in there.

Before Chidi could ask more, Chikere had stepped a hundred meters over to Idas location and slapped a palm on her back. There was a tiny shimmer as a needle came out of her. Then Chikere held it in front of him. Dont lose it.

Dammit. Was that why shes not healing well?

Nah, probably didnt matter. Looks like she got it pretty bad. But you really have to pay attention to those things.

He had been paying attention, of course. As much as his mind could process at the time. But even now, he was still in a daze, wondering if he would survive. Though at the current moment his body was already wilting with relief. Maybe too soon, though.

Grandmaster, are you able to tell if Shutoll is still under Scarlet Alliance control?

Who and what now?

... the city that way, Chidi pointed. He really hoped there was still a city there.

Oh, yeah. I recognize those swords. Not held by the Citadel, either. So youre probably good. And if not, I guess you can settle there anyway.

Yeah, as if we can defeat a whole city.

I mean, I dont plan to fight your battles for you. But its not really out of my way, and its easier for me to train you if you settle down.

... Right. For the sake of Shutoll, Chidi hoped they had not been taken over by the Harmonious Citadel. Otherwise, he wasnt certain the buildings would survive. He could see Chikere just slicing the whole city in half at chest level to kill an occupying army and wondering why everything toppled over. But that was just his view of the woman he mostly knew about from legends.