Chapter 666

Name:Elder Cultivator Author:
Chapter 666

The time it had taken Anton to hear the incoming message and conclusively determine it was Anishka was more than thirty seconds. That time could have been her demise, as anything could happen in battle. Once he knew her location, he immediately extended his senses around the curvature of the planet before pressing through the barrier. It didnt take long to find her flying up high even with that restriction, and his attacks landed a moment later.

He didnt believe he could shatter a planet encompassing barrier by himself but opening up a hole briefly was another matter entirely. Unless it was specially made to focus all its power on a single point, he doubted it could match his density of energy. And there was another factor. Much of Ekicts defenses seemed strictly tailored to be optimal against ascension energy, logical given their concerns about invaders. That would potentially mean that using Ascension energy to attack was useless, but it actually provided an opening.

A single more powerful arrow crashed into the barrier, causing it to harden. Anton rushed towards the area from his position in orbit, using Star Steps to gain otherwise impossible acceleration as he approached. In his hands was Everhearts bow, still by far the strongest hed seen. Recalling lessons learned from another, he widened his arrows, causing them to cross each other in a large flaming X on the surface of the barrier, right where the Ascension energy had struck. Then from the surrounding energy bows, a concentrated fire of hundreds of smaller arrows.

The energy could not withstand his assault, opening up a small hole. Not enough for Anishka to move through, and it didnt appear she was in full control of her ship. It was maintaining a course even as it was attacked by pursuing ships. But it was a large enough gap for a single person to slip through. The instant he was inside, the gap closed reminding Anton that their barriers limited his access to the star. Not enough to completely cut it off, now that he was connected, but feeling as if he had gone some tens of millions of kilometers further. Not an optimal way to fight, but he was still strong enough to strike down the enemy ships.

It took five seconds each, including killing the Life Transformation cultivators inside. These ships were native to Ekict, meant to travel between their local planets and sturdy enough but missing the combined expertise of several systems. Even if the Sylanis Cluster had not been a willing participant, their contributions made for powerful shields.

It was enough to slow Anton, as he slipped passed the distorted space the ring created and grabbed for a hatch, flames running along his arm and melting it open. Inside, it took him only an instant to reach the cockpit where Anishka was. A dozen bows manifested, surrounding the other four individuals. No wait, there were more. Ten, to be exact. But they shouldnt be enemies.

Wait! Anishka called out as soon as he appeared. Theyre friends! Dont hurt them!

The flames around Anton instantly faded away as he felt her sincerity. The fact that they werent threatening or fighting told him one thing, and the void ants watching over each of them indicated to him they were under control. Sorry. I had to be careful. He glanced around the cockpit. Everythings on autopilot, huh? Probably better than trying to handle everything manually. He looked over the group. Im Anton. The four of you are locals, correct?

They all nodded, looking to Anishka to speak. Patka is my apprentice, she pointed. I ended up joining with Celina, Ilona, and Gilda while trying to hunt some frost apes. They helped us out. That was about the time you yelled at everyone.

So you did hear. Glad that worked. Doesnt seem to have stopped people from gathering armies though.

If I may, might Sect Head, the woman referred to as Celina began to speak, The leading sects dictate much, and the others can do little but follow.

Anton nodded. Sounds traditional. His eyes flickered. So what about you ten? Id like a report.

The largest void ant among them saw Anton watching her, and gestured to the smallest. Interesting. Once she saw his gaze clearly on her, the small one began to sign. I am the leading Sergeant of this squad. I have taken command to complete tasks assigned to me by the Great Queen directly while still allowing these loyal soldiers to complete the tasks assigned by your command structure.

Great. Ill ask for a full report when were out of this situation.

Anton overheard the one called Ilona whispering to Gilda. Does everyone speak their sign language?

I was one of the first test audiences for it, in fact, Anton answered the whisper. The woman froze up, but Anton just smiled as warmly as possible. Anishkas friends. Good, she hadnt had many of those. And an apprentice already? He was proud. But youve drawn more than a bit of attention. Without proper direction this vessel wont be able to escape atmosphere, so Ill need to take over and point us somewhere well have help breaking out before anyone catches up.Ñ00v€l--ß1n hosted the premiere release of this chapter.

Anton was almost certain he could do it himself, from inside the barrier. No, completely certain- with the caveat he might have to rest for a while. There simply wasnt time for that in the current circumstances. If an Integration cultivator and some others found him in such a state, he wouldnt like his chances.

Multitasking came easily to high ranking cultivators, so Anton was able to deal with all of the consoles at once- not that he truly needed most of them. He wasnt an expert on the systems, but hed grown familiar from various flights with others, watching how they worked. Besides, the systems were intuitive to those who understood technology. Anton couldnt say he was fully immersed in the stuff, but after a century he ought to have gotten familiar with at least some of it. Quick reflexes to fix anything he messed up should handle the rest.

My mothers down there? Anishka tensed up. We need to- she stopped herself. Yes, it does require a proper response. She didnt want her mother to sacrifice herself for her- especially since that hadnt at all been what got her out. Though it seemed that she had known it wouldnt help. At least there are brave void ants there.

Speaking of which, Anton said. It appears the Royal Guard has taken interest in the situation, hasnt it? he looked over at several ants that surpassed the centimeter mark in length, quite a bit smaller than the Great Queen but massive as traditional ant sizes went. There were giant ants, of course, but they were without sapience so they were practically grouped with beasts.

It is time for the Sergeant to provide her perspective, one of them said. Anton translated, though most of those involved here had taken the time to properly learn the language. After all, the void ants were a force that could not be ignored. Not safely, at least. The Sergeant gave her explanation, until after the escape from the Northern Glacier Sect. Very good. Then how did you end up with these, and why do you smell like a traitor?

How dare you! Anishka slapped her hand on the table. She helped me so much!

The tiny form of the Sergeant made its way forward. We will resolve this matter internally.

But- Anishka looked to Anton for help, but he shook his head.

For one thing, that was the Sergeants choice. And while it seemed Anishka had grown attached to this particular ant, it really was the void ants business. Except, things were already weird. As far as he could recall, internal division among the void ants was exceedingly rare. He only heard about it because of his connection to the Great Queen. This shouldnt be a big deal.

Except, there it was. A disagreement on how to interpret orders, a battle, and even running off with another groups troops. The tale was woven with no apparent duplicity- though Anton wasnt even certain if he could tell if a void ant was lying. Hed assumed so, but up until now theyd basically been completely truthful at all times. Then again, that was up to personal interpretation wasnt it? Even if they didnt intentionally distort things, they could only act on what they knew and thought they knew.

After the Sergeant completed her part of the story, one of the Royal Guard stepped forward. According to your own testimony, your mission is now complete, correct?


Then you will submit to quarantine until the Great Queens judgment can be provided.


No! Anishka called out. I mean thats not fair!

It is reasonable, the Sergeant said. I did fight with a superior.

They were the ones stopping you from following the Great Queens orders, though!

Yes. And I am confident she will resolve the situation in my favor.

Oh. Anishka frowned. Anton could tell she didnt believe that so well. Though perhaps he could tip that balance. Before he could suggest something like that, however, Anishka continued. But I was hoping you could stay around. Im not done here. She gestured to the four from Ekict. There are good people here I need to help somehow, she looked to Anton, who smiled. Hed definitely support her on that.

Understood, the Sergeant said, turning towards the Royal Guard. The princess requires extended protection service. I cannot go with you at this time.