Chapter 670

Name:Elder Cultivator Author:
Chapter 670

The attack was an unpleasant reminder for the people of Ekict that nowhere was safe. The Trifold Alliance could land wherever they wanted, and retreat just as swiftly. That was true even at the Northern Glacier Sect where Annelie took a detour to scour the libraries.

Anton provided cover for her and those landing, his arrows proving deadly to every cultivators they came in contact with- including those in Life Transformation. Alone, none could stand against him. Together, they could at least defend- though Anton was perfectly happy to constrain their movements.

Less than half an hour after the attack began Annelie had hopped aboard a ship and returned to space with Anton.

I need you to promise to never worry me like that again, Anton said. Trading your life away. Without the void ants, who knows what would have happened to you?The debut release of this chapter happened at Ñòv€l-B1n.

I believe we will all know soon enough, she gestured to several books she brought along. Though those in particular might not contain what they were after. And while I will admit to a bit of recklessness, I believe I would make the same choice again. But if you want a promise, I can do that. As long as you make the same in return.

Anton sighed, I am stronger than you, you know? You dont need to be worried.

You are powerful, certainly, she admitted. But are you invincible? I think not. Out there among the stars on your own, who is to say what might happen to you? It could have even happened here, if Ekict had not gone for the longer term maneuver.

Im confident I could have escaped, Anton replied. As long as he wasnt inside a planetary barrier at the time.

I know there was more to that. Just remember that us younger folk are still allowed to have concern for you.

So, whats in these books? Anton said, flipping through them. Though it looked casual, he was actually reading them thoroughly. Ten Thousand Scrolls had been a great boon.

Annelie had learned the technique as well- though secondhand, as Everheart was precious with his original. It had taken her longer to gain proficiency, but she was able to manage at least a similar speed to Anton. These? I dont know. But something must speak of their technique.

Transferral, Anton said. We learned the name. Speaking of which, youll be quite glad to hear about who brought that news.

Anishka? Anton could see a weight lift off of the mother. Where is she waiting?

Anton shook his head, She was fine. Better than that, perhaps. But for some reason she took after certain members of this family. Like you and your cousin.

Im pretty sure thats your fault in all cases, Annelie said. So, what of Anishka?

Let me tell you what I know, Anton said. And I think you will not be surprised to find where she ended up.

The summary of the story was rather simple. Shed been held prisoner for a time, escaping only with the help of a void ant and an apprentice. Along the way, she made friends with other locals, ultimately escaping on a recaptured ship. In truth, Anton had little details beyond those- but he understood her choices.

So shes down there among them by herself?

That didnt count any sort of combat scenario- they considered themselves prepared for all of that, and would kill any enemies in the matter they deemed most efficient. But when they could not determine if someone was friend or foe, such as the Sergeant, they had chosen to remain detached. The Royal Guard who went along with her were categorized in the same group- unknowns that would not be considered enemies unless they came into conflict. The queens would resolve the situation at a later time.


Nurcan bit her lip. She would have resisted the urge had anyone been around to see it, as someone of her status could not have any bad habits or even uncontrolled tics. They had underestimated the enemy again. Their understanding of tactics was focused on how the invaders from the upper realms functioned. That included mistakes that should have been rectified before anything even began regarding their endurance. These opponents were also native to the lower realms, so they were not restricted in their energy usage.

But that had only been a minor point compared to the way they moved. While they did indeed take resources and knowledge, that wasnt their primary goal. They simply rescued their own, individuals who were often in better states than they should have been.

The biggest problem was the ants. How had they not known about these? The obvious answer was that they were ants. And going through the detailed reports, Nurcan saw some mentions of their existence. That included Aoibhin, but even she hadnt thought much of them. A serious mistake, made worse by compounding with others.

There was a knock on her door, but Nurcan already knew who was coming. Come in, she said. It wasnt an order, but simple protocol. The woman who entered was of course the very Aoibhin in question. You said there was information to disseminate?

The Independence was taken from our hands, she said, leaning on her spear. She wouldnt even sit to be on the same level. But Nurcan couldnt afford to complain.

We are aware of that, Nurcan said. Though it never lived up to the expectations we had for it.

The old man. The archer. I followed from a great distance, and his power was worrying.

Anton? That naive fool?

Im more inclined to believe he had a basis for unassailable confidence rather than him being a fool. I couldnt approach for fear of getting caught, but even from a great distance I felt his power multiply severalfold. He could be an Augmentation cultivator or the equivalent.

Then he would be a valuable Transferral target, Nurcan said.

Theres a reason we kept our heads down, Aoibhin shook her head. Naturally, Augmentation cultivators would have boosted our power to enormous degrees, but we didnt taunt them to bring more. The Trifold Alliance did, and simply slew them.

Individuals out of their realm, Nurcan shook her head. Weaker than they should have been, if still dangerous. But we well, he is fully adapted.

We need to tell him to stop sitting on his ass.

By all means, Nurcan gestured, You can be the messenger.

Aoibhin shook her head. I suppose I must. Its a shame, really. I should have been the one to receive that power. Aoibhin paused, Not that I would think to take it now. We need all of the power we can have here. And unity.

Most dont survive a second Transferral anyway, Nurcan said. If you could speak to him express some urgency given the derailing of our plans.

It will be done.