Chapter 726

Name:Elder Cultivator Author:
Chapter 726

A stream of attacks constantly bombarded the barrier, each strike disrupting the flow and lowering the remaining energy stored. However, Chidi knew that it could last for another day or two at least, and that was if the enemy could keep up their pace. What good was a planetary barrier if it couldnt withstand a little siege, after all?

So why are we here, precisely? Chidi asked the grandmaster. She was standing nearby, her weapons impaled into the ground around her.

Were bait, she said. Theres an entire eighth of that sect that wants to take us out. So we draw in as many of them as we can get instead of them coordinating with anyone else.

What if they dont come here?

Then youd better make your way to that ship over there as quick as possible, she said. I wont be lingering around here, and youre gonna want to get there before I finish them all off.

... all of them? Chidi asked.

Well, I mean, that would take- maybe not all that long, after all. If she used a conservative one hundred swords and killed only one person at a time, he couldnt expect her to take more than ten minutes to take out all of the enemy swordsmen. Unless they sent literally every single member of the Harmonious Citadels sword branch. Then it might take her half an hour.

But the nearest city was a good bit away, so hed have to hurry the ship along if it came to that.

Can they even get here? Chidi asked. I mean, down to the surface. Not like, here specifically. They were simply in part of the old Garden, which was still mainly wilderness to this day.

Of course they can, swordmaster Chikere gestured vaguely. You expect us to just let them keep hitting our barrier forever? Thats a total waste. Just you watch.

And Chidi did, feeling the vast barrier shifting and straining, like the creaking of an old building. Something of that scale he could feel from even a great distance. He also felt some sort of interference. Formation masters attempting to poke a hole in the barrier, perhaps? But they would not be sufficient. Chidi knew his mother and many others had spent decades upgrading and perfecting Xankeshans defenses. They would not be so easily manipulated.

And yet, a hold opened up, Harmonious Citadel ships pouring through. Then another, through which poured Exalted Quadrant ships. But it didnt make any sense. That shouldnt have been possible. Unless there was a traitor? No, with his mother watching the formations personally that still shouldnt have been possible.

Then the holes sealed themselves, the barrier seemingly unfazed by its momentary damage. Of course. It made sense, once he thought about it. It was much easier to deal with a small portion of the enemy forces split off from the others. And there were so many forces on the ground that wouldnt have the opportunity to fight otherwise. Better to split the burden like this.

Hey. You might not want to stand directly next to me, Chikere pointed out.

Around himself, Chidi only focused on the closest blades, dancing around them and turning deadly blows into minor wounds. Blood trickled from wounds that a few millimeters deeper would have struck important arteries. But half of his opponents were defeated.

His opponents could clearly see they had to change their tactics, so they attacked together, a group of eight coordinating their strikes so he would have nowhere to move- his upward escape route blocked by another pair leaping above.

Sharp blades cut through the air, upper energy swirling around them. And then, they suddenly struck a solid barrier. Several were staggered by the sudden change in momentum, allowing Chidi to counterattack the instant the very temporary fluctuation of energy faded. He was the center of the formation, and his opponents were merely components of his machinations.

The battle paused for an instant, as every sword cultivator including Chidi shuddered with fear and ambition together. A hundred swords combined into one, a single sweep cutting apart a vast section of forest- and many of the cultivators within.

Chidi would never do that exactly but he could still learn quite a bit from experiencing it. He just had to survive the battle.


Timothy nodded his approval of the decision to allow some enemy forces to trickle into the planets domain. Taking a purely defensive position was certain to lead to their defeat, sooner rather than later. There was only so much they could fight outside the barrier without risking overcommitting their forces. Even if Zazil and Tauno were able to face just the enemy Augmentation cultivators, they would be severely outnumbered and outmatched. There wasnt much they could do even with support, not against these enemies. Five Augmentation cultivators, including an individual that was probably their sect head. Even if he was also beholden to the Exalted Quadrant.

Though he wanted to go out and fight, Timothy knew there was only so much he could do outside. Better to be here protecting his wife. Should I be outside the facility? Timothy asked. It will be some time before they make it this far. Enemy forces were coming for their capital, but that was where their defenses were strongest- with Exalted Quadrant and Harmonious Citadel ships being cut into pieces before they could even get close enough to land their cultivators. Some survived to make it to the ground, but they were met by forces waiting for them.

If we are sieged, it may be best to mobilize you, Catarina admitted. But I think you would best remain here.

He certainly didnt mind knowing his wife was safe though he was a bit concerned about whatever Chidi was up to, away from the city with Chikere. So he would wait until there was something to do. His senses focused on the battle outside, searching for threats.

He watched his wife move around the room, manipulating the core of the formation. He noticed something out of the corner of his eye. A vent dangling open. He sprang forward. He extended his arm, his energy reaching beyond his shield, and yet he was one step too short. A figure appeared, dagger stabbing towards Catarina.

Time slowed as a surge of energy poured through him. Not some sort of secret ability or spike of adrenaline, but a supportive power hed felt many times before. His own abilities were augmented by the formation around them. And the enemy figure slowed.

The attack was just barely stopped, but Timothys feet continued him forward, swiping at the figure with his sword. She leapt back. The dagger saint seemed to have recovered quite well from his conflict with Tauno- but that was to be expected, as the man had also healed the majority of his injuries.

My apologies, Catarina said without even looking at them. I thought it would take her longer to get here. I planned to reveal her with the tracking subformations. She continued to manage the formation as if nobody had just tried to assassinate her- as if they werent still attempting to do so.

At least Timothy felt good about her confidence in him. Though even with support of the formation he didnt know if he could defeat an Augmentation cultivator one on one. But he was defending not only one of the most critical components of their defenses, but also his wife. He might not win, but there was no way he was going to lose.