Chapter 738

Name:Elder Cultivator Author:
Chapter 738

It didnt take long for General Elling to realize that any battles involving Anton always went well for them. Anton wasnt particularly trying to hide it, and even if he kept his output to something viable within Essence Collection, he couldnt possibly tire himself out. And he refused to let people who didnt deserve it die just because he wanted to keep information about himself safe. But enough people were injured that the common cultivators didnt feel invincible. That was a good enough balance.

Elling never said anything to Anton about it. Perhaps he didnt even know what to say. But their particular army was responsible for much of the push back against Stausos sects. Either they had to flee as soon as they saw the army on the horizon, or fight their way towards Antons hail of arrows.

But unlike some cultivator wars, neither side was motivated to attempt an extermination. Stauso wanted to raid and take what resources they could while weakening their rivals, but they didnt want to fight to the death. Anton let people run. It was an effective way of managing how they would react, and ultimately it made his life easier. If some of their stronger members went all out to try to survive, Anton would have to reveal more than he intended. But as long as they were truly running away, his job was done.

Several years passed and they had officially taken back most of the border towns, where many of the refugees in Krosburgh were from. However, people didnt feel safe moving back immediately. More than that, the particular group that Anton had set his eyes on had mostly joined up with the Order.


The low levels of natural energy on Poriza had greater effects on those attempting to reach higher cultivations. Most of the Orders disciples grew fairly steadily, if slowly, for the first ten stars of Body Tempering. Over ninety percent of them were delayed at the peak of Body Tempering, some for multiple years. While the results were actually quite good by local standards, Anton knew the One Hundred Stars was better than that. It was a top tier method which had produced hundreds of Life Transformation cultivators over the past centuries. Even with mediocre talent, Anton expected at least half of all disciples to reach Spirit Building within a decade.

Even when he had first joined things had been better but the levels of natural energy were much higher everywhere on Ceretos, even at such a time. A decade of effort from one sect to improve the planets natural energy levels was a drop in a bucket in terms of causing real change. Though Anton was proselytizing to other sects and seeing some results over the wider area of Vochaye.

As for his top prospects, the Salim family, each was lagging at the peak of Spirit Building. He expected them to reach Essence Collection eventually, but there were clear limits imposed by the state of the world.

Aykorkem was the first to pick up on Antons disappointment. Even if he didnt say it, perhaps it was somewhat obvious. Though the angle she approached from he found quite interesting. ... Are there problems with your own cultivation, sect head?

Now why would you think that? Anton asked, genuinely curious.

Because you wish to see us enter Essence Collection but you are not much stronger than that yourself. I know it is difficult to reach mid Essence Collection, but I thought a single star in fifteen years

Ah, how sloppy. Anton had not positioned himself as a talentless old man, but a wandering eccentric. It is a prime tempering, Anton said. They can take some time.

Is it so much more difficult to advance within Essence Collection compared to the initial step? She frowned. No, perhaps it is more dangerous instead. That is why you wish to see us advance to Essence Collection before you make the attempt, is it not? So that you can see the sect secure.

That was the thing about those who were smart. You didnt have to lie to them, you could just let them come up with reasons on their own and they would be satisfied. But I dont want to lie to you, Anton said. I came from a place with greater resources. So it is merely that my expectations are mismatched to the current state of things. It is not an issue with your talent or efforts. And about my own advancement actually, I surpassed early Essence Collection some time ago. I simply wished to keep it concealed.

Others will notice, Aykorkem said.

Anton nodded. He should probably reveal his forty-first star, at least, to show he had passed that point. Because while he wanted to take the time to build up the world, some of his ideas also involved worldwide cooperation and a full display of his power. Or perhaps he should settle for the slow and consistent growth his knowledge could provide. Though ultimately, it would be up to the citizens of the planet. He would give them the option, once things were in a state where they could believe he was actually capable of following through on a crazy promise.

I can ease up a bit, I suppose, Anton said.

Is there a reason you are hiding? Aykorkem asked. Enemies we should know about?

A logical conclusion for why he would have left a position of wealth. Its not quite that. I do have enemies, but I am not here running from them. They certainly wont be looking for me. I simply think that taking things one step at a time is better, and thus not appearing too strong. Dont want people to believe Im here to disrupt their positions of power.

But you are, Aykorkem said.

I intend to have all of Vochaye grow stronger, Anton said.The origin of this chapter's debut can be traced to N0v3l--B1n.

That will still upset some, the woman said. Cultivators at the top are used to the status quo, from what I understand.

What happens at one hundred, if I may ask?

Of course, it is ascension. That is the goal of most cultivators, Anton said.

A bold name, she said. It implies a guaranteed path to the peak of cultivation.

Only as far as the lower realms are concerned, Anton said.

Is it?

Nothing is guaranteed, Anton said.

Indeed. But has anyone ever reached ascension with that cultivation method?

We were called the Order of Ninety-Nine Stars for the majority of our existence, Anton admitted. Until such a time as someone finally ascended.

An extreme rarity. A momentous occurrence, yet I hear of so few ascensions. Yet which sects and clans produce an ascension cultivator is logged carefully. The woman frowned, You are not an Essence Collection cultivator. Or your sect would be on our record. Of the seven presumed successful ascensions in as many centuries, none were from the Order. Thus, you could not have survived from such a time until now without greater cultivation.

Your speculation has merit, Anton admitted.

And yet I still find it flawed. I cannot properly determine your age, but that is not the only thing that confuses me.

What else is there? Anton asked.

Your accent. Its like nothing Ive ever heard.

Its a mix of regional accents from all over Poriza, Anton replied truthfully.

There was silence between them for some time. What do you want? Nyarai finally asked.

I want my sect to grow stronger, but for that to happen I need to improve the abysmal levels of natural energy here, Anton said. It would benefit you as well, you know?

I am aware of how that would be beneficial, Nyarai admitted. But not how it would be accomplished. Or where you came from that you would be used to better. Unless she looked up. There was merely ceiling above them, but Anton still followed her eyes to the theoretical sky beyond. Some of those feel like you, a little bit.

Some of what? Anton asked.

The stars. And they didnt feel like that before, she said.

The natural energy brighter stars produce is much greater elsewhere, Anton said. Perhaps he should just come out and admit it? My power is based on that.

She narrowed her eyes. Truthfully, Anton hadnt explained why the feel of the stars would change. But Nyarai let it go.Tell me how the natural energy of the area can be improved, she said.

I would start with farming, Anton said. Everything else flows from there.