Chapter 747

Name:Elder Cultivator Author:
Chapter 747

The mass dumped into Porizas star seemed to have sparked something more than simply the fusion within it. Or perhaps it had something to do with Anton binding the star at the same time. But he didnt have time to think about that now.

The star was awakened, and it was hungry. That was the feeling Anton got from it. Power surged from it, and Anton felt a great pull from it. He immediately counterbalanced the force upon himself while he took stock of the situation. He could feel the effects of the new star on a handful of rocky planets even closer than Poriza. The change in mass shouldnt have affected gravity enough to significantly affect them, but they were suddenly being drawn closer. To a lesser extent, that was also true of Poriza.

The first thing Anton did was fly between the star and the planet. He then set about altering the magnetic flow of the star which had slightly changed in direction, counterbalancing it against the formations set around the planet. But his power wasnt enough all on its own, and his control of the new star wasnt at full capacity the instant he bound it. The process up to the current point had been draining, and now Anton pulled the maximum amount he could from his conduits. In addition to that, he drew upon the ascension energy he had access to, creating a burst of change.

Anton called upon the power of Azun and his familiarity with its power, stupendous magnetic fields. It wasnt possible for this star to sustain the same, or even achieve similar levels for an instant. Yet he still needed to amplify them higher than anything else hed encountered. Magnetic poles pushed against each other, any sweat Anton might have had evaporating instantly from the heat pouring out of him. Poriza slowly inched away from the star, though that was a blessing since it was hotter and brighter than anticipated.

The rocky inner planets were devoured by the star, but those were of little consequence. A swirl of energy expanded through the system, but Anton suppressed it slightly. Not through force, but gentle guidance. He was not powerful enough to wrestle with even the smallest of stars and win. It responded to his attempt, the power that was pulling on the surroundings easing up. Anton could tell that over the next few years every bit of surrounding space dust would be drawn into the star but things began to settle down. The rest of the planets seemed to be safe, at least.

Antons exhausted form was suddenly bolstered with the new warmth inside of him as he relaxed. He was uncertain what had caused the phenomenon. His instinctual description was close to it wanting something, but now that disaster wasnt looming so directly he couldnt feel the same intentionality hed ascribed to it. Perhaps it was simply an unknown physical phenomenon. Specific circumstances often resulted in wildly different results than expected, and that was just Anton thinking of growing two seeds from the same plant in neighboring rows, one growing into a towering behemoth and the other barely breaking out of the ground. They were usually more consistent, but even small factors such as a bit of shade or water changed things.

And when considering the scale of a star, perhaps it was the exact size and type of mass he dropped into it. Or something to do with him binding it, disrupting the flow of its energy. Anton waited ten minutes, an hour, half a day to make certain there would be no further unanticipated roadblocks. The loss of the inner planets was not expected, but also not entirely unaccounted for. It had long been known that something might happen to them.

He slowly drifted towards the planet, feeling the intensity of the star, light and heat and natural energy. It was even more than expected, especially for being on the small end of being a red dwarf. It was still more than a step short of the power of Ceretos star, though the proximity of the planet made up for some of that. It was a success. Better than hed hoped.

And the new power welling inside of Anton reminded him that the results were greater in more than just a single way. He felt something growing, first from Porizas stars and then those in the surroundings. Then those even further, along the route to the Alliance and finally the area around his home system. The conduits were growing, and the distance he felt suddenly didnt seem quite as far. Ñøv€lRapture marked the initial hosting of this chapter on Ñôv€lß¡n.


He just needed to make sure he didnt look for excuses to have to use it, as it would only be useful for targets with predictable paths like planets. And he really didnt need to personally cause the destruction of any more of those. Certainly not without good reason.


Varghese shuddered when Anton displayed his new power to him. Just when I thought I might be catching up he shook his head.

Oh, dont worry about it too much, Anton grinned. Youll be in Assimilation before you know it. Or Integration, but I dont see you preparing anyone to take over.

No, I didnt have any ambitions to ascend even before you arrived. I think the best thing I can do is stand up to the upper realms if they dare to come back, Varghese held himself high.

Anton nodded, Good. Though we could certainly use more Integration cultivators in the upper realms as well. On an only vaguely related topic, how do you feel about meeting with the cultivators from Poriza?

Nervous, Varghese admitted. I mean, you started preparing me for this sort of thing not long after we met. But actually being introduced into a wider galactic community is still he shook his head.

Anton nodded, Oh, I felt that way when I saw Matija and her ship as well. Though it was more of us running into each other, I suppose. They werent even certain about other planets being inhabited, unlike us who knew there were many cultivators throughout the lower realms. And many more to come, I think, Anton said. It is a vast place, but while we know over a dozen populated realms I feel like there should be many more. And hopefully, they would find them still populated instead of ravaged by the Trigold Cluster.

Unlike the initial contact with Ekict which Anton admitted had been rather hasty, Anton was very familiar with Inistra and now Poriza. Only the two systems were close enough to physically interact and Inistra was only just beginning to develop ships that could move around their system, let alone between systems. While that process would be accelerated with the help of others, it would be a long time before anyone but the two would physically interact on a regular basis. Except for the occasional ship stopping by on the way to study Azun.

Anton looked wistfully into the sky, thinking of the thin line that was his route between his most familiar clusters. He would like to expand their knowledge of that corridor and the surrounding area, finding people and if they were open to it establishing proper communication. Though he also enjoyed leaving written notes that might only be exchanged over the course of years and decades like the desert planet Xicil. Hopefully they would still recognize him next time he went by, as he didnt want them to panic about someone who seemed dangerous.