Chapter 765

Name:Elder Cultivator Author:
Chapter 765

If there was any care for her own health, Chikere would have probably tried to sleep when her captor was away. But she didnt. Not right now, at least, and health was secondary to comfort anyway.

Chikere didnt hear the sounds of anyone else. Could it be that she was the only prisoner in this place, whatever it was? Living, at least. The annoying lady wasnt interrogating anyone else as far as Chikere could tell.

So the only sounds were her own heartbeat, her breath, and a repeated tap in the distance. That tapping was annoying, and any time she tried to focus on it to figure out what it was it seemed to fade away.

Her arms escape attempts had found no way to break the barrier on the door, and she was currently focused on carving out a section of wall with a spoon. It wasnt as excruciatingly slow of a process as that might sound. For some reason, someone had spent a lot of money to enchant a spoon. It was probably decked out in gemstones- there were irregularities in the shape of its handle, more than just stylized carvings. Seemed like a waste for it to be locked up, since nobody had even come to take anything in the past days. However many it had been.

The Million Sword Vault at least had their disciples rapidly swapping out weapons. Everything there was meant to be used, eventually. But thinking about the desert sect obviously made her think of swords and that was unpleasant. So she went back to her spoon.

Was there any point? Probably not. Shed already carved through the door, but the barrier had stopped all attempts to pass through. And anything she could think of to break it would draw enough attention to get her hand caught. And if that happened nobody would scratch her nose.

She almost thought it was an intentional tactic, except for the way the shining faced woman had blown her off when she spoke of it. As if such a thing couldnt be important compared to physical injuries. But aches and pains were there for a reason. This itching on her nose wasnt. Unless there was something invisible there, but she couldnt touch it with her tongue and nothing seemed to change with a puff of air.

Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Annoying. But less than her nose. Tap. Tap.

The sounds continued until the light cultivator returned.

Whats that tapping? Chikere asked.

The woman sighed. Clearly you dont understand this situation. I ask you questions. And you answer them.

That was clearly false. The woman was a terrible interrogator. And at best a mediocre torturer.

Oh, she was able to cause damage alright. It hurt, probably, when she broke ribs. It smelled bad when she focused her light on a patch of Chikeres skin and burned it. But either this woman was too important to have someone else take on the job of torturing Chikere or low enough on the totem pole she couldnt get anyone else better for the job.

Probably the first one, just based on the general feeling of her cultivation. Tap. Tap. Ta?

The pattern was a bit off. But maybe Chikere was distracted by the fact that her arm was poking through the wall. Sure, it had taken hours of effort to carve through it, maybe a day but was there really no barrier?

The hole wasnt quite wide enough for her arm, but the adaptive components shifted the bones and she got her elbow through. Then a yank, and her shoulder squeezed through as well.

The annoying woman had a knife. Do you understand? she said. Im going to carve up your body until it cant be recovered unless you tell me what I need to know.

I dont see why I should care, Chikere said. What was she even going to do with her body, anyway? Swing a sword? No way. And there werent really any other things to do. So she was basically done.

She sighed in relief. Finally. Then her arm flopped to the floor and she almost passed out.

Then she realized something. If her left arm was free, she could scratch her nose without so much work next time.

But if she freed her left arm, they might notice her right arm hanging around. Though for some reason they still hadnt spotted it. Was that a feature, or were they too focused on upper energy being the only possible threat?

It was a good thing that her replacement arm didnt use real muscles, because there was no way it could stand up to her chains if it did. As it was, she climbed her arm back up and squeezed one of the links between two fingers.

Clearly, the chains were meant to deal with cultivators who had tempered their bodies to the normal limits. Chikere had never really tested the maximum grip strength of her arm, but as she coiled her fist around the chain link and squeezed, she felt the pressure build on her palm. And then the sound of wrenching metal.

Fortunately, not her artificial bones. Her arm drooped loosely to her side. Hmm, that was a bit of an issue. Also the way her upper body was leaning forward, only supported by the attachment to her neck now. So she got rid of that and landed facedown on the floor in a pool of her own blood.

It smelled like swords.

Her body didnt want to move. But if she had access to her energy, it could. So she began to break off the shackles directly, one at a time. Feeling rushed back into her, and she was able to actually sense the wounds on her body instead of just feeling them. The loss of effective cultivation was a massive difference in her understanding.

Things seemed pretty bad. But she wiggled her left arm by grabbing it with her energy and moved it to her nose. Yep. Good enough.

She let herself take a little nap.

Unfortunately, she was rudely awoken by some guard.

Hey! What are you doing in there?!

Chikere didnt even bother to lift her head. The guard lowered his spear and stepped away from the bars. Smart man. He seemed about to call for help. Since Chikere couldnt move, there wasnt really anything she could do. Though a sword through his throat would do a lot of good.

Oh, there was one. It was kind of weird, though. It almost didnt manage to reach its target because of the formation barrier on the edge of the cell.

Chikere raised her head, looking at the sword. Oh, thats what it was. Blood. That made sense. Blood was swords. Half of her best ones had been made from the blood of swordmasters. Did that mean she was still a swordmaster?

She tried to stand up, finding her left arm still refused to listen. So she pulled her body like a marionette. Then she grabbed her right arm and shoved it back into the circuits and stuff. It belonged there. And she didnt belong here. Wherever here was.

Another sword of blood formed in front of her, grasped in her replacement arm that had no blood of its own. Two cuts and the bars fell out. She imagined there would be a massive alarm going off. She turned right, towards the treasury, running past empty cells and plain hallways. Only to arrive at a dead end, with a small hole in the wall. She peeked through to see the swordless treasury. Why had she come here again? This was all garbage. Oh, there were some medicinal herbs, though. Or poisons. Well, whatever. Half of them were being spread over her skin as a goo, and the other half were going in her stomach.

Whatever happened, shed accomplish some goal. She wasnt sure if she wanted to die anymore, but she wasnt going to leave the option off the table.