Chapter 772

Name:Elder Cultivator Author:
Chapter 772

Instead of immediately returning to Xankeshan, the Scarlet Alliance fleets were tasked with seeking out any additional Exalted Quadrant pursuers in the area. The other groups had no better excuse to be intruding on their territory, and they wanted to prevent them from causing any more trouble on their way out, once they realized their hunt was for naught. The Alliances fleets were better specialized for actual space combat instead of simply carrying personnel, so they were able to manage the task with an acceptable amount of losses.

With the more urgent issues out of the way, it was time to deal with Chikere and the two who came along with her. Margriet was happy to join up with the Scarlet Alliance- and they couldnt reject another individual with the potential to reach Augmentation. Besides, they were allied with the Worthy Shore Society from Ceretos. The only reason she hadnt been part of that to begin with was her time was too early. There hadnt really been an opportunity on her part to split from the Exalted Quadrant. The events on the lower realm had led directly to her arrest.

Sly was the same with the Hardened Crown Sect, except having been from an earlier time. He had no involvement, but he was quite motivated to fight against the people who had kept him imprisoned for a century. Even if there wasnt any more permanent damage than a loss of time, that was only out of the barest respect for the larger sect. And a century wasnt that easy to make up for.

So I just yell at this thing? Sly said, pointing towards a device Catarina had set up.

You dont have to yell, she explained. But it will record the scene.

Yeah I know about capture orbs, Sly said. How are you going to get it to the lower realms, though?

Well only be sending the information, not the device, Catarina said.

Hmm. Whatever. Is it ready?

She pressed a button and nodded. You can begin whenever. And we will cut out any parts you deem unnecessary.

Hey! You idiots! Sly puffed out his chest as he glared at the camera. You all got me imprisoned and you didnt even fight! Youre lucky I dont bash your skull in! Im talking to you, Naamah, he tapped his forehead. You were such a promising young disciple. I cant believe your decision would be indecision. You should have caused some kind of ruckus and committed to it! Anyway, thanks to this Scarlet Alliance here, Im free and alive. And if you all ascend and apologize I wont have to come beat you up next cycle. Also I heard you wont let these people attune their ascension catching stuff to you. Thats pretty stupid because if you ascend into the Exalted Quadrant and they find out where youre from, theyll chop off your nicely fortified skulls, no matter how much you temper your spine. Get it? Sly huffed. Anyway you should probably get back on good terms with those guys in the lower realms. Or dont but if you come crying to me after you die Im just going to say I told you so. He looked at Catarina. Can it hold all that?

It will take longer to transmit, she said. But we can also cut out anything you dont like. She had it play back the message.

I mean, everything after you last spoke was fine, he said. But now that you played it I have to say it all again!

Thats not how this works, Catarina said. It can play it back as many times as we want. And we can cut out anything we feel like, Catarina said, trimming the start of the recording to Slys Hey!.

So theyll get this in a decade or two, right?

Catarina just looked at him. Less than half a year. And only because well have to send a ship to their system instead of sending it directly.

... This stuff doesnt make any sense! Sly said.

It uses the same principles as all interstellar travel. As it turns out, it is much easier to send weightless information between systems than a heavy ship. It just requires something properly tuned to receive a message. And for the fastest results, strict pairing.

Im going to pretend I understand what you said, Sly nodded. So we land on your new homeworld, you send the message, and I get a response in a year?

Or a confirmation of receipt, if they dont want to send a response, Catarina said. And we can relay it from here. It will save us a couple weeks.

I have to learn about this technology stuff. Like Chikeres weird arm.

That was the peak of Ruteran engineering when it was made, Catarina said. I suppose they should be better at that now.

Great. They can fix your friend right up, then.

Maybe. Though I dont know if they can fix her head.

Pretty sure theres no damage to her skull, Sly said.

There are a few things that are growing fairly well, Anton said. And it is kept safe from anything on the surface.

Like swarms of locusts, Three Squeaks agreed. But I think you had something to say about my peoples cultivation?

Yes, Anton nodded. I had an idea based on another people I have seen. You are not in such a desperate situation as them, but just because you dont require a method to survive doesnt mean you wont be suited. And perhaps it might be even better, in some ways. Anton went on to describe certain methods of communal cultivation. Ultimately, this benefits some individuals at the top more than others. In your burrows case, it would likely be Deep Purr and the other guards. Potentially you, though perhaps a bit less if you continue with your independent practice of the One Hundred Stars. But the origin of this technique, Aipra, is able to function with practitioners of multiple styles.

You will be teaching that, Three Squeaks said, not really asking.

Thats right, Anton agreed. It may take some time to see results, but if your people find it a reasonable option I would like to attempt it. I wish I could spend years testing each option, but I think I am able to predict your current trajectory will be less than optimal.

But stronger than we were before, Three Squeaks pointed out.

Indeed. Your hard work is proving that true.

And your aid. Many of us would be bird food without you.

Anton grinned. You understand that working together is good. So we dont have to say any one of us is responsible. I cant make people great cultivators if they dont try.

... What benefit does this provide you? Three Squeaks asked eventually.

Ive already said it before, but you might comprehend better now. Ill start with this. I enjoy this process, so I gain personal benefit just from seeing the results. Eventually, we may talk about me binding your star. It is an interesting one, and that would also benefit me personally. And finally, if you become strong you can help us stand against our foes in the upper realms.

They are enemies you cant fight alone? Three Squeaks asked.

Thats right.

I dont see how we can help, then, Three Squeaks admitted. Youre stronger than everyone here, right?

I am certainly stronger than your burrow.

Three Squeaks shook his head. Not just that. But I mean everyone. You said this world is much bigger than what I have seen. But you have seen all of it, havent you? I think you are stronger than all of it all at once.

Well Anton pondered. If you dont count the Great Queen.

Shes scary, Three Squeaks said.

I would tell you not to be afraid of things you dont understand, Anton said. But its a perfectly rational response. You might try talking to her, though.

My writing isnt good. And my sign is bad, Three Squeaks said. It would be easier to go speak to the eagles.

Do you want to? Anton asked. Speak to either her or the eagles, I mean.

Three Squeaks put his head in his paws. I dont understand either. But maybe I can understand the eagles. Even if theyre scary. As a group, I mean. Three Squeaks puffed out his chest, I am not afraid of just one.

You might not have to be enemies, Anton said. And if you arent, think of the weaker members of the burrow who wont have to be afraid anymore.

... I will try it, Three Squeaks said. Soon. But not today.

You dont have to rush, Anton assured him. But dont be too slow either, okay?