Chapter 784

Name:Elder Cultivator Author:
Chapter 784

They should be close now. That was good, because corralling the cubs was difficult enough without having to defend them from attackers- both sapient and not. The travelers were still mostly healthy, though Echoing Cry did have some small injuries from the battle with the heavier vulture.

But soon they should reach lion territory and then convince the lions to not only not kill the three of them but also accept some cubs that werent theirs. Which sounded a lot more difficult now that Three Squeaks was thinking about it.

Theyve spotted us, Echoing Cry said, flying low above the others. They will come to find you, soon.

How many? Three Squeaks asked.

I think the patriarch and at least one or two others. He looks smaller, though.

Smaller than what? Contented Grunt asked. Compared to Bloodcurdling Roar?

Yes. This group is weaker.

Three Squeaks shook his head. We still dont want to fight them. Lets find a good position. How about that rock? I can stand on top, and it would limit the angles they could approach you from, Contented Grunt.

Let us do so, then, the hippo agreed.

The cubs, of course, were having none of it. Theyd learned they could jump down from the hippos back, so they were constantly being caught. Ultimately Contented Grunt and Three Squeaks worked together to get them all dangling from her mouth by the scruffs of their necks.

Three Squeaks stood nervously upon his perch, feeling the natural energy of the approaching individuals. Compared to the battle he had been in, they seemed rather weak. Mid Body Tempering at best, but given the physical advantages of lions, he was personally in a dangerous position. Then again, he had backup. And Contented Grunt was no pushover.

A large maned lion stomped forward, flanked by two lionesses. The lion roared as he approached. It was a bit intimidating. But nothing compared to what Three Squeaks had experienced. A bold entry into my territory. And a strange group. What is this? the lion said, gesturing towards Contented Grunt.

As the hippo had her mouth full, that kind of left Three Squeaks to do the talking. Echoing Cry was kind of patrolling up in the sky, and certainly wasnt the best at the role.

Cubs from a fallen group. Three Squeaks could have said one that they wiped out, but he didnt want to attempt intimidation given his limited stature. It just didnt seem reasonable. We didnt want them to just die. So we thought we could bring them to someone who would know how to raise them.

And why would we do that? the lion and his fellows paced around the chosen boulder. They could probably leap up to Three Squeaks, but they couldnt fight on top so it was still better. And Contented Grunt could chomp their legs if they tried it. It would simply be more mouths to feed for no benefit.

Well, we thought you might have pity?

Bah, the lion shook his mane. We have no pity for such things. The weak must perish. Such is the way of things with our Upper Plains Pride. There was no question that they were assessing the hippo and meerkat. For danger, edibility, and probably everything else. Perhaps you would be better served with the Kapok Coalition. The way the lion spat those words indicated a clear distaste for the group.

Do you think they would accept these cubs? Three Squeaks asked. Why send us there? It doesnt sound like you get along.

Because I think they would accept them. And then they would be busy feeding more mouths. The lions looked hungry. And yet they began walking away.

Goodbye! Three Squeaks called after them. Im Three Squeaks and-

I didnt ask, the lion called over his shoulder.

... wow, theyre not very friendly, huh? Three Squeaks said to Contented Grunt after they were gone.

The hippo tossed the cubs onto her back. They would stay there for a least a few moments, and Three Squeaks was ready to prod them back into position. Though they were currently somewhat subdued by the intimidating aura of the departed lion. No. But they chose not to eat us.

Probably because they knew we were strong enough to weaken them. And then this coalition would take their territory, Three Squeaks said. But if they take cubs, they might be less terrible. I wouldnt have let this guy have them as soon as we saw him. He was really easy to judge. ... So where would this Kapok Coalition be?

The answer to that was possessed by Echoing Cry. This way. Assuming they meant lions living among kapok trees, of course.

Well, there are these cubs Three Squeaks said. And we thought to bring them to the Upper Plains Pride. But they were unwilling to accept them.

Yes. They are quite unfriendly. So. What has happened to the Lower Plains Pride?

Well, they they died, Three Squeaks said.

Rumbling Growl sniffed. Its strange. I only smell their blood on Contented Grunt here. But you are surprisingly more than you look.

Contented Grunt spoke up there, allowing the cubs to wander for a moment. He fought well, but kept their blood off him.

Strange, Rumbling Growl said. In truth, we did not expect your own coalition to kill him.

You know of us?

Only passing rumors. But seeing the three here together, I know there is some truth. We will take these cubs.

You cant eat them, Three Squeaks said. Just to make that clear. If we wanted that we could have let it happen all along the way.

We will not eat them, Rumbling Growl agreed. You have my word. And my word is the word of the coalition. New blood might prove valuable to us. If not, and they grow up weak despite our efforts we can always find something for them to do. But they will live at least as well as with any pride for a dozen nights treks.

A dozen nights? Three Squeaks asked. ... Is that how far you can walk in a night, or how far I can?

An adult lion, Rumbling Growl said.

Thats far.

Perhaps, Rumbling Growl said. Certainly, it is not close. Come, the last words were to the cubs. They were not terribly loud or forceful, but they seemed to draw the attention of the cubs. Follow me.

The large lions words werent perfect- the cubs still seemed to get off track and he had to carefully bat them back into something resembling a line- but he kept pretty good control over them as they walked away.

And he didnt even threaten to eat us, Three Squeaks said. I think that went well.

Yes, Contented Grunt said. Now then, it is a long walk back. I suggest a faster route.

I dont think Echoing Cry was willing to carry me Three Squeaks commented.

No. But I am. And I will need to, to travel the river.


Three Squeaks had never been in a river before. Next to one? Of course. Paws in? Sure. Up to his neck, once or twice. But in a river? Absolutely not.

It was terrifying. And Contented Grunt was strangely quick for her size. The speed wasnt the scary part, though. It was the rushing water all around them as Three Squeaks stood on top of her head. The hippo half paddled and half ran along the bottom of the river, letting the water push them along.

Fortunately, she let Three Squeaks anchor his natural energy with hers or the rapid course adjustments she made would have yanked him off. They might not seem like much to someone of her bulk, but Three Squeaks was only a tiny meerkat.

He couldnt help but keep looking over his shoulder as they traveled. Not because he was worried about dangers, but because he was wondering about the cubs. He was nearly certain they had done the right thing. The Kapok Coalition, even from his brief exposure, was just as much the right choice as the Upper Plains Pride was the wrong one. But hed also kind of wanted to raise a cub himself. Which was stupid, because he was pretty sure they werent supposed to eat as much solid food as hed been giving them. They didnt have another option while traveling, though.

Still, the trip was good in more than one way. It wasnt just them that could get along. Three Squeaks didnt know if it was just a coalition of lions of if they included anything else, and in some ways well organized lions were more scary but they could act civil. And there had never really been a moment when Rumbling Growl seemed liable to eat them, despite it totally being possible.

Maybe some day they could be friends. That said, it was an awful long way between their territories so maybe they would never meet again. Though the distance was feeling shorter and shorter, as Contented Grunt carried them along. They might be back in less than half the time at this pace. And Three Squeaks knew that he might be able to be much faster, some day. He didnt precisely know how fast Anton was, and he couldnt measure how strong the human was either but he knew it was much more than anything he had experienced. And though he knew it was more than just a little bit ambitious he kind of wanted to be like that, some day.