Chapter 790

Name:Elder Cultivator Author:
Chapter 790

At the current moment, Devon was completely ignoring speed. What he needed was some way to observe more of the small planet at once. He could stretch his senses perhaps a quarter of the way around, which meant no matter where he was he left about half of the small planet uninspected. To get anywhere close to Antons intended speed, he needed much more. That was all without considering that just because he had a single thin line of sensory energy stretching somewhere didnt mean he actually covered half the planet. Instead, it was more of a very gradual process that would cover the area without Devon moving.

With no other ideas, Devon flew along at a steady pace. If he couldnt stretch his senses away from him, perhaps he could leave a trail? He didnt think it should matter whether he was stationary or moving, but he was out of other ideas.

He managed a half loop before his energy snapped. It was too weak and not good for much, even sensing. The thin tendrils of energy simply didnt hold up. But Devon wasnt going to be deterred with just one or two or ten or a hundred attempts.

At this point, he wasnt even looking for Anton. He was just trying to make something happen, with the goal of working out from there. Wanting to make his energy more durable, he expanded the size like a growing vine. It lasted a bit further, but ultimately he couldnt hold onto it enough to complete a single rotation of the training area.

He tried again and again, until the point he began to tire. He zoned out, not quite concentrating on what he was doing. Normally that should have led to an earlier failure, but he was quite surprised when he completed a full rotation and came upon his own energy. The shape was a surprise as well, though it shouldnt have been.N0v3lRealm was the platform where this chapter was initially revealed on N0v3l.B1n.

Chains were natural to him now. Solidity combined with flexibility. Not too complex, but it also saved on energy compared to a tube of similar width. And more important than all of that, it fit him.

Focusing his energy, Devon could feel a small area around the chain. He would likely need hundreds or perhaps thousands to survey the entire planet at once but it was progress in what had seemed a hopeless endeavor.

Next he began to attempt other things that seemed natural to him. Forming a chain behind him might be useful in rare circumstances, but it was much better if it extended away from him. Unlike an actual chain, he had no issues with pushing it away from him as it grew. Letting his other energy fade, half an hour later he completed a thin chain, smaller around than his finger, stretching from himself in both directions around the small planet. It wouldnt be any good as an attack, and he could still only sense a small distance from it but it was faster. And more importantly, it had greater reach.

Before attempting anything more, Devon messaged Anton to inform him he would be taking a proper break. He didnt have anything in him to actually find his grandfather. Not in any reasonable period of time.

After a few hours rest, however, they began again. No doubt Anton was watching everything Devon did, but he hadnt commented when they met up. Whether that was a sign of approval or not was unclear.


Two chains connected into each other from Devons outstretched arms. Then he brought them together, linking them in front of him to make them fully a single entity. The difficult part was doing so in a perpendicular direction while holding the first. Hed tried a dozen times, but now he finally felt confident he might actually complete it. Soon enough he had the planet divided into quarters and he was glad he had followed his instincts. Something about the zones between the chains drew his senses towards the others. The range was greater, though nowhere near close to spanning all of the planet. Along with that, Devon found he sensed deeper into the planet- though earth and solid stone still greatly diminished the distance.

Devon didnt know how hed gotten it into his head that he had to survey the entire planet at once, but something told him that he was making progress in the right direction. Creating a third chain was difficult, and a fourth shattered his concentration before even an eighth of a rotation in either direction. But as he grew more practiced in the budding technique, he began to see where it might lead.

Narrowing his focus, he created a sphere of chains around himself, criss-crossing over each other. There were dozens of them, but they only hovered around a kilometer away from him. He could see further than that, and even just expanding his senses normally he could take in the whole area. But something was different when he did it that way. He could focus on any spot in much greater detail, and the shift was rapid.

As he slowly worked to expand it, he determined that the number of chains required was fairly limited. Four divided the planet into eight slices. Perpendicular to that a single slice doubled it to sixteen. Crossing more and more, he determined that five more chains completing crossing sections for a total of nine would cut it into forty-eight triangular regions of equal size.

Nine. He had a goal. He couldnt guarantee that he would be able to sense everything between them, but the strange crossing pattern wouldnt leave his head. And in general, that was a good thing in cultivation. Focus provided results.

The next time, Anton hid his energy. It still only took Devon a few seconds to notice him in the area. Your physical body is a stark contrast to everything else here, Devon said. Its not bare rock, its the only thing moving so its hard to miss you.

Not bad, Anton said. Now we need to test somewhere with distractions. I would suggest Ceretos except its quite a distance away. So Akrys will have to do. Its quite a bit larger.

I am not certain how much that will matter. The shell should scale more slowly than the volume it covers, at least. Its some tens of thousands of kilometers of chain either way.

Atmosphere might screw you up, Anton noted. And larger gravity. I notice you kept the chains significantly above the surface

Devon nodded. I think atmosphere will be factors in creating the mesh, but for that I only have to go a bit away from the planet. Gravity may or may not be an issue. Well have to see. Either way, I dont think Im quite ready to cover something the size of Akrys. And the natives there might panic.

Only if theyre looking, Anton said. Its a great expenditure of energy, true, but I was watching for it. Spread throughout the entirety of a planet, its nothing much. The smaller meerkats could snap the chains apart, if they came upon them. Not that they would, above the planet. Im surprised you can actually sense from there, though.

Devon shrugged. Its just what fit.

I understand that, Anton agreed. Following my arrows, I get a clear sense of things far away from my body even at extreme ranges.


Just to be certain, Anton went to find the coalition. He had Three Squeaks sense the sky as Devon attempted his technique. It took Devon a few tries- that was after resting for a few days after their latest experiments- but he managed to surround the planet for a few moments.

I havent sensed anything yet, Three Squeaks said. Except the line that was going up from him, he pointed to Devon. Is it done?

Indeed, Anton nodded. Thank you for the verification. Approaching Devon, Anton informed him of the good news. It should require active attention and or very significant senses. I wouldnt immediately try anything risky but its going in the right direction. So what did you sense?

Devon shook his head. In that time? I could only sense the strongest things. You, myself, Ty, and the few scattered Life Transformation equivalent creatures on this planet. Though I also have a pretty good feel for the terrain as a whole.

Anton nodded. Picking out all of those things is good. Lets compare notes from my previous observations. Anton was used to sweeping individual locations- including extremely wide arcs. But now he was feeling that his techniques were a bit too limited. Sure, he got instant feedback and better quality information in an area, but covering a large area all at once seemed valuable. Anton didnt think he would be content stopping with a single planet, though.

Author's note: The shape of chains ends up like this

Also, does that mean this chapter is 3k words now since it has +1 picture? :P