Chapter 794

Name:Elder Cultivator Author:
Chapter 794

The one thing Velvet definitely had to avoid was rushing into anything. She only had to get stupid once and make a mess of things for her time to be over. Leading pursuers on a grand chase all the way back to the Scarlet Midfields was a nice thought, but that wasnt the sort of thing that could happen again and again. And unlike the incident with Chikere, it was just Velvet alone.

So the fact that it had been over a year and she basically had nothing of use grated on her, but she kept strong. And she wasnt quite without valuable data. Her brief interactions with the Limitless Edge had been rather informative, though mostly in the way she now knew they were to be avoided at all costs. There was something dangerous about them beyond their martial capabilities. Among other things, they absolutely couldnt be allowed to infiltrate the Scarlet Alliance, because their ability to pass along information such that Velvet was recognized was concerning.

But she looked different now. Not something flimsy and vulnerable like an illusion, but more practical changes. Encouraging her hair to grow, restyling it, changing her outfit to be drastically different these were the most effective things. She wouldnt hide, because anything hidden let people know there were secrets to be had. At most, she kept her cultivation subdued but that wasnt terribly suspicious, as long as she didnt try to erase her feeling entirely. And underneath that low profile was another layer of deception, making her appear to be part of the Citadel of Exalted Light.

People were quite willing to talk around her, but unfortunately she hadnt heard anything secret. Trips to this or that planet for training or missions or the like would only be useful if she came across an abnormal pattern- which required knowing the normal patterns first. Nothing was on the borders anyway, so it hardly mattered.

But speaking of borders, Velvet had plans to continue slowly to the west. Her eventual intention? Determining the actual limits of the Exalted Quadrants territory. That would give their alliance a better understanding of their total combat strength- and though they were quite certain they could be overwhelmed, knowing the numbers would still be useful. Such a behemoth couldnt afford to send all of their forces after a small threat. They would hopefully have other enemies and if not that, internal instability.

Both were important goals, though Velvet didnt realize how relevant her small report on the Limitless Edge would be to one individual.


Yes, thats it! the declaration caused Chidi to turn his attention from his own training to his former master watching nearby. She didnt do much except linger nearby, but that was significant progress from how she was before.

That didnt feel like anything special to me, Chidi said. Wasnt it just a normal swing? He repeated it just to make certain. It was definitely practical, but he didnt find it worth exclaiming out loud about.

Not that, Chikere shook her head. Well, that but also everything else!

I will need more information to understand, Chidi said.

This is why I have to do everything, Chikere said, holding up her communicator.

Ill take your word for it, Chidi shrugged.

Right, Chikere stroked her chin. Umm, basically Velvet said that a Limitless Edge disciple recognized her without ever meeting her.

Okay thats bad, right?

No, its good! Because it explains why they do everything wrong!

... Does it? Chidi tilted his head to the side for effect.

Obviously. Because they have to do everything! Dont you see, perfection is attained through understanding every possible move. Even the bad ones. The worst ones. And it doesnt matter if they die as long as someone remembers what they did! Chikere nodded seriously.

So what youre saying is the Limitless Edge Sect selects which movesets are optimal by the disciples that die?

No no no! Chikere waved her arms wildly. Thats not it at all. I guess the dying thing is part of the process. But its all about sharing the knowledge.

I need more swords, Chikere said as she looked up at the sky.

You should be careful with that, Chidi said.

Dont worry, she said. I will be. How am I supposed to reach infinity if I die along the way?


Anton had truly hoped that the tides of the world would bring him somewhere close to Akrys, though in some other way that would have been the worst result. He didnt really want whoever seeded life there to return and fulfill whatever plans they had for it. He couldnt even be sure if they would be from the upper realms, he just kind of assumed that as they were prone to extremes. Either way, he intended to ensure that the people there would be able to stand up for themselves. Although he was aware that empowering the world would make it a more attractive target, if they were going to be targets eventually he might as well make them grow swiftly and intentionally- so they could be ready if something should happen.

Ultimately, the path took him a bit to the east, which shouldnt have been a surprise. It matched up to not be all that far from the upper realms planets that had been occupied to prepare for invasions.

Anton extended his senses, trying to feel into the systems there but his natural energy broke down. No, it was destroyed through a reaction of the ascension energy. He didnt really expect much different, except the first time hed tried it he simply hadnt been able to reach far enough to elicit a reaction. The upper realms were forever impossible for him to reach. He had no regrets about that, since hed needed the power of Fleeting Youth. Even now, the ability to draw upon ascension energy in the lower realms was a great asset.

Anton pondered, considering something hed tried before. Now was a fine time to get in some practice for a situation that might never come up. And if nothing worked, it would still be cathartic.

He drew ascension energy through the connection within himself, and felt the reaction of the upper realms lightyears away. His arrow flew straight and true, covering impossible amounts of distance in a relatively insignificant time. It was a journey of days for even the fastest subspace travelers, so reducing that to hours wasnt bad. It was obviously a bit awkward for an attack and if he wanted to attack deep into the upper realms, this was not and would never be the right method.

Because as his stolen ascension energy came into contact with what existed on the edges of the system, it began to mutually annihilate. Soon enough, his arrow was gone almost as if it had never existed. Except for the explosion in the area, which anyone nearby wouldnt have been able to ignore.

So it was no good for attacking into the upper realms but someone on the border it might not be that bad. It could be quite useful for taking people out before they even properly entered the lower realms. Anton was quite pleased with the results, in the end.


The cries of eagles let the Lower Plains Coalition know there was trouble afoot. Well, not necessarily trouble but what else could it be when there were lions approaching? Theyd had a good streak of seasons where they were able to thrive, so it seemed inevitable.

Three Squeaks wanted to call Echoing Cry to carry him, but that would ultimately be a net negative to their combat power. Not because he couldn't fire his bow from up in the sky, but because then Echoing Cry wouldnt be able to. He was actually getting good at archery now, which kind of meant anyone who couldnt fly literally could do nothing to him. Except the few archers that existed, but all of them were in their coalition. Though there were probably some things that could toss rocks or trees, if they were strong enough.

Three Squeaks did manage to catch a ride on Contented Grunt. Not that she was any faster than himself, and definitely not more maneuverable but it was a lot of effort for him to scurry along at the same speed the hippo plodded naturally. Who do you think it is? Three Squeaks asked. It has to be that Upper Plains guy, right? He seemed like he was going to cause trouble eventually.

Echoing Cry replied from above, I dont know, but I see four of them. One is quite large and familiar. Im going to get closer.

Be careful! Three Squeaks called after his airborne ally.

If they were actually under attack, then the three of them probably wouldnt be enough. Then again, they were in Spirit Building. Was that enough to stand up to lions surpassing them in numbers? Three Squeaks would have said yes almost any day, until he began to sense them and realized that the lions, too, were in Spirit Building. The big one in the lead was barely in Spirit Building, but that wasnt reassuring- because that wasnt on the low end, but the high end. If he practiced the One Hundred Stars, hed be at a full twenty-seven or twenty-eight.

Just be prepared to stomp back towards the others quickly if we have to, okay? Three Squeaks said to the hippo underneath him.

Yeah yeah. I like living as much as you little ones, you know. But we do have to see what they want first.