Chapter 804

Name:Elder Cultivator Author:
Chapter 804

When the primary ship carrying the diplomatic team for Vrelt finally arrived, Devon reached out for it. It was of such a size that creating a construct like his World Encompassing Chains to sense it was a waste of effort. Before he could even construct them, more basic senses would be able to take in everything all at once.

As he did so, Devon found himself surprised. Then annoyed. Finally, he arrived at an understanding of why certain information had been missing.

He approached the ship, entering through their airlock as they recognized him. On the other side of the airlock, waiting for him, was Aerona. This explains why nobody told me who was heading the diplomatic efforts.

Thats not quite true, the woman replied. My position might even be below that of the others here.

And yet, word of your presence didnt reach my ears, Devon pointed out. That could not be an accident.

Aerona shrugged. Perhaps not. Are you upset?

I cant say what I feel, Devon admitted.

You know, if you had been keeping in touch better you might have known.

Devon sighed. Ive contacted you more in the last few years than my grandfather, ignoring the portions of time we were together. But I must wonder what is the Empress of Udre doing here?

They needed qualified diplomats. And interacting with people is what I have focused my cultivation around. She bit her lip. Was the surprise really that unpleasant?

I am glad to see you, Devon admitted. But now I will worry more about security.

She pouted slightly. I thought it would be fun. But didnt you plan to go somewhere safer like Nidec?

Devon shrugged, When do cultivators plans ever work out? Its not crazy that I drifted towards the greater potential danger. Or actual danger, as it turns out. At least Aerona had advanced to Essence Collection, though that wouldnt protect her as much as it would on her homeworld. After all, along with cultivators that could match Devon at the Assimilation stage, there were a great many Life Transformation cultivators upon Vrelt. Please dont say you came here just because I did.

I came here because people like me are needed, Aerona said. Much like you. But I admit that might not be the only reason.

What happened to people getting ideas?

She shrugged. With you, I imagine it will take more than a few years for anything to happen. And Im not nearly old enough to be willing to wait longer for a chance.


Devons job was, approximately, to stand around and be menacing. And in some ways, doing that from the maximum possible distance would have a greater effect. In this case, he just stopped hiding his cultivation, letting his energy naturally radiate forth from his body.

Along with him was another Assimilation cultivator from Ceretos, Cai from Marvelous Rabbit Mountain. Determining the mans essence was difficult, but obviously it didnt bind him to a single place. The third Assimilation member among them was from Weos. Atalanta was her name, and she was a member of a sect known as the Descending Apostles. From what Devon determined without asking, she should be more bound to the concept of gravity than a specific place so any fight on or near a planet should be her domain.

The power of that declaration was projected in all directions- including past the planetary barrier- but the response was not. However, from the way the ships rapidly turned back the way they came they were clearly unable to provide a favorable answer.

There was a short period of silence, then the projection of the figure turned towards the sky, and thus the ship there. And you?

The Lower Realms Alliances wishes to establish a diplomatic embassy here on Vrelt, Aerona replied, the ship providing the returning path of energy. That aggressive woman informed us that you supported the initiative to cut off the planet from the outside and reject all communication. But we came to request that you reconsider.

Reconsider? That woman doesnt speak for me! Taalay growled. Sealing off our planet against invaders is one thing. Rejecting visitors is quite another. If your intentions are true, then perhaps we could consider hosting you. But first I must ask why is it you who speaks? What of those three? the man asked.

This was one of the difficulty points they had considered in advance. Not everyone would accept the word of someone weaker than themselves. But Aerona had an answer ready. We find it is often better for individuals to specialize. My own job is to speak, while theirs centers more around the martial disciplines.

So you have specific people to do all the lying and political maneuvering, Taalay grinned. Smart. That was about the best reaction they could hope for. It seems you are prepared to stay for the long term, and I find my curiosity outweighing my caution. You may approach, as he said the words the barrier thinned above the area, before disappearing. Though there was still a barrier over the greater part of the sect, there was a clear gap with something recognizable as a landing zone. I trust you can maneuver your way there?

It will not be a problem, Aerona replied.

Everyone felt a sense of relief as they began to descend, though Devon didnt slack off in his awareness. The sect head could potentially destroy their ship, if he wished to. At least, if nobody was ready to act. Just because Devon and the other Assimilation cultivators would most likely be unharmed didnt mean they would be careless. And he was not the only one of similar power within the sect- though Devon noted that the other individual of note was not currently present.

This is one of the best scenarios we could have hoped for, Aerona said. The others agreed. Devon was especially glad that they didnt have to break through the barrier or act too aggressively, because not only would that look bad it would give away a secret they had. Now, it was available for use later without anyone being able to prepare a response.

Devon thought to remind her that this sect head was not a pushover but that seemed redundant with both what she had just seen, and would make it seem as if he thought she hadnt paid attention in important briefings. Then again, that was also why he was in his position- and why they chose him.

As one might expect of its name, the Supreme Silver Sect had quite a few reflective surfaces- but they hadnt gone so far as to cover everything with silver. Instead, they got a way with a bit more subtlety, as far as cultivators went. That was reasonable, especially since their name wasnt simply because of a certain sort of metal.

Taalay came to greet them personally, but his expression flickered with confusion as he passed over their ship. Most likely because the vast majority of it was not currently shielding itself from perception. This was another ploy, of course. A declaration. There was no need to hide anything, because nothing could be replicated just by looking. Among other things were the mundane technological components that still took a deep background to fully replicate, but they also had unique branches of formations developed to run the energy components. Courtesy of Everheart, indirectly.

Welcome, the sect head said. I, Taalay of the Supreme Silver Sect, am honored to welcome such an interesting group as yourselves. Fear not, as guests of the Supreme Silver Sect your safety is assured. I imagine you dont intend to entreat solely with us, however?

It is our intention to establish relations with Vrelt as a whole, said one of the other diplomats. Or we would not need so many of us. But we can also negotiate individual trade deals and the like.

Is that so? Taalay nodded, mostly to himself. I suppose you must have noticed my earlier interest. Would such trade deals include ships such as that one that flies outside the skies in the space beyond?

Only once a certain level of trust has been established, the diplomat said tactfully.

Taalay grinned widely. I see. How interesting. His gaze turned to Devon and the other Assimilation cultivators. And would you be interested in exchanges of cultivation knowledge?

Devon could answer that one himself. We would be happy to, as long as it continues to be to the benefit of both sides. I must admit some personal curiosity about your path to arrive where you are. His observations hadnt picked up many details, as it turned out people didnt loudly discuss such things outdoors. And focusing in detail on any of those cultivators was more likely to get him noticed prematurely.

Obviously neither side would share important details of cultivation immediately. Most likely, they would share some low or mid level techniques. But that was just another way to encourage Taalay and others to give them time to actually establish trust which they would need to reveal the Trigold Clusters infiltration. That also meant engaging with the Trigold Clusters minions to some extent, but that could prove valuable in some ways as well.