Chapter 815

Name:Elder Cultivator Author:
Chapter 815

The more he made use of the World Encompassing Chains, the more Devon became aware of its flaws. However, all of those flaws were inherent to himself and his own skill rather than the technique itself. Its limited ability to pierce through barriers was something he could work on, and his inability to process all of the information coming in was another. Each of these issues might be fixed by reaching the Enrichment stage on the other hand, perhaps he would have to overcome the flaws to advance. There wasnt always a clear line in the world of cultivation. He wasnt even certain that Enrichment would be the next step for him- if he could achieve a next step. His path was different from his grandfather, after all.

The last few days, he had been involved with putting together a plan of attack where they would attempt to secure a route to the Runic Complex. They didnt know how long they might need to study whatever they had there- immediate destruction and retreat might be possible, but if it were not they would need a secure route of retreat. Alternatively, they might wish to hold the area as a foothold inside enemy territory into the future.

There are two general methods of approach, Taalay said, reviewing information for those present. Specifically, the cultivators from the Lower Realms Alliance, the Supreme Silver Sect, and representatives of the Flaming Shore- as well as the leadership of some lesser sects in the area. We have wide freedom to move on land or sea, potentially endless routes. But our movements will be exposed to the view of our enemies from mountaintops and airships. If we intend to bring a proper army, our speed of approach will be limited.

Taalay looked around at those present, making certain they were all paying attention. Different people had been involved for different stages of their plans, so most wouldnt have heard everything yet.

The alternative is to proceed through the mines. We will be concealed until we make contact with the enemy, but there are only a handful of routes and thus they are easily predictable.

Nobody interrupted him with comments, instead waiting for the rest of the explanation. Most already knew their own part of the plan, but they couldnt be certain of everything.

Taalays impressively long beard fluttered back and forth with his head movements. And so, we will be attempting both. The team on the surface will be acting not as a distraction, but as a tactical misdirection while still achieving relevant goals. The Flaming Shore will be the primary agent in this regard, carving out the Wavecallers from enemy territory. We will use the threat of their sect heads life to keep the Wavecallers themselves subdued, with the intention to have Rui and the sect itself join us when they no longer feel pressured by the Trigold forces. The ultimate intent is to secure the local waterways, while our other forces sneak towards our other target, the Runic Complex. It is uncertain whether they will fight against us, but optimally we would secure their cooperation in carving out a path back towards the territory we secured overland. Otherwise, our intent is to take over the sect in secret, especially the secure areas.

Devon was aware of another, unmentioned, prong of attack. It was impossible to say for certain if there were any spies among them, willing or unwilling. So keeping some level of secrecy even from the upper ranks. In this particular case, they were keeping in reserve the secondary ship. It would be able to descend upon either location- in theory, at least. They hadnt tested their ability to circumvent the barrier for obvious reasons. If the enemy learned they could do it, they could work to counteract it. In the worst case, the three Assimilation cultivators could for their way through a small portion of the barrier, but the hope was not to need them at all.


Devon, Taalay, and Cai led the forces underground, bringing along with them the best formation experts available. Their force was smaller than twenty individuals, consisting of nobody below Life Transformation. They had a longer route to take, since they didnt want to approach the tunnels that had most recently led attacks on the Supreme Silver Sect. There was no indication of anyone lingering in the area- they would have been hunted down otherwise- but it was still more cautious to approach from a different angle.

That meant going a significant distance out of their way, over a day of travel even at their speed. Devon could feel the power flowing through the tunnels, as they still remained part of the greater planetary barrier. It was tempting to destroy them but that was not his call to make. Besides, it would certainly give them away. If they managed to occupy the region as they intended, they could go back later to carve apart pieces of the barrier. Eventually, the modified barrier would have to collapse right?

Or perhaps not. But even if it turned into dozens of individual barriers over spread out sects, they would be weaker without the flow of energy from a wide area. But that would be determined in the future. For the moment, they were to follow along with the formation experts who were watching for spying formations.

Devon knew how simple it was to raise an alert when there was activity in an area, as long as it was not passed through frequently. The connected portions of the mines mostly didnt have living things moving around, and picking out things above a certain energy level was likely valuable regardless of whether it was human or not.

The silence, except for their constant footfalls, made Devon want to initiate a conversation. But he also wanted the formation experts to be able to fully pay attention to what was ahead.

Every once in a while, they stopped. Sometimes, it was nothing. Other times, they would destroy some markings, sometimes prying out materials inlaid into the walls.

The planetary barrier is at least powerful enough that they cant place alterations frequently, one of them known as Evgeni commented. Otherwise approaching secretly might be impossible.

Another day or two passed- without sunlight, it was simply a matter of resting enough that they werent fatigued. While Life Transformation cultivators might be able to move with speed for a week or more, it wouldnt do to arrive somewhere below their full potential.

She grimaced. I havent heard that name for a long time. Its not even a correct diminutive of Ashildr.

Better than the alternative, though, Taalay said. You didnt tell me you had advanced to Anchoring.

Maybe if you had come to visit. Were practically neighbors here, you know.

Weve passed by over a dozen sects affiliated with forces from the upper realms, Taalay said. And while I wasnt aware of that full connection, I wasnt on good terms with them before regardless. Why didnt you visit instead, if you cared?

I wasnt in the mood to travel, Ashildr said. Id rather stay in and fiddle with my formations.

A lie. Devon was certain of it. Though perhaps it wasnt quite correct to say it that way. She wasnt exactly hiding anything with her tone of voice. It was a falsity, enwrapped in a truth. If Devon unpackaged it correctly, she did love formations but it wasnt necessarily her choice.

What are you hiding? Taalay asked straightforwardly.

It wont do you any good to know, Ashildr said.

I think I would rather judge that myself, Taalay said. Will you show us, or do we have to do things the hard way?

You really intend to fight? You know their power. We arent enough.

Taalay shook his head. I dont see that as a reason to capitulate. And that is assuming we fight alone. But we have help, he gestured to Devon and Cai.

A handful of outsiders? Ashildr shook her head. Its not enough.

Id tell you to wait a short time and find out, Taalay said. But I dont feel like we can afford that. Whats happening here?

Ashildr sighed. Fine, Ill show you. But I warn you, destroying this wont help, and will only alert them that something is wrong.

Very well, Taalay said. Then he waited. Do you intend to lower these barriers?

I cant believe you eat Heaths food and dont trust me.

Perhaps if we had stayed in contact more. Besides, you still havent done it.

Just come. Ill lower them a few at a time.