Chapter 833

Name:Elder Cultivator Author:
Chapter 833

The return trip was mainly uneventful, but not useless. Beyond the simple merits of bringing Three Squeaks closer to exploring the whole planet- a task he was only barely beginning to comprehend the magnitude of- it allowed people time to digest what they had learned. Meep either didnt take that time or was always doing so, as he remained equally active in his gathering process. The more he put in his bag, the more Three Squeaks wondered how improbable that potential explosion was.

Half Oink hadnt quite gotten the big showdown she wanted- the beaver chief simply didnt have the right fighting style for her. Something with fangs and claws that wanted to tear the warthog apart might be better. But she no doubt gained some insights of her own regardless.

Meanwhile, Three Squeaks came to understand that he was actually in Essence Collection. Had it been before meeting Slick and the others at the lake, or after? He wasnt certain, but he knew he needed more time to properly comprehend his essence. But that was the whole thing, wasnt it. At the very least, he knew it was not terribly dissimilar from Antons. Yet despite Anton being his main instructor, Three Squeaks knew that wasnt something that could be inherited directly. It all came down to the individual and what they desired. Obviously there had been some influence from Anton, but the whole reason for that was because he had a similar drive.

He just happened to be missing a full lifetime of experience. A long lifetime. Anton had said once that he was four hundred seasons old when he began cultivating. Even if Three Squeaks pared that down to a more reasonable meerkat lifespan, what did that mean to him who had barely two dozen seasons in him? It made Three Squeaks wonder, though. Perhaps he was focused too much on a single thing. Cultivation was good, and exploring the world as well but there might be things he was missing out on.

He didnt even know if that was a problem. Anton was a grandfather of many- including one of the few humans who had shown themselves, Devon. Should Three Squeaks have a family? Was that important? It wasnt as if the meerkats actually needed it. In times past they survived mostly due to a high birth rate, but now they rarely died. It was barely even related to the direct expansion of their lifespans, because the majority had been eaten by something. Now, anything for days of travel that could eat them was usually on their side. Or some sort of intruder that would be quickly dealt with.Ñøv€l-B1n was the first platform to present this chapter.

So having children wasnt important. Indeed, they could easily overdo it. They were able to produce an astounding amount of food in their lands, but that wouldnt expand infinitely. That was an awareness Anton had drilled into their heads. Sustained outward growth could only lead to conflicts and inevitable disaster.

He felt a pinch on his energy, looking down to see Fearsome Mandibles. What?

She tilted her head. Nothing.

Then why do that?

Hungry, she signed. Your energy is the tastiest thing here.

Could you not? he asked. I need that.

No you dont, the void ant declared. Its not like Im taking away from your maximum cultivation. Just your current stores.

Even so, Three Squeaks said. You need to ask. And get approval.

How troublesome, the princess said. If ultimately understandable. It will be easier when we return to somewhere with good food.

Do you even need food? he asked. Dont you eat natural energy?

Its much better to consume it infused into something to digest over time.

How much can you even eat? He asked. Youre tiny. Though he did notice she had gained a few units of size. What did Anton call those, millimeters?

More than it looks like. But were also supposed to gather food to share. So I understand.

The Great Queen told you about it?

The ant shook her head. I just know. Even without having been part of a proper void ant colony.

Thats convenient.

Sly paused, then took a deep breath.

Ah, who am I kidding. It will obviously be the latter. So make sure your heads are harder than theirs, alright? And remember, dont do anything I wouldnt do.

He threw his head back and laughed uproariously. Then he turned. Alright, I think thats it.

Arent you going to give them any advice? Margriet asked.

And have it be months old when it arrives? No way. They just need a little kick in the pants. They have to manage their own junk without me, after all.

Fair enough, she said. Oh, should we have stopped the recording? she asked, looking to Engineer Uzun.

No problem, the man said. Editing this sort of thing is trivial. Well have people put together something this afternoon for your approval.

Make sure you leave in all the shouting, Sly said. It wont do you any good to try to blunt my words. Unless you send them along on some sort of projectile. Oh, can you make the message into an explosion that smashes a crater into the ground?

Thats not possible, Engineer Uzun lied, though mostly for the sake of brevity. But we can at least send the message directly to them now, instead of relaying it through the rest of the Alliance.

Hey, I just thought of something. This Scarlet Alliance here, were basically the same as the Lower Realms Alliance there, right?

To some extent. Its more like were part of one larger alliance instead, as much as we can be with the more or less one way exchange of people.

So shouldnt we call ourselves the Scarlet Midfields and Lower Realms Alliance?

No, Uzun said. For one thing, its still secret that we can easily communicate.

And the name is unwieldy, Margriet Gelens said.

I suppose some hardheads in the upper realms wouldn't be happy with it either, Sly shrugged. They dont like how cocky us ascended individuals can get.

We have good reason, Margriet pointed out. The transition from lower energy to upper energy is a valuable strengthening process, as well as the fundamentals of control.

People dont like knowing that, though. Ah well, he shrugged. They actually have more opportunity to get their hands on lower energy infused things these days. I cant believe you guys are actually importing storage bags full of rocks.

Theyre gemstones, Engineer Uzun said. And its practical.

Could you just use rocks though? he asked. You can shove a lot of energy in a rock.

... Im sure it has been considered, he said. And people do tend to bring a variety of materials.

The conversation petered out eventually, and they went on their way. Soon enough, Sly would be back to re-record his message because he felt he hadnt yelled at them loud enough, and then his motivating speech would be sent to the Hardened Crown Sect in the lower realms.