Jiang Gaode and Jiang Xinli are slightly inferior to Jiang Renyi in strength, but they are biological brothers, and their best skill is joint sword.

This set of magic sword skill is more powerful than Jiang Renyi. It can even compete with the weaker swordsman.

Fortunately, although mu Hanyan didn't have the strength of a great swordsman, he had a long experience in their joint attack skills.

The body shape moves, bathes the cold smoke, but already submerges in that piece of spear forest arrow rain.

"What's she doing, trying to die?" Seeing mu Hanyan's action, Jiang Gaode and his wife were stunned at the same time.

They have full confidence in this set of fencing skills. From mu Hanyan's body method, they could easily see the strength of her nine level swordsman. With her age, strength and beautiful appearance, they had never seen her in their life.

However, this is not enough to be the capital to compete with them. They once fought against the enemy, a great swordsman level master. Although they fought alone, none of them was the opponent of the other side, but in the end, the other side still had nothing to do with their combined sword skills. After a fierce fight for half a day, they could only shake hands and make peace.

The great swordsman is still like this, not to mention one who is just at the beginning of the Ninth level.

"Since you want to die, don't blame us for not being compassionate." Two people heart is interlinked at the same time sneer for a while, mercilessly unfold the sword potential, toward Mu cold smoke attack volume and go.

I have been following Jiang Zhongtian for many years, and I don't know how many green maidens were beaten to death by him. How can they have any pity for jade.

Seeing mu Hanyan's graceful figure shrouded by the rain of guns and arrows, they even felt inexplicable pleasure in their hearts.

But soon they found out they were wrong.

Mu Hanyan's steps move gently, from left to right, from front to back, his figure is like a ghost, sometimes as fast as the wind, sometimes as slow as the mountains. Although the dense sword passed by her quickly, it could not hurt her at all.

And her figure, also distance two people more and more close.

Jiang Gaode and Jiang Xinli felt extremely uneasy at the same time.

"Kill At the same time, they gave up the defense and made a full attack. They threw thousands of swords to attack the cold smoke.

This is the sword power of later generations. If you don't succeed, you will become benevolent. But they have no choice. The sword skill of the spear forest and arrow rain is their biggest reliance. If Mu Hanyan is allowed to break through their sword array, they will surely die.

"Kill Bathe in the mouth of cold smoke, also at the same time light drink voice.

In the vast night, a piece of silver light sprinkled, like frost and snow, so cold and piercing, and in the thunder and lightning, so fierce.

In a flash, the air seemed to condense and become so cold.

The bright red flowers burst open, so strange and sad.

Three figure wrong body and pass, mu Hanyan stopped, but in an instant, the clothes on the body were completely red with blood.

Jiang Gaode and Jiang Xinli, on the other hand, stood still for a long time like death. After a long time, they saw a blood arrow rising from their throat.

After all, they left dozens of wounds on mu Hanyan, but mu Hanyan's sword mercilessly took their lives.

"What a cruel sword!" Two people are looking at the light smile on mu Hanyan's face, and the ruthlessness in their eyes, unwilling to fall to the ground.

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