Mufeng was beaten by her and finally sobered up. Originally, muhanyan saved him. He was grateful, but in front of so many people, he was slapped in the face by muhanyan. How could he save face.

"You think everyone is as greedy for life and afraid of death as you are. I'm fighting for time for the leader of the alliance. As long as the leader opens the seal, everyone can escape from the strange beast valley. Even if Mufeng dies, he will live forever without regret." Mu Feng rose red face, straight neck said.

"Well said." The next few followers of Qu Fengting were also impassioned. For them, to be able to follow Qu Fengting and gain his trust is their greatest glory and pride.

"Hum, others don't know. Don't you know what Qu Fengting came to the strange beast Valley for this time?" Mu Hanyan said with a sneer as he slashed the clouded leopard.

Mufeng was a little stunned. At first, when Qu Fengting recruited them, he just mentioned a little bit that he came to the strange beast Valley to experience for a strange treasure. But later, the sudden change happened. It was strange that he didn't mention the strange treasure.

"Of course, I know, but what about that? As long as I get that treasure, I will surely have unlimited achievements in the future and will not treat us badly." Although a little strange, but Mufeng or dead duck mouth hard said.

As soon as the words were finished, there was a sudden clatter behind him. When he looked back, he saw that Qu Fengting was closing the door with both hands and a strange smile on his face.

"My lord..."

"Big brother Qu..." Mufeng and the followers of Qu Fengting were all shocked. Does Qu Fengting want to escape alone, so he shut them all out of the door, but what's good for him?

"Mufeng, thank you very much. Please stand up for me for a while. When I become famous in the future, I will never forget you. I will burn more paper money for you every new year." Qu Fengting said with a wild laugh.

Hearing his laughter, not only Mufeng, but also everyone else was shocked. For a moment, his brain couldn't turn. I don't know what he meant.

"Don't you understand? What's sealed inside the palace is not an escape route at all. It's the strange treasure that Qu Fengting wants to find. He uses you to fight with strange animals, but he rushes into the palace to capture them. " See these guys still in the dark, one by one silly, mu Hanyan can only explain quickly.

"A bunch of idiots, stupid like this. You're all his cannon fodder. What he wants is for you to die and pave the way for him. " Yan Yuchu snorted coldly and said sarcastically.

"Qu Fengting, you treacherous hypocrite, I'll fight with you." Only then did they know what had happened, and they scolded with blood and tears in their eyes.

Nearly a thousand young swordsman elites, most of them died under the sharp claws of other animals just because of Qu Fengting's lie. Many of them were their close relatives and friends. How could they not be angry?

"It's not so easy for us to die for you. Even if we die together, we won't let you succeed." Cursing loudly, Qu Fengting's confidants turned to kill Qu Fengting first.

All along, they regard Qu Fengting as an idol and follow him around. Although they suspect that he is a fox pretending to be a tiger, they are absolutely loyal to him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!