If he had been defending just now, it would not be a big problem to block mu Hanyan's palm. But the problem is that he despised the enemy too much. He just took the palm with his chest.

In an instant, the defensive strength of his chest was smashed by mu Hanyan's hand, and mu Hanyan's solid and incomparable strength also poured into his body like the flood of jueji. Although it was found that it was not good to use the skill in time to protect the internal organs, the internal organs were still shaken by the powerful force.

The pain surged into Dai Songling's mind. At the same time, Dai Songling's body was convulsed. He felt sick, bored and dizzy. He wanted to vomit out all his meals to make him feel more comfortable.

"Manager Dai is really powerful. I have nothing to do with him." Dai Songling was about to start vomiting when he heard mu Hanyan say admiringly.

Dai Songling woke up immediately. He was a master in charge of Mo's house and swordsman's realm. If he was beaten to vomit in front of so many people, he would lose his prestige in Mo's house.

"Hum, you can't hurt me with your strength." In desperation, Dai Songling could only endure the urge of nausea and vomiting, and forced the turbid air down again, pretending to be enigmatic. At the same time, it's hard to squeeze out a smile, but how strange it looks.

Dress, I'll let you pick up the dress. Seeing Dai Songling's constipation like appearance, mu Hanyan almost laughed.

"Manager Dai, the second palm is coming." Do not give him a chance to breathe, mu Hanyan immediately took a second palm.

What's the troughs? I don't want to have a rest so soon. Dai Songling was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood. The turbid Qi was still running around in his body. He was so disgusted and dizzy that he couldn't stop it?

No, you can't go on being beaten like this. Dai Songling's shoulder moved and he wanted to resist. It's about making three moves, but it's not about standing up and being beaten. It's a big deal not to fight back.

But I just started to think about it. Before his hand was lifted up, mu Hanyan's voice floated over again: "it's worthy of being in charge of Mo's house. It's really powerful. I can take my two hands. If it's not enough, I can only admit defeat and apologize."

On hearing this, Dai Songling immediately changed his mind. Others don't know how powerful mu Hanyan is, but he personally feels that the great swordsman's highest cultivation is much better than other swordsmen of the same level.

If you really want to work as hard as Mu Cheng and Wu Qiyun, he may not be able to easily beat him. Even if he wins, he may not be able to win glory. If you can let him take the initiative to apologize, it is undoubtedly the best result. At that time, you can pretend to reprimand him a few words, and you will have face, and you will have a good reputation for loving the younger generation.

Weighing the pros and cons, Dai Songling put his hands behind him and raised his chest again.

"Bang!" A dull sound, bathed in the cold smoke of the palm printed on his chest again, endless power, such as the tsunami surge.

Boundless pain also invades the mind again, and what is more painful than pain is that the turbid Qi which is hard to be suppressed rushes around in the body again, which is more disgusting.

"No, never lose face. Hold it, hold it." Dai Songling's forehead was cold and sweaty, and his face was white, but he still tried his best to remind himself that his eyes were staring, and he tried his best to press the turbid air down.

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