"The old slave will never visit the young master. If he offended the young master before, he should die. I hope the young master will forgive him this time for the sake of his more than 100000 years of hard work." Taking advantage of the small auspicious animal's dazed Kung Fu, the old man turned over, knelt down in front of it, and said in tears.

"Waiting for more than 100000 years?" Mu Hanyan and others didn't know what he said about the young master, but they were all surprised to hear it for more than 100000 years.

Although he had long known that he was very old and had already reached the point where the oil was exhausted, no one thought that he was so old. You should know that even if a human practitioner breaks through the bottleneck of the sword sage and surpasses the limit of Shouyuan time after time, he will only live for thousands of years. Some exotic animals are gifted and have a longer life, which is only tens of thousands of years. How can he live for 100000 years?

If his muddy eyes were not full of tears, and his wrinkled face was full of sadness and no falsification, people would have doubted whether he had been beaten too hard and talked freely.

"What are you talking about?" Small auspicious animal Zheng Zheng of looking at him, a face of doubt.

"Old slave, old slave said that he had been waiting for the young master for more than 100000 years. I hope that the young master will understand his hard work and forgive his previous disrespect." The old man repeated.

"Oh, I don't know what you're talking about. I'm sleepy. Let me squint for a while." Small auspicious animal eyes misty, said to stand up, twisting round buttocks came to Mu Hanyan's legs, dragging her trouser legs to climb up, but, only to the knee position, eyes closed and fell asleep, issued bursts of sweet sound.

Er Zhuang Ping'an and others, who are not easy to recover, look at the piggy who is dangling on the legs of Mu Hanyan's trousers. But the piggy who is sleeping soundly is dull in his eyes. Is this guy who sleeps like a pig really the powerful sword pet who is so powerful that the old beast has no fighting power just now?

The old man also stayed for a while. After a while, he tentatively said to Mu Hanyan, "this girl, my young master is your sword pet?"

"I'd like to see you, master juedang. It's really my favorite sword." Although the old man no longer had the previous hostility, and even more respectful, but mu Hanyan did not dare to ask big, modest salute.

"I didn't expect that you could let the young master of the Kirin clan recognize you as the Lord. I'll never let you worship the Lord. I hope the Lord will forgive me for my disrespect." In fact, there is no need for mu Hanyan to say more. The old man can also see the contractual relationship between her and the small auspicious beast. The previous question was just to confirm it. After hearing this, he knelt down and saluted to Mu Hanyan.

"Kirin people, you say you are Kirin people!" Shocked, mu Hanyan forgot to help the old man get up.

Zhuang Ping'an and others finally closed their chin, which was so shocked that they couldn't close it again.

It's the Kirin!

Like the four fierce beasts, such as Taowu qiongqi, the Kirin family are also legendary ancient beasts, but they are far more powerful and mysterious than the four fierce beasts. If there is hierarchy between the gods and beasts, then the four fierce beasts can only be regarded as the common people among the gods and beasts, and Qilin is worthy of the royal family.

Although the legendary Unicorn beast is in the law, it is beyond the law. The status of the unicorn beast is beyond the ordinary one. However, according to legend, as early as millions of years ago, the Kirin family had left the holy land. Although there are many legends about the auspicious birth of the Kirin, there are no real historical records.

It never occurred to anyone that the old man in front of him was a descendant of the Kirin clan. Of course, what's even more unexpected is that mu Hanyan's blankly cute sword pet, like piggy, is also a descendant of the Kirin clan.

"In fact, I can't be regarded as a complete Kirin family. My blood is not pure. He is the real Kirin family, and he is the royal family of the Kirin family." Seeing the surprise on people's faces, the old beast was a little embarrassed and explained.

"Oh, is it really Kirin?" Mu Hanyan looks at the small auspicious beast hanging on the trouser legs suspiciously. He really can't see what it looks like in the legend. That is to say, when I got it at first, I had a lot of good luck.

"Lord, don't underestimate him. It's only when he was left on the mainland that he was wounded in the blood of Qilin, that he can't recover the real body of Qilin. But his blood is the purest blood of Qilin." Juedang said quickly.

"What left to the mainland? And what's the matter with the wounded unicorn's blood Mu Hanyan asks curiously. She only knew that the Kirin had left the Holy Land millions of years ago, but she didn't know why. After listening to juedang's words, she seemed to have a lot of secrets.

"I don't know exactly what's going on. I just heard some from my ancestors. It's said that a million years ago, Aolai emperor unified the orcs and became the king of all animals. Although the strength of our Kirin family is not weaker than Aolai, we have always stood aloof from the world, so we also regard it as the king. However, it was precisely because of this incident that we Kirin people were forced to leave the holy land.

During the migration, the Kirin family was hunted down by the strong and almost destroyed. At the critical moment, even the young master was wounded and left in the holy land. After the whole clan settled down, my great great grandfather was ordered to return to the holy land to look for the little Lord. However, the holy land was so huge that the blood and soul of the little Lord Kirin were seriously damaged. Great great grandfather searched hard for most of his life, but he could not find the little Lord, so he had to leave his blood descendants and continue to look for the little Lord.In fact, it's not just me. All the exotic animals in the spirit beast fantasy can be regarded as the descendants of the Kirin clan. Our innate mission is to find the little Lord. " When it comes to the end, Jue Dang has a solemn face.

Mu Hanyan knew that the Kirin had been implicated by Aolai when they left the holy land. In Mu Hanyan's mind, the scene that the mysterious woman (presumably her previous life) was plotted to die, and when she died, the proud beast cried out in agony.

If you're not wrong, the kylin clan is not implicated by the Aolai beast, but by the mysterious woman. In the end, they have to leave their hometown. Even the young master is seriously injured and left in the holy land. It's no wonder that although I haven't seen who plotted against her, I don't even have the qualification to do it if I want to change to a common master. If he can plot against her, his strength is not bad. It's lucky that the Kirin clan hasn't been destroyed.

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