"You You're not human... " Chen Xuefeng stood up wobbly, covered his head, looked at the little auspicious beast, and there was a deep fear in his eyes, and his voice was crying.

"It's not a human being, it's a pig." A confidant came forward to hold Chen Xuefeng and said in a low voice.

Chen Xuefeng glared at him fiercely. He was not stupid or blind. He was just a little dizzy. Oh, I don't want to be OK. When I think about it, I really feel dizzy.

"Er, this little pig looks very unusual. If it's roasted and eaten, its strength will be improved ten times and one hundred times." The confidant was glared at by him and said quickly.

"Well, you have a good point. I'll give you the task. Remember to call me when it's done." Chen Xuefeng nodded thoughtfully, suddenly turned to other people and yelled, "let them go today, let's go!"

With that, he didn't care about the others, so he ran out of the village, splashing blood on his head.

The reason why Chen Xuefeng can survive to this day and escape from the encirclement and suppression of the temple is not only because of his bravery, but also because of his brain. Don't you run and wait to die at this time?

I ran away. The leader ran away

The other bandits were shocked again. Many of them took refuge in Chen Xuefeng out of their admiration for his strength and bravery, but they didn't expect that this guy was so clean when he escaped.

When people are stunned, they come back to their senses. Even those who are in charge are not opponents of others, so they are scared away. What do they stay for?

"Go, go, let's go!" With a sudden whistle, the other bandits rushed out in a swarm.

Mu Hanyan's eyes, however, stay on the second leader of the triangle eye. Chen Xuefeng runs away. If she doesn't rely on the streamer, she can't beat him even if she tries her best. She can't keep him, but she doesn't want to let him go easily.

This man is cruel and cruel. He not only hurt several members of the wood family, but also killed the infant in his infancy. He must pay his due price.

Mu Hanyan moved under his feet. His figure passed like the wind, and his sword stabbed at his vest silently.

Since the bandits have retreated, she certainly does not need to expose her strength. However, with her understanding of martial arts, her strength can barely be compared with that of the third-order swordsman. At this time, she makes a surprise attack behind her, and her power is greatly increased.

In the past, the blood wind robber came out to rob, almost every time he won. As long as he didn't kill the other side, others would be very glad. No one would dare to pursue him, so triangle eye didn't expect mu Hanyan to chase him. Until the sword was only one foot away from the vest, he felt the cold. As soon as he turned his head, he saw the merciless killing in Mu Hanyan's eyes.

He had suffered a loss in Mu Hanyan's hands before, but now he still has a lingering fear. For a moment, he only feels cold in his back and his whole body is bristling with sweat. Mu Hanyan's sword is so sudden and silent. It's too late for triangle eye to hide. He doesn't even have the chance to block it. However, as the second leader of Xuefeng thief, he is also experienced in all kinds of battles. His response is not much worse than Chen Xuefeng's, so he grabs a companion and blocks behind him.

Mu Hanyan didn't expect that he would be so mean and shameless. At the critical moment, he took his partner to block the sword, and it was too late to accept the sword. However, these bandits were fierce and cruel, so mu Hanyan didn't have to accept the sword.

Seeing that the sword was about to pierce into the back of the bandit's heart, a surprising scene happened. The man suddenly twisted his body, and his movements were extremely dexterous and strange, which completely violated the structure of the human body. Mu Hanyan's fatal sword, actually rubbed his body and stabbed him.

"Chi!" With a light sound, the cold edge of the sword pierced into the heart of the triangle eye. As the sword drew out, blood gushed out like a spring.

Triangle eye at the foot of a stagger, turned his head, seems to have no reaction to come over is how to return a responsibility, doubt of looking at the chest of the blood hole, and blankly looking at the name of the bandit he used to back.

But the man ignored him and suddenly jumped up and flew away in the distance.

"How can it be!" Triangle eye murmured to himself, the body fell forward on the ground, quickly cold down. To his death, his eyes were filled with incredible shock.

Under the body of the red charcoal smoke beast issued a long hiss, dragging his body out. That gradually cold body on the bumpy road, leaving a fuzzy blood mark, even if not dead before, this is bound to die.

Mu Hanyan held a long sword in his hand, but he didn't chase it any more. He just looked at the figure of the famous bandit who was running away, and his eyes became dignified.

This bandit is medium-sized, not surprising in appearance and ordinary in dress. If he throws it into the crowd, he will be forgotten immediately. However, his strength is not inferior to that of Chen Xuefeng. The most important thing is that his body style when he dodged mu Hanyan's sword is eight points similar to Kang Qingyuan's .

Is it true that my previous guess is correct that the appearance of blood wind robber is not accidental?A group of bandits came suddenly and went faster. In a moment, they escaped from the village. In the sound of the horse's hooves, a cloud of smoke rose in the air, spread towards the depth of the wasteland, and soon disappeared in the cold wind.

"My Lord!" Mutu and others gathered around.

When the bandits fled earlier, Mutu and a few young men with strong blood also chased and killed them. However, their strength was not as good as that of the other party. In addition, the bandits ran too fast, so they had nothing to gain.

But fortunately, mu Hanyan stabbed the second leader of triangle eye, and finally avenged the injured Mu clan. At this time, the people's eyes looking at mu Hanyan are full of gratitude and awe, but if you look carefully, you will find that the awe in their eyes is not all to Mu Hanyan, but more to the little piggy lying on her shoulder.

This guy has the same virtue as before. Once he lost his temper, he fell asleep on his shoulder.

"Don't be afraid. It's my pet. I'm lazy like a pig. I have a good temper, as long as it doesn't affect his sleep." Mu Hanyan saw that everyone was frightened and comforted.

"Isn't that a pig?" A young man whispered, for fear of disturbing the little guy's dream and being beaten.

Fortunately, the small auspicious beast is estimated to have just made the Tongbiao, a little tired, sleeping soundly, but did not make the Biao again.

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