After a long while of travelling through the thick forest which branched widely through the Continent, the gang reached their destination. Even though they had to convince BlackWind to stop chewing on random bushes along the way and the fact that they camped a night in this dense forest, they still reached it.
The great underground town of Lan Zhe. The entrance wasn't eye catching at all. It just looked like an entrance to a normal cave. Any hunter could pass by this cave without knowing it's accurate origin. That's how long ago these "Calidum Lutum" disappeared.
The entrance was just ten foot wide and six foot tall. Even BlackWind was able to touch the top of the cave with his head, which he enjoyed rather a lot since it felt like a soothing massage on his head. Tiny rocks causing a bump in the way made it feel even better. Although he didn't mean to get a dirty head. Not dirty as in, evil minded. But Literally dirty.
Looking at what was in front of him, Eric wasn't so amused. He wasn't sure what to expect but he didn't expect the cave to feel so, Blank! "This is the great town of Lan Zhe? Seems quite ordinary to me."
Mogranius was here before, it is a great place for meditation. Let's say, he can connect with spirits here better. So hearing what Eric had to say, he was rather triggered but understood what he meant. This place is indeed blank but Mogranius got confused about what more Eric expected? Giving Eric a glare, Mogranius spoke "This town is thousands of years old. Tens of Centuries have passed ever since the Calidum Lutum race disappeared. It's a miracle that this cave is actually still standing." Remembering that Eric is still a kid who doesn't quite understand the importance of relics, Mogranius calmed down. He took a deep breath and continued Never mind that. This is our roof for now. Let's proceed to go inside. But everyone, watch where you step. I haven't been here for 200 years and can Guarantee the stability of this cave."
Mogranius entered first, and forming into a single line, the gang followed after him. Now expecting less from this cave, they felt bewildered when they came to the fact that this small entrance led to a wider opening, big enough for everyone in there to have personal space. Of course there aren't fancy dining tables inside, fancy beds or grade A food. But it provided protection from mother nature's elements. But apart from the cave reaching 8 meters wide, that was all it. There was only one short tunnel on the end of the cave leading to a dead end. That tunnel was barely 3 meters long but one can find more warmth there. September started anyway, soon the weather will become to cold to handle, warmth is one thing they need, but it will likely not be a big problem with 2 Fire Controllers in their arsenal. They can use their abilities to dry wet wood so they can maintain a fire, or if all other options aren't available, a small ongoing fire on their palms would help defy hypothermia.
The Tunnel was probably longer before, but a Century after the other likely shook the tunnel down. Or could it be something else, the history of the Calidum Lutum is so rare to come upon. It isn't certain. Is this dead end the work of time or the work of a 10 foot tall individual? Even if there is something on the other side of the tunnel, such as rare artifacts, gold or any creature. It's impossible to go through it without shaking the whole cave down. So it's best for this tunnel to be left at peace.
Trying his best to show gratitude after looking around for a bit, him being a man of knowledge able to appreciate such a relic of a cave, Stefan decided to break the silence by saying. "Well. It ain't a vacation home but it's better than staying outside on the unpredictable weather and arrows aren't flying over our heads so it's a win win. This place looks quite hidden. No one will find us here."
With Stefan's statements as a base, Woldemir considered the essentials a mile more. Trying to recall what he saw near the cave a while ago, he formed an idea. "I agree with you Stefan, but we still need to get a fire going. And by that i mean a campfire. Not a fireball."
"Yes i agree, i didn't experience the most comfortable sleep last night. I'd love to stay around a warm fire if i have to sleep on Branch Beds again." Usually choosing to listen to what the rest require, instead of forming a strong long lasting conversation, Eric could not help but add his thoughts to this part. Shivering a bit in the midnight cold last night, he has a point of reference.
"Making a few beds out of branches and leaves isn't a bad idea either. Unless any of you prefer the cold dirty ground." Added Mogranius in a pure form of sarcasm. Is he getting more open to them, or didn't they ever have the time for Mogranius to be sarcastic?
"Both ideas sound great. Let's get this over with quickly. I do not want to work all day after walking all day." Told Stefan in a tiresome tone. Him basically being the second least physically fit man in the group, gives him complications when he has to walk or work like this in a long period of time. He'd rather be surrounded by books, sitting on a comfortable chair. But yet again he isn't lazy to work for his survival. What moron wouldn't work for that?
Not taking a lot of time to collect enough firewood, due to the forest being intensively dense The gang managed to get a Campfire going in no time. The time being 6pm, made them feel the heat even more and no doubt appreciate it. Now at least they won't need to risk getting hypothermia like they took that huge risk last night.
Making the beds out of branches and big leaves took a bit more time, especially considering that they had to shake ants and various other insects from the big leaves, which took a bit of time. No one could sleep at peace with ants crawling over the skin. Making the beds was hard, but trying to stop BlackWind from eating them in the meantime was even harder, very challenging but doable. They even made a round bed for BlackWind to sleep on, but he ate it. So no one had the energy to make another one, especially now when they were certain on what happens to his bed. After they were done with everything which took 2 hours to complete, they all passed out. All of them are dead tired and most fell asleep right away.
They thought they were alone, and the cave seemed quite empty as well when they arrived there, and remained empty while they were working around the place. They didn't encounter any wild animal thankfully. Not that it would be a problem to handle them, just that they don't have the energy to do an extra task. They feel like they are going to collapse.
No one but the five was in the cave. But still, Eric heard noises whispering to him. Voices that no living being would dare to doo. No outsider would dare to do something so bold towards a group of people, and none of the other 3 has the energy too. So what could it be? Mogranius did have a better "spiritual" connection here, maybe?
It whispered a few times and stopped after. You would think it's the wind. But the wind can't form a sentence. The wind isn't nearly the source of the mysterious voice breaking Eric's well deserved comfortable sleep.
Eric ignored the voice as he was dead tired, at this point he wouldn't stand up even if the world ends. And since the voice disappeared, he picked to fall asleep as it sounded the most reasonable. The voice is gone, it could of been an effect to being highly exhausted, who knows! He didn't have the energy to think about it. His eyes were burning for sleep.
But after he fell asleep, the voice came back. Stronger, louder, something that would push an aware and awake person through Oscitation. That voice moved from his ears to his dreams. Every dream started off randomly, and ended up with a black and golden spheric cloud repeating foreign words. He didn't understand a thing but it sure gave him discomfort. He was sweating as if all the Black Wolves of Ignis were chasing him as the sheep.
The voice repeated a few words. Mysterious indeed. And undoubtedly spooky. But the language still remained unknown by Eric no matter how much that, thing repeated it.
"Graza Ho Dofet."
"Graza Ho Dofet."
"Graza Ho Dofet."
Those three words were repeated on Eric's dream so much that he woke up with those words completely memorized and soaked in his own sweat. He woke up to the rising sun shining on Mogranius a few feet away from Eric. The voice disappeared along with the darkness as if the sun was its enemy.
He saw Mogranius mediating, feeling the gentle rays of the sun on his face and clothes, breathing air in and letting it out. Seated still, clearly mediating. Not surprising to see though. Considering the fact that he is a Wizard, this looks normal. But the fact that he woke up so early to meditate after such a tiresome day, it is just fascinating.
Standing on his feet, and grabbing his shirt with his thumb and first fingers, he shook some sweat from himself and approaches Woldemir. "There was this voice in my dream, Repeating these same three words.
Over and over. What do you think this means?"
Mogranius while still remaining on his meditation pose replies with "I expected for something like that to happen. Especially here. You are the new Electus and we are here in an ancient place of which lava shooting ten foot tall man(and women) beasts used to live in. It's not hard to put two and two together and expect this or to not be surprised. Chances of this place being haunted are large, and believe me i saw more than you can imagine here. It is not empty."
Hearing what Mogranius had to say, Eric was shaken to the core with fear and wished for Mogranius to not be so truthful in the first place. What is he thinking to talk about ghosts to a fifteen year old who was possibly bothered by one last night?
Seeing that Eric was practically paralyzed due to Mogranius speaking nuttily(mildly insane) sentences, he chose to break the silence. "What were those three words Eric?"
"Graza Ho Dofet" i heard that over and over in my dream. All night long. When I finally thought that i will get a good night's rest." Replied Eric finding it hard to form sentences without mumbling due to the minor trauma.
"Interesting. I do not know what that means but this language sounds familiar. Although I don't see this situation as a threat, why don't you join me and meditate. It might help you sort this out, clear your mind. You might be able to find answers to your own questions, or to ones you didn't ask yet." With the birds chirping, the ambience remain calm along with Mogranius' voice, it is a rather great place for meditation. The ambience is just set into place for this.
Without hesitation, Eric sits down and mimics Mogranius. He seated himself in the same position Mogranius did. But what now?
"Its not working. What am I supposed to expect or do?"
Mogranius replies with a rough voice
"MEDITATE." Sounds of birds panicky flying off of branches were heard from the outside after. Mogranius has Vocational meditation skills, but Eric isn't experineded, at all!
"I am. But i'm only breathing. I breathe all the time. What's the point."
"Then you are doing it wrong. The point is to focus on your breathing. Let go of everything else. Let go of your thoughts. Like the dirt here who is dedicated to be firm and one with the cave, your dedication should be to stop thinking and start listening."
"Alright. But what should i listen too?"
"THE CAVE!!!" BlackWind stood up in panic, glared from left to right quickly, scanning the territory for danger. But he saw nothing. He blew air out of his nose, assumed it was nothing and fell back asleep. Not knowing that Mogranius is the one that spooked him.
Eric stops talking and does as he was told(finally). And even though he had a hard time meditating, in about an hour or so(just about when he almost snapped), he actually manages to meditate hard enough to "listen to the cave." Listening to even the smallest grain of dirt. Aware of his surroundings. He finally partially understood what Mogranius tried to say.
This cave is one. Each thing in it makes the cave the way it is. From small to big, be it dirt or rock, makes this cave one. If one grain of dirt falls from the top, that grain is not lost. It is still a piece of dirt. It has a purpose, a purpose to be one with the cave. And the bottom of the cave will be there to catch it. Everyone or Everything has a purpose.
The ground is hard but it's not bottomless and the ground offers much trees to climb on. Like the cave floor caught the dirt grain that fell from the top, Eric's purpose is to catch the innocent and helps them up. He is the floor that prevents the innocent from entering a bottomless like suffering. He is the balancer.
Eric's meditation was short lasting but in those few moments he tapped in a new understanding of his duties as the Electus. He thought to himself. "It is not just about taking revenge. It is not just about killing the bad.
It's also about defending the good. Defending the innocent. Defending what's right. It's not just about striking. Defending should be considered too. There should be a good balance between them both or what difference do we have from those who harmed us?"
Although Eric managed to tap into a new world of understanding, his patience however did not improve. He brakes the deep meditation Mogranius was in to by shouting
"I GOT IT" (He woke up the rest of the gang too, apparently his shout is stronger than Mogranius'.)
"This better be good." Having his mediation completely broken, he at least hopes now that it was for a good cause.
"I understand balance. It isn't always about striking, is it? It isn't always about revenge. Protecting what's left is the way to go as well."
"Indeed. Like I tried to protect the little meditation i finally managed to tap in too."
"You have to be sarcastic, do you?
Anyway, i'm glad i took some time to stop and listen. Sort of hard to do with all of these events going on all at once. But it was worth it."
(Stefan would say something too but he loves his beauty sleep and fell back asleep shortly after Eric unreasonably woke them up. Who wouldn't?)
"To be honest, I didn't ever expect that I would guide two Electuses in my life. And i didn't at all expect to time travel at this hell hole. But if destiny brought me here, I will do anything in my power to help you free this land. I found my purpose."
"Yes yes you are very lucky. We should perhaps call you The Chosen One. You were Chosen to guide two all powerful warriors."
Mogranius replies with a mocking tone "Indeed. Very powerful."
Eric says "Was that Sarcasm? Again?"
"This still didn't solve the spirit problem, interesting."