"What about the Hunters sire? How many Hunters do you need?"
Asked Alama eagerly waiting to write down what King Zar has to say.
"Hunters. Hmmmm.
We just need enough leather to produce enough leather straps.
A good amount should come from one piece of leather, meaning we can sell any extra leather for reasonable prices."
Said Zar thinking of ways to squeeze any bit of gold from this financial movement.
"Meaning you don't need apprentices running around i assume?"
"Perhaps when i manage to strike a deal for leather with the Zamerians or any other. But for now i need well experienced hunters only.
Hunting is a dangerous task, but I don't plan to send my hunters face to face with Wolves.
They shall learn how to set traps and hunt mostly with traps."
Zar does want financial profits, but he doesn't want his people dying in the paws of a Wolf or Mountain Lion or in very rare cases, a Source Bear.
He wants Hunters to take a careful approach.
"Sounds much reasonable to me Sire.
But I do have a question if you don't mind answering.
Do you have any hunters under your employment My King?"
"I didn't find the need to have Hunters under my employment. Leather straps are items easily affordable, i just paid for them to be imported along with other items.
But now we aim towards independence. Slowly, we will produce each item my Kingdom requires and be paid for it as well."
"Your recent decisions in general are rather a big risk. I mean...breaking deals with such a big alliance.
But i feel that Pameres Kingdom will be the Strongest Kingdom in Ignis very soon."
Alama had a lot of faith in King Zar already. He risked so much for Ignites to have a better life. He gave them homes practically for free and plans to give them more in the near future. To her, Zar is an icon. A hero.
"We all hope and work for that miss Alama. But shall we continue with the recruitment letter now? Or do you possibly have more questions?"
"My apologies sire. My curiosity gets the best of me often. Please continue."
Said Alama a bit embarrassed. She is lucky that the King is very well mannered. Or at least he tries to be.
He met an emotional collapse before Guard Commander Chan arrived, although he hid it a lot, he vowed to change his ways of life. Including his manners.
In the past, his ego was so big that he spat on people below him. Literally.
"Thank you.
I need only 10 Hunters.
They shall have at least 3 years of experience.
Anyone with less than 3 years of experience shall not get employed!
The pay is 200 Gold Coins a month with a 60 Gold Coins bonus each year.
The hunter shall be at least 25 years old as well, as it is his or her responsibility to bring their hunt here to the Kingdom.
"But what if it is a Wolf? What else could you need from a wolf carcass except leather?"
"If it is a wolf, it's meat shall be stored just in case we meet with a crisis.
Half of that obtained meat, shall be donated to the homeless here in Pameres Kingdom.
If it is any other meat, it shall be for sale here for half the market price."
"With that sort of business plan you will earn a profit from 3 possible ways and make sure your Citizens don't starve. That idea is ground breaking sire!
But aren't your requirements a bit strict? Not to mention you aren't recruiting the experienceless which are the most common, especially here."
"Even if we manage to hire one Hunter, one wolf leather is enough to make around 15 Iron Swords.
If we get more Hunters we will of course have more financial benefits, but we wouldn't lose any profit if we get only one.
If we manage to hire enough Blacksmiths, we can cover the one hunter's salary easily."
"I see your point of view when it comes to financial profits.
But I do have one more question if you don't mind answering. It piqued my curiosity ever since i left to reach Gaster Kingdom!"
"Ask anything you please miss Alama. Striking a deal of such importance for the Kingdom has already made you an honorary citizen."
"Thank you sire.
I have questions about your choice of building 100 houses! I feel that it isn't the best idea."
"How come? Tell me more!"
"Well there were only about 500 homeless people, giving homes to 100 workers took over ⅓ of the homeless off of the streets. And you didn't even build any of the houses yet. You did it with only 10 houses!"
"do you think that i'm building more houses than we need?"
"Well. Yes! Even if you put only two families in one house, you would still need only 50 houses to get rid of the homeless."
"I don't just plan to get rid of the homeless, I plan to make this place a town where even the poorest of the poor can become wealthy with enough hard work. To achieve that goal, I need houses where people can live on, furthermore to pay tax."
"So it is all about the taxes? The more there are that pay taxes, the more you can offer them?"
"Indeed. And the more I turn the experiencless to experienced, the more the Kingdom's overall quality will grow. I don't even plan to take for myself more than a blacksmith would earn on the way to that goal."
The goal of being more kind and humble that Zar made for himself, is working.
A King was never heard saying such words. Even Ignite Kings. Zar is facing a huge mental transformation. He went big towards this goal.
"Sire. You are inspirational!"