6 laps of course wouldn't take 4 hours to complete. It took only a bit above an hour. Afterwards the troops were given an opportunity to catch their breath and continued with an hour long stab training.
Iron Swords being the cheapest weapons, everyone in the Kingdom only had Iron Swords instead of having War Hammers, Maces, Battle Axes, etc etc. But that was just working to their advantage, because although Woldemir observed people with other weapons from close combat, he doesn't have experience in any weapon other than Swords.
The stab training included only a simple move, repeated over and over for an hour.
All of the Guards would need to take one right step forward at first, and using both their hands they would push their swords upfront, having their arms fully stretched and with their left foot they would grant more support to the movement by pushing the foot backwards to secure stability.
The movement would result in the body being positioned at a 45° angle, granting the possibility to stab the enemy even if that certain enemy was up to 5 feet away. The attack could be life threatening if mastered, even towards an enemy wearing a strong Iron Armor.
This was a basic move that any Level 1 Guard/Soldier would need to learn in order to progress.
But skill level of course was separated in 6 levels.
Beginner, Warrior, Expert, Elite, Master and Grand Master. While these Guards were all currently at level 1, except the 3 Calidum Lutum who had upper ranks.
Failing to repeat this part of the training had greater consequences for everyone, even if one failed.
One of the 100 failing to complete this hour long stab training would result to everyone Skipping Dinner and only eating a portion of food at 4pm, an amount almost as small as what they ate for breakfast.
The whole plan for this training was for the Soldiers to create unity. If one fails, they all fail. Which would give upper advantage in battle. None would be cowardice enough to flee with this sort of discipline and raise of self esteem. Firmly holding to the phrase "No Soldier left behind".
Of course at the first few days, fights broke out due to one two or ten people failing to complete their training. Literal fist fights.
Which wouldn't create unity but would create bad vibes and demotivational to those who are weaker but have the ability to better themselves through constant progress but are simply slow.
So Woldemir set over the top punishments for those who started fist fights or were noticeably provoking weaker people in the Platoon.
Once found starting a fight, the Guard/Soldier would be punished with 15 laps around the Kingdom after training hours. And if found provoking one another, they would need to do 8 laps after training hours.
After setting this foundation, a rule making it clear that every action has consequences and can't simply be escaped unpunished, fights decreased almost entirely.
Woldemir used the best way to teach masses of people with no experience, fear. Of course the ones with a more ambitious mindset, would use these rules for self improvement.
This technique of training worked over time. From having to break 5 Fights a Week, to barely facing 2 fights a month, this technique helped big time.
So seeing the opportunity, Woldemir started implanting a better mindset to their minds since they are easier to manage after making punishments for trouble makers clear.
Before each training, he repeated a number of sentences used often towards the Platoon to raise their self esteem as well.
"You shouldn't be afraid of failure, but you shouldn't be afraid of success either. With enough training, you can become a Grandmaster no matter what status or experience you used to have.
Even if you came from a long family history of farmers or fishermen, i can make you a Grand Master. No one was born a Grand Master after all."
And on other days he would mix his motivational speeches, so those who listened, don't have to stick to the same words as an inspiration but would have a wider field of view.
"Among you there will be people who can progress easier than others. Don't take it as a pride and don't use it to body shame your troops who can't progress as fast as you. We aren't animals after all.
Instead you should be advising who accepts to be advised, motivating who struggles to progress such as sticking with them when you see them struggling to keep up in laps. I can tell you from experience that the smallest sign of care can go a long way.
You aren't only training yourselves, your contribution to the troops can make the difference from all of you progressing to the next level and being the most feared platoon from the enemy's point of view, and the most loved Platoon from our point of view.
Or you can fight against each other, doomed to forever remain at level 1."
Sure these speeches didn't work right away, but day by day Woldemir saw slight improvement. Even the trouble makers refused to continue their undesirable ways and instead encouraged the weak instead of blaming them or at least kept quiet. While the weak sticked with each other, even asking permission from Woldemir to run an extra lap to keep up with the rest of the Platoon who with practice, can run another 6 laps without fainting.
Woldemir was proud of the scene, every day the overall morale of the Soldiers increased, their self esteem and self dependence increased. They all made good friends in the Platoon and were found sharing a beer after training hours. Woldemir was proud enough of this work that he even kept boasting about it to King Michael, Eric, Mogranius, and basically anyone. Which is amazing because he never boasts.