"G-g-g ghost Branch? Is it time already to fetch it?"
Said Guard Commander Chan quaking in his Combat boots.
"Yes you Buffoon."
Yelled King Xakro disturbing the peace and added
"We even... are behind schedule. By now i... should of had the damn... Giant ill.u.s.tratio's toe. But all I'm seeing is a coward who... wasted 30 Elite Archers for one damn heart."
"I barely escaped with my life. One of them put 10 Elite Archers into shame. Not to mention they have hundreds of lava Controllers. I..."
"Silence. I do not wish to... hear more excuses."
Yelled King Xakro, trying his best to not torch Guard Commander Chan, holding back as much as he could.
"This time... you won't have Soldiers to waste. You will... be going alone."
"I do not aim to question your wisdom Sire, but wouldn't that be to dangerous? Where is the Ghost Tree even located?"
Tried Chan to form a sentence without triggering the unstable King.
"In your mother's... Don't question my choices Chan. You are walking... on thin ice. If it wasn't for the fact... that you play a big role... in my plans, I would of torched you long ago."
Like his breath, his patience was also growing short. He even regrets assigning him as a Guard Commander, not to mention making him a part of these sensitive plans. He could of hired an Elite soldier to complete the Job, but for some reason he chose Chan.
Perhaps it wasn't the best idea. But he is trying to form Chan into a man of power and knowledge. King Xakro made him read 10 books in aims to make him more knowledgeable and at the same time trying to grant him Freezing powers.
It wasn't poorly thought out. If Chan is to face an unstably powerful Electus, he needs to be as prepared as possible.
Especially considering the Electus happening to have relations with the indomitable Calidum Lutum.
There is a reason why Xakro didn't try to get the Calidum Lutum race under his Control yet. Because if he tried, even with 10,000 Soldiers, Lava would dispose all of them unless those 10,000 Soldiers were all Fire Controllers. Then it would be bad. But Xakro recruiting 10,000 Fire Controllers even if he tried 100 years ago, would be impossible.
Fire Controllers were heavily massacred by the Dominating ill.u.s.tratian Army and non Fire Controllers met the same fate due to Soldiers suspecting them to be Fire Controllers.
"My apologies Sire."
Said Guard Commander Chan in fear hoping to live longer.
"You are to head towards... Septemtrionis Ignis. With Snow Ignites dominating... the Capital, it is best if you don't wear your Guard Commander Armor.
You are to go there... with normal clothes carrying 100 Gold Coins at most and... with a Dagger equipped, so you can't be told apart from common folk... if Snow Ignites happen to be attacking another Kingdom. Those... beasts are unpredictable."
As Guard Commander Chan was about to ask a question, he was interrupted by the King who wasn't done listing the plan.
"Being exposed... is not an option. You are to remain silent even if Ignites beat... the crap out of you. Nothing should... stop you from reaching the ghost tree.
You should... avoid Ignites and even ill.u.s.tratios... as much as you can, so stick to the forest and get out of it to only buy food.
If you are lucky, you won't be chased by a wild boar. But if you are, climb a tree. If you try to stab a wild boar with a dagger, you will die in that forest."
He took a deeper breath and said
"Do you remember everything you moron? If not, I have one last nerve to repeat everything.
Stay Hidden, keep your identity hidden and by all costs try to avoid getting in to a dungeon. Even at the slightest risk your first thought should be to run. I do not wish for my delivery to be delayed.
If you do get in contact with people, tell them that you are a farmer named Jeb."
"Sounds simple enough to remember. I will swallow my pride at all costs as you recommend Sire."
Said Guard Commander Chan is a cracking tone.
"Oh I'm not recommending. I'm Commanding.
Here is the map. I've paid 20 scouts and they drew a map telling every detail, even an illiterate slave can read it.
It is hard to tell apart the tree during the day, but at night you will start hearing voices, screams or probably even see "people". So it should help you figure out where to look.
I suppose you aren't dumb enough to approach before saying the phrase granting you immunity from those paranormal friends."
Asked King Zar but he felt like he already knew that whatever Chan will say, will destroy his last nerve.
"Right. The word was Ale... wait, no don't tell me."
"Silence you goddamn moron! The word is "Azr.a.p.etos"!"
Yelled King Zar, fisting the arm support of the throne so hard that he broke it beyond repair.
"Now go right... away. You are to travel by foot. It isn't to... far away from the Border. It should take you
2 Weeks to return, 3 if you are double the buffoon i think you are.
Now. Be gone!"
One foot after the other, Guard Commander Chan speed walked out of the Throne room, completely ignoring all of the offensive words he just swallowed and was just happy that he was still breathing. But he did not feel comfortable at all for the fact that he has to deal with Ghosts soon.