Chapter 245 - By the name of Xakro ill.u.s.trato l

Training the Ballistaguards is interesting indeed, but they had to call it a day! Although this is the first day of training, the 5 hired Guards have got the ups and downs! But they have only shot 10 arrows, 7 of which have been retreated. The remaining 3 were found but were just too broken for reuse.

They can't use all 29 to just shoot the ground, it would just be a waste of time and ammunition. They would have to wait until the Guard retrieves the Arrow, or else they could shoot one down. Furthermore, they don't need to shoot the ammunition for such first steps of training.

For now, they just have to learn how to load one and prepare it to Fire! As for knowing how to hit a target, it is a step they shall accomplish once the Blacksmiths bring 10 sets of arrows! It shouldn't take too long considering that it doesn't require too much Iron, and even if all 300 Arrows are broken they would just be replaced by other ones in the near future.

Tomorrow the Catapultguards will learn how to to operate the Catapults, it is a more complicated process requiring the strongest concentration. King Zar finds it more reasonable to practice it at daylight, they can't risk losing any Guard!

They were about to call it a day, until a Guard sounded the alarm for unwanted visitors! Such an alarm is sounding by continuously hitting the bell until further orders are taken under procedure!

The Guard saw a scene that didn't quite match stereotypical merchants! There were sets of Wagons led by ill.u.s.tratian Guards! The first procedure they should take here is send a messenger towards those heavily Guarded Wagons to clarify what these approachers are here for. Normally the Kingdom wouldn't make a fuss over it, but considering the battle they faced a few weeks ago, they don't want to take any chances.

2 Ballistas joined the road and awaited a sign from the messenger to shoot, if they are enemies the Ballistas will get into action! What would the sign be? Simple, a red flag would be raised after the horseman reached about 50 meters away from the enemies, to avoid both a shot from the Ballistas and the enemies.

"Why are we going to Pameres Kingdom?" Asked Bear Claw as she sat down on her seat after standing on her feet for about an hour, apparently that's her way of getting comfortable.

"We need some more supplies, plus I want to see who the new King is down here!" Answered Chan calmly, he has become used of her behaviours. Now at least he doesn't have to walk, the Guards feel a lot better thanks to the sticks tied around their legs, they can actually walk now. However the hurt Guards take shifts with Chan and Bear Claw in order to assure healing, it was Chan's idea actually. He hates Ignites, but would do a lot more for ill.u.s.tratios.

"What do you mean with, "New King"?" Asked Dilli(Bear Claw), puzzled of such wordplay. However she asked this question while keeping her eyes closed, maybe Chan didn't notice it before but she closes her eyes when she is asking a question. Now that he can see her eye to eye he can notice it easily.

Seeing no reason to keep this information hidden from her now that the battle is over, he answered. "King Xakro sent 800 Soldiers to kill the rebels and reconquer Pameres Kingdom!"

"Oh right, I've heard about the Revolution." Answered Dilli as she revealed her half pupil eyes, afterwards asking. "I guess King Xakro didn't like such betrayal."

"Oh no! Not at all!" He answered as his eyes widened with the moment to give a slight hint of how the situation went down, but it was all noticable on his tone too, it arose in excitement actually. "He even ordered for his son to be killed!"

"How is his son related to this revolution? I didn't even know he had other Children!" Interesting choice of words, but Chan was far lacking focus to consider that point. The close by Gr.a.p.e trees he can see from the wooden window has reminded him of nice tasty ale. Tasty for him at least!

"King Zar, the King of this little betrayal is Xakro's son." He answered without care as he continued to glance upon the Gr.a.p.e trees, when out of a sudden the Wagons were forced to stop on their spot.

"What is your business here?!" Yelled a man in heavy armour riding a fine Chestnut Horse, his voice matched his arsenal even. Thick and tempting.

"We are here to attain some supplies from the local stores before we make for Meridionali Ignis." Answered Chan truthfully as he walked out of the Wagon, and liking to boast about a prime fact, he dared to add. "This is official royal business, I have the Grand King's authority to pass." Furthermore he just wanted to get this task over with, and expected special service from this Horseman along with the rest of the Kingdom.

"Oh I see." Answered the Horseman casually, trying to keep a low profile here against the handful of Guards. "You may pass." With this little expression, he assured peace in this situation. The last thing they need is for these Guards to charge at full speed towards the Kingdom, this is all target practice after all.

The Horseman first travelled at the same speed as the Wagons, afterwards the Horse he was riding gradually increased his speed. One sentence the horseman spoke out before he forced the Horse into a dash, was. "I need to go tell the Guards to cease Fire, we weren't expecting visitors."

Chan didn't see anything wrong with such a move, but a couple of the Guards accompanying the Wagons did, one of which was of the injured. It was odd to see a Horseman move at such speed, furthermore one of them saw a structure with a shine at the top near the Kingdom walls.

"Finally we are so close to some fine ale." He thought with a smile of utmost satisfaction, surprisingly he spiraled down the bottles he jacked from the Tavern. "Nothing to worry about." He expressed by word as he sat down on the little bench in the Wagon.

Meanwhile, the Guard outside noticed a red flag being raised by the hors.e.m.e.n as he lowered his head for what the Guard here near the Wagon thought as a trick to attain more speed.

This strange move was made clear when the flash near the wall disappeared and was seen high in the sky instead, flashing a couple of times before he alarmed. "Ballista!"

"Wha..." Chan tried to speak and obtain more information too before a crash cut his word short.

What crash you might ask? Well a big arrow came bursting through the wood work of the Wagon, with a helmet of a Guard taken as a victim. Thankfully it didn't have a head on it, this looks almost like a warning shot although the intend is no where close to that.

The impact has made Chan duck his head just a little bit, it didn't really matter though since it busted through the Wagon at 15° a foot above his head. Without turning her head around to see the rest of the Arrow just a few inches away from her neck, she dared to reply. "Interesting." In a calm matter as she glanced through the new Window, looking at the man who leads the horse whom has turned around to see his helmet nailed against the other side of the Wagon, he indeed looks terrified!

Without waiting for another large Arrow to blast through the Wagon once more and actually claim a victim, Chan shouted. "Retreat! Retreat!"

The Guards agreed in a blink of an eye, one of the injured even made his way in the Wagon since he is the slowest here. He didn't plan to lay down either and take all that space, he just forced Chan to scotch over. So much for respecting those of the higher standards.

The second injured Guard tried to do the same thing but he tried it at the bench Bear Claw was sitting, only to feel like he hit a hard rock wall and fall of the Wagon. Seeing what he tried to do, Bear Claw moved herself closer to the window and awaited for the Guard to enter once more.

All of the Wagons took a "U" turn, it is the best way to avoid having to deal with another Ballista. If they are lucky, the next shot will hit the ground only. "So you have chosen to flee?" Asked Bear Claw calmly as she felt the other Guard injured jump in. Opening her eyes, it was indeed how she felt it.

"I'm not planning to fight an entire Kingdom with 10 Guards! By the name of Xakro ill.u.s.tratio l, the Army of 800 lost!"