A new dawn has risen for the Ignite race, well at least for those up in the mountains here on this formerly hidden domain! After some hard few hours of work put in once dusk fell behind the horizon, the now considered group of 59 Ignites managed to make a fair amount of leather sleeping bags so the traumatizing cold doesn't get through their limbs as they take a good night's rest near a big fire set into a blaze.
Now setting campfires like this so openly indoors isn't the best idea, one could suffocate it is true. But there is a group of 17 Fire Controllers up here who can soak up the smoke like a sponge in order to provide cleaner air to breathe through and as for turning invisible they don't have too, the smoke will eventually leave their bodies without doing any harm to be taken under consideration.
Some children squeezed in with their mothers in bed and a few couples slept together with their children in between, there was enough leather to work on down at the Storage room but not enough time to work on them, although 59 people they still need a few extra pair of hands.
Now they have woken up with a busy day in front of them, sure they did a lot of propaganda to get their hands on that Dragon Eye, well Bittore did! But that doesn't mean that this place will magically fix itself. This is still a Kingdom and its structure can indeed be considered magical in some aspects, this is still a Kingdom it just isn't one in the middle of the oasis like they expected.
But it can still provide Good, Water and Iron. They did find a whole lot of rusty Iron Ingots down at the storage room so we can't rule out the possibility of a mine providing Iron and a Forge, to run a forge one requires a lot of coal and considering the remote location here, they had to have a Coal mine too! There is indeed a lot to explore, Eric and Osira were the most enthusiastic about such a task.
Sure the rest can lend a hand in exploration, but the storage room has a lot of work that needs some hands on. Some Rotten wood still remains, Ratbugs are still piled up high, and there are a lot of Rusty Iron shelves. Based on past experiences, Bittore the grand leader finds it best to not risk food infection just to have a few shelves more.
So wearing a few gloves or at least pieces of cloth around their hands to avoid getting any cuts from this rusty metal, the men have been assigned to lift the most rusty shelves out of the Storage room and toss them down the mountainside, it doesn't really matter where they land since the Fire Controllers will burn them whole along with the Demon carcasses.
The 13 Fire Controlling ladies have been given the task to get every bit of Ratbug up in the first sleeping area for some other men and ladies who can handle these slightly graphic scenes, to butcher these carcasses and strip them out of meat and leather.
And as for the few remaining planks, several boys and girls on their late teen to early twenty years have been put in the task. They have quite some strength in them and can get this job done quickly, afterwards they shall be assigned to another task. Such as throwing those Iron Ingots down on the mountain side, they have rust so they are quite useless. You can't burn the rust out of metal after all!
Eric and Osira have gladly taken over their shoulders the task of further exploring this wonderful domain, to keep track on things instead of randomly bursting in to each tunnel, they have made a small dependable little map and marked each tunnel with what it can offer.
The first and second tunnel have a hundred beds each, so they are best marked with the letters SA which stands for sleeping area. As for the third tunnel leading down towards the Storage room, it is simply marked with SR. They even drew a Rectangle like map and drew squares on each tunnel, simple but effective.
They wanted to draw the two wings of the second section at first as well but found it unnecessary shortly after, it is very easy to remember what's up there. Now they are heading towards the fourth tunnel on the left side of Section 2! Unlike the third tunnel who led straight down, this one doesn't neither go down or up! It just goes straight for about 10 meters before they found them selves in a rather interesting room.
They walk in what to appears to be a Stonemason's workshop! The first thing they saw as they took a glance to the left were piles of uncut rock, at first they thought that a land slide or a little earthquake took this place hostage. But no, this is just rock of which the Stonemasons at their time didn't quite work on yet!
This pile of rock stretched for 20 meters long, and when looking at the line separating the pile of rocks from another section of this workshop, it surely was around 30 meters! But what they saw on the right had caught their entire interest, cut and prepared pieces of rock stretched all the way to the end of this workshop, roughly around 60 meters!
When glowing fire near them the wall was spottable about 20 meters away! So to their disposal they have 20 meters wide and 60 meters long piece of space piled one over the other with cut brick like rocks they can use! Odd enough, they have a red and black colour, so the Snow Ignites surprisingly chose this seemingly demonic colour their selves!
"This place is amazing." Eric expressed under his breath, with his joy rising high! The important of this work shop is beyond average. "With this we can repair any room in this place."
The word "we" sounded nice to Osira, a pleasure to hear that Eric has already accepted them. With a smile she requested, "Mark this place as SW, standing for Stonemason's workshop."
Its one thing to have all of these bricks ready to use, but as they walked further deep on the left they saw a lot of Iron tools accompanied by unfinished pieces of rock. This little section of the workshop stretched around 40 meters long and 30 meters wide! Indeed big, there were countless Iron tools but a few big structures closer to the left walls caught most of their attention!
"What is that?" Eric pointed at the structures and walked towards to have a much closer look, Osira joined him without wasting a second. The giant saws didn't really satisfy her much so she wanted to assure safety. Curious enough he proceeded to ask Osira the wiser, "Is this used to cut stone?"
"Well we are surrounded by rock so I'm going to say yes." She replied with a bit of sarcasm, but this time there was less joy on her tone because of the saw standing as tall as her.
A huge saw stood on the end of each structure, the structure itself stretches 5 meters long! It looks like one of those saws along the river side used to cut lumber in half, but this one has a saw made out of Dark Blue Ingots, likely used to cut hard surfaces such as rock without breaking. This is a Stone mason's workshop after all!
"Marvelous, do you think we can get it to work?" Afterwards he looked around this stone cutting structure to find out a way to make the saw work. "Maybe we need to push continuously push something to make it work, you know like they do on windmills?"
"I don't think we should mess with that." Osira disagreed gently, even grabbing his arm after trying to pull him away!
Walking towards the other side he saw a wheel like wooden structure attached to this stone cutter, it reached the ground and sunk in deeper for a couple of inches which made it whole lot more confusing. "Oh common, what's the worse than can happen?"
Not knowing what to list first out of all the dangers that can possibly come from this saw, she decided to list the top three. "Umm. The saw can fall apart, we can get cut, we can possibly ruin the other saws?"
"Nonsense." Eric replied feeling quite sure of himself and escaping her light grip.
He walked towards the wheel like structure and gave it a little push. It was hard to get it started considering the rust on it and the rot on the wood but once it spun twice, the wheel started spinning itself at twice the speed Eric started it.
The saw at the other end, first had a little nudge of a movement. A couple of spins later it slowly started moving towards the direction of the wheel but thankfully stayed in place! The saw started moving faster by the passing second and making more noise along the way.
"I think we should give it some space!" Osira urged once again and this time forcefully dragged Eric away from it.