One thing that comes as a problem with it, are insects who damage the crops. So Farmers are on a day to day look out for them throughout the planting season, killing as much as they can. It fairly deals with more than half of the damage.
The Wheat Grain was planted in mid mars and can be harvested in late August or Early September with a handsome yield. This method proved rather useful, because as mentioned before the Farmers brought a profit of 1 million Gold Coins after every harvest season.
That 1 million can this year be considered 800,000! Because they were planted when the Grand King managed to tame most of the 900 people population drop and the Castle explosion didn't even affect 1% of the crops. And considering that there are less farmers to kill insects now, it makes sense that the yield is a profit of 800,000!
Let's say he sells half of it and buys the rest from the Farmers with a 10% more offered profit, he can break even with 600,000 Gold Coins and still can keep the Kingdom fed.
Speaking of food, it has become a common problem in Meridionali Ignis. Hunters were considered strong so a great portion of them were sent in the Army, there are barely any food now with the Harvest season being a couple of months near. It is a great opportunity to bring profit with expensive meat.
There are 100 Hunters in this domain remaining, and considering how many Wild boars are running wild due to the hunting rate slowing down when 900 people were slaughtered, these remaining hunters managed to bring 6 tons of various meat in one month.
Considering that meat is expensive, this will bring home 100,000 Gold Coins. Another great way to tame this situation as you might have noticed. And added up with everything else, the Kingdom will at least be able to afford paying the first month's salaries it got in debt with and the Harvest season will end up helping to pay the second and third the Kingdom will likely end up being in debt for.
The 200 Stonemasons that have remained alive, have almost set all the foundation required to make a Castle 30% smaller than the previous one. Still it will end up really large, and will be able to hold a lot of Royal treasury and crops. In the future, expansions can be made on it but for now they need a Castle as soon as possible. What Gold Coins they can earn is just too vulnerable to thieves.
Throughout the Chaos, Chan has stupidly found the time for self improvement. There were hundreds of books to his disposal before the Castle exploded, but he has chosen to start reading more out of will now.
The first time he actually took time to read, was when he was sent to Pameres Kingdom in request of craftsmen. And at that time he didn't read willingly, he read those ten books because his head was on the line.
Crazy enough, the Grand King was serious about killing him if Chan didn't read those ten books. If he was asked now why he made Chan read, the Grand King would answer more honestly although harsh. "I don't want my blood to remain a dumbass." That's what he would say and he would surely mean it.
Now books are very scarce here, he has borrowed a couple of books from people who have read them already. These were books containing around 10,000 words containing ill.u.s.tratian history. The reason why he wants to read them, is because he wants to be smarter for once thanks to obvious reasons.
First things first, he is doing this because of how clearly he could think half way and after he went through those ten books. Although Ale washed away the progress at that time, the sensation of bliss was imprinted on his brain and he is looking to gain it again.
Second of all, he is sick of people calling him a "dumb f.u.c.k". He has heard these couple of words enough to remember 50 events with it which really says a lot because he couldn't remember things for shit. He even forgot about his own brother so I think this is enough to explain the situation.
Third, he realizes that thanks to the foul fact of the family being completely separated, he is the best option as an Heir to throne. He is ten grades under qualified if such thing was possible, so he doesn't want to embarass himself in the future.
Fourth but not last, he has seen this as a good way to bury his burden. He lost the parents who adopted him and now he figured out that his mother by blood might or might not be out there. This feels like losing his parents all over again.
The books, are a good distraction especially since his father asked Chan to stop drinking or at least greatly reduce it. He insisted that it is the reason behind his low memorisation capabilities, low focusing and overall low brain capacity.
"No one is truly born stupid unless actually disabled, it just takes constant effort to become smarter." Reading has been proven as the most important part for becoming smarter, along with getting hands dirty with more than one task.
Now walking directly in the house of which the Grand King calls, "The temporary Castle". Chan had a thought in his mind to directly request books. To Xakro such words coming from his son's mouth would almost feel like finding his lost daughters.
Speaking of his lost daughters, those are his two last kids. Three men who are considered the most loyal, have been put in charge to look for an old man called "Dem". He was associated with the disowning of the two daughters and he can provide more information of their where abouts. For now, Xakro can just wait to hear word from the men searching the Capital.
"Father good day." Chan greeted, the Grand King has asked for Chan to get rid of the formalities when talking to him such as using the words "King or Grand King" towards him, the King finds it unnecessary.
"Good day son, what are you doing with those books? Did I request them?" The King began to become puzzled, this isn't exactly a scene he is used off and his mind went countless thoughts per second to figure out if he asked for books but forgot.
"No no, at least I don't think so." Answered Chan, as well becoming confused if the King requested books or not. Chan's memory can't improve all of a sudden in one day! "Um, I'm reading them."
"Really? That's amazing!" The King stood up and pulled Chan in to another hug. Hugs have become common these days, it is because Xakro doesn't want his son to leave. Chan is the only bit of family by his side, although King Xakro's egoism is growing higher, it isn't high enough to avoid affection.
Chan is still taking a while to get used of the hugs, but it will sure take a few more months. At least now he is sometimes returning the hug instead of keeping his arms straight down.
"Which page are you on? How far have you reached?" Asked King Xakro in curiosity as he led Chan towards the Kitchen.
"I've read both of them! I was kinda hoping to get more but the only book store has been demolished." Answered Chan, not wanting to mention the Castle over and over as it tends to piss of the King.
Sadly, all the maids have died in that Castle explosion and the only people who are cooking are some Guards. No one is applying to become a maid considering how the last ones fared, and now that Salaries are very late and basically unpaid, it is a second reason for no one to apply.
Grabbing some boar meat and heating them on the fireplace above a small net like piece of metal used to roast meat, since he figured out that Chan likes his food warm. He listened to Chan read, as he was preparing the meat softly.
After a few pages of reading, he stopped Chan to congratulate him. "Wow, you read better than most people I heard."
The compliment from his father felt warm, it was enough to at least tame the burden arising in his heart by the passing day. Weights on his shoulders getting heavier, it isn't something easy to tame completely for now. "Thank you!"
Good enough, the King continued with more compliments. "Perhaps a developing mind like yours can help me figure out something that has been puzzling me."
The Grand King not calling Chan a Buffon! Who would think that such a day would come? Compliments do feel nice, the King got to the point. "When my powers were taken away from me, an explosion happened right after."
"Right, you told me that a couple of times before I think?" Chan remembered this part since it is something very important.
"I did, see you are progressing really well!" The Grand King continued with another compliment, "But the question is how did I survive it without a single scratch?"
"The Castle walls didn't fail to protect you father." Chan joked around, and the King broke in minor laughter after right away.
"That is true, but I mean that I was too close to the explosion. I should have been ripped to pieces, but here I am." Finally another memory popping in his mind, he added. "The people I was stuck with shock me awake, and told me that I just had a few rocks over me. Nothing but a few bumps and bruises."
"So you're point is?" Asked Chan once more, sadly being zoned out throughout half of the conversation and missing the point.
"My point is, those few bumps and bruises are the only bit of injuries I've got. Considering how many houses and people were destroyed near the Castle, I shouldn't have had a better luck." Grabbing the pieces of boar meat with a fork and dropping them on a plate, he finally added. "Whatever happened when I was rendered powerless, it was enough to protect me."