Progress has been happening for the Ignites, well at least in some portions of Ignis. The Mountain Ignites for example, all the way up to the Hidden domain above where Maleemia used to stand, as a Tribe they have made huge progress.
One of the biggest progress here is that no Army came to invade after the last one arrived up here, what would they fight for considering the fact that the Kingdom of Maleemia was blown up to bits? There is nothing to fight for, and the enemies don't know about the Hidden Domain over 200 meters above it.
Quite frankly even if the enemy Armies discovered the Hidden Domain and tried to invade it, it wouldn't neccesarily prove difficult for the Snow Ignites to stop them.
After all, with a little trick of mass suffocation, 15 Fire Controlling ladies managed to lead the whole ill.u.s.tratian Alliance to a military shortage. They did all the work yet the credit was all given to the Snow Ignites, no matter.
The point here is that the Hidden Domain can handle any invasion as long as they cross through the Carved Path. Considering the surroundings, enemy Armies have to cross the Carved Path. There literally is no other way since Maleemia was halfway sunk in to the mountainside before it was destroyed.
Dealing with armies is indeed a large task, but let's mention smaller progress. Like assuring some daily requirements, I'm not talking about food at the moment. I'm talking about Indoor plumbing.
At the very first section near the entrance, on the left wing there is a Dungeon. They likely will never have to imprison someone from the tribe, and enemies are killed on the spot.
Most importantly, there are these types of toilets there. Basically they are just holes separated in 10 cells but they serve the purpose. The problem with them, is that they got filled to the top in no time.
The solution to it? Well one Fire Blasting lady for example, can melt it all out of existence come to think of it. But that isn't neccesarily a job anyone would want to do, and it can make the lady smell like the business people did down there.
Well smelling like it once can't be a big problem, so they burned it and asked everyone to hold it in for a while until the gifted Stonemason Alcon Epke removes the bricks to see how these holes work and to see if the business leads down somewhere else, specifically if he can make it so no one has to be on Bathroom duty.
Although funny to think of it at such an aspect, Alcon admired the architecture in the toilets. It is shaped in such a way that it would appear round, although it isn't. The blocks are placed in such a way, that it appears round, sort of a step by step way.
He figured out that at the very top left edge, there is a two foot wide hole. He doesn't know where it leads but it looks like Fire didn't really reach it. It has a horrible smell, although nothing in there since dunk can't last that long.
He has a theory that this hole leads 10-30 meters down and could lead out to the mountain side, that's where business would be thrown without care come to think of it.
Now these long holes seem to be clogged, one solution would be to break everything and unclog these holes but it would take too much time, no one can hold it in for two weeks!
So he asked the lady in charge of him and his safety, Ella Angloma to blow fire down the hole as deep and as thin as possible. It is indeed a difficult task, but not if enough concentration is put in to it. Fire can stretch for hundreds of meters if done well, but it will drain out a ton of Stamina at once.
Ella gave it all her concentration, and afterwards they heard cracking rock echoing out of the hole. It isn't certain if it worked, but there is a way to test it. With water of course, but it would be seen as a bad move since the water sources are limited even though a lot of snow is boiled daily.
So he tried it with a rock instead, about the size of his fist and asked Ella to go out in the entrance and see if any rock will pop out. It isn't a complicated process and it can determine if the move was successful or not.
Ella stuck her head out to the mountain side and saw how the rock actually blew out of the mountainside, falling down to the rest of the Rumble underneath them.
"Well the people who call him crazy are the craziest." She thought to herself as she saw the rock, afterwards feeling gratitude. "I will never have to burn poop again!"
Now all they have to do is continue the same process with the nine other holes, come to think of it even if just five of them get cleared up without a problem this would be an absolute win.
On the right wing of the first section, the small thought to be Guard room has been restored to its purpose. Weaponry has been stocked in there, enough to handle a battle.
10 men constantly stay either in that room or near the main entrance which is now fortified with a brick wall accompanied with an Iron coating from the inside, since from the outside it would reflect light and catch attention.
This fortified wall proved on making the entire Hidden Domain a bit warmer since Cold can't get in. Not to confuse it, it still is very cold up here due to the fact of temperatures dropping under -40°C.
However getting back to the first point, this wall will also prove good agaisnt invasive protection but there also are different types of protection set up here with spare men and women.
There are 10 powerless men, armed from head to toe and constantly training as well. Apart from that there are 5 more dependable (Battle-wise) Fire Blasting ladies who guard the spot. If any invader actually managed to climb up here, they will be terminated quickly.
Speaking about Stonemasonry a bit, even Alcon still hasn't figured out how the Stone cutters work without man power. The saws are just too large for them to work without man power, he doesn't know how it works but the saws sure prove useful.
The ten walls at the third section which are built with Alcon as the leader, are holding off hordes of Demons quite well. The Fire Controllers are constantly suffocating the hordes, but without the walls there would be at least a few Demons until now.
Due to the fact that each of the walls are a meter thick, flawlessly built and with Fire Controllers as an aid to suffocate any Demon from the other side, this Tribe will likely never be attacked from any Demon. At least, not from the portal coming from the second section.
The Blacksmiths specifically trained by Osira Nardone, or best known as the Leader of this tribe who now is at Lan Zhe to learn more, explore more and become a Future Grand Leader. Well, the Blacksmiths that she trained have done a great job.
With the three mines completely functional, including the gold mine (We will get to that at another Chapter.) they have managed to coat the hidden Domain with enough tools, Armour and Weapons to last for a long while.
But most importantly, they have made 100 Food Containers. Osira helped them make the first few badges while in training, but they handled the rest.
These hundred Containers can hold up to 5 tons of food, depending on what food they are and how they can be stacked. At the moment only 70 Containers are filled while the other 30 are empty.
As you might have guessed, there still are Rat Bug meat they can use fit in the first containers. This meat is old and naturally sour, but it won't kill you after consumed. It proves as a great food source up here, and there are even more Containers stuffed with them, more precisely Containers starting from 57 to 64. This meat is a lot fresher at the moment, they've dismantled a couple other new nests here since the Rat Bugs sensed food but they also killed a little tribe in the wild. This after all is Survival of the fittest.
Hunting while still having food in stock will keep their supplies from going completely 0, after all they can't wait to hunt when the supplies drop tremendously low. Keeping a Source steady now will prevent possible starvation in the future. For now, they have food enough to last for 6 months.
An issue that has made fairly most of the tribe scratch their heads, is the one at the Third Section. They have found new mines, although they can't determine what ore it will bring.
The reason why they don't know, is because they faced this strong unbreakable rock in front of them. Three Tunnels on the left wing of the third section, and all three of them lead to a dead end with practically indestructible rock. Even Fire can't break it, and as for the Dragon Eye, perhaps it can break it but it would be regarded as a bad idea.
The left wing of the third section doesn't really have anything but three rooms either being empty or having tools who have caught a lot of Rust.
Bittore Nardone, the Grand Leader of this tribe has fairly recovered almost completely, her knees hurt a little bit but she can walk perfectly. Hopefully she will never have to go through closing a Portal like that again and receiving any similar injuries.
Today at the break of November, after she ate a bit of lunch and tried to make her way down to the Forge in order to lend a hand with the work and see how things are going, in the middle of two tunnels at a poorly illuminated spot she noticed a rather (In her point of view.) uncomfortable scene.
She couldn't believe her eyes at first due to the poor illumination, but she did make it absolutely sure after. Samantha and Zelimia are going at it, well that might not be the best word to describe this situation but the point is that these two ladies are kissing each other rather passionately.
"What's going on ladies?" She asked with a mild tone, slightly rough and with her eyebrow raised in curiosity. "When I say support each other, this isn't quite what I mean."