With 500 new people living in Pameres Kingdom already and with 500 more coming next month, it has become an inevitable fact that better more dependable food sources have to be established without blowing too much Budget on them.
It is a bit troubling since Pameres Kingdom doesn't really have any Wheat Grain farms to heavily depend on. This Domain only has a Gr.a.p.e Farm and those are definitely not for eating. However, the good thing about food is that wherever it is purchased, half or more of the money spend on it can be recovered due to the fact that the whole Kingdom buys it.
The Striped Marlin Meat coming from Gaster Kingdom can be taken as a prime example. King Zar settled a deal from the very beginning to purchase it at a rate of 3 Gold Coins per Kilogram. It is way below the Market value, but at that time a good deal for both ends of the stick. Most importantly, Zar set a rule for it to be sold for 5 Gold Coins per Kilogram here.
Half of the food Resources for Pameres Kingdom come from the Zamerians, most of which is Wheat Grain and sometimes other Vegetables as a good bonus. However the prices there even after a Discount are 20% bigger compared to the Market prices here in Occidentis Ignis. And with the population rise, it will just get worse expenses-wise.
But furthermore, Zameria is too far away and King Zar can't risk having a food shortage in case the shipment doesn't come through like it is supposed too, or if one day business relations with the Zamerians are broken. Unlikely to happen but it points out that getting a deal here with a close by neighbour is the best choice.
When we are talking about Neighbours, we of course mean the great Gaster Kingdom. That Domain has three Natural food resources, when looked at in a deeper prespective, these three resources can lead to many sub resources. From fishing for example, there are various species who sell at various prices.
These food resources are powerful, and can easily help Pameres Kingdom be fed three times a day throughout the month, although the King plans to be a bit more savvy than that. At this rate, he is even willing to offer better prices for fish compared to last time.
As a start, we all know how Gaster Kingdom has been delivering 3 tons of Stripped Marlin meat here in Pameres Kingdom, selling for 3 Gold Coins per Kilo. Well now although the price per kilo won't shift, King Zar proposes a new contract which includes increasing the monthly shipment to a total of 5 tons per month.
This beautifully big order, will lead to Gaster Kingdom earning 15,000 Gold Coins a month just from this project, and the fact that it doesn't have a time limit makes it a whole lot better! The fact that here at Pameres Kingdom, the meat will be sold for 5 Gold Coins a Kilo means that 25,000 Gold Coins a month will be earned out of it.
But of course, 5 tons of fish meat and the fact that Pameres Kingdom has hunters itself isn't enough to feed a stunning 3,100 people each day, twice a day for a month. These resources are off to a great start but are not enough. According to some rough calculations, it can only feed the whole Kingdom for 7-10 days.
The second and possibly cheapest food investment that King Zar is making, includes a monthly never ending order. This order, will bring Pameres Kingdom 5 tons of Wheat Grain per month.
5 tons of Grain does look like a big number now does it? Well it is, and due to the fact that its Market price here is 20 gold Coins per 50 Kilos, it means that only 2,000 Gold Coins will be spent on it.
Now this low price opens up other options, it solely means that King Zar can sell it half the Market price without risking wasting the Budget. This cheap price will continue to ensure that houses who earn less will no doubt manage to have food each day of the month, even if that food might not be the fanciest of them all. Getting half of the gold back each month that is spend on this project, is a nice little bonus. Obviously Wheat Grain will sell the most.
Bale Town has cancelled a deal with Gaster Kingdom. The deal was to bring a ton of various animal meat to Bale Town in exchange of 7,000 Gold Coins. Considering meat's Market value, that was a rather large discount.
It doesn't neccesarily mean that they don't like the products or aren't happy with the prices, the issue is that Bale Town has its own hunters who bring in hunts every week and a 250 Hectare field that has brought a lot of Wheat last harvest. Short said, a lot of food is going rotten so this order has to be cut short.
However this isn't necessarily bad news and in other words it is perfect timing. Because it means that this meat can be sent to Pameres Kingdom. King Zar doesn't plan to drop this delivery's value as it is already very low.
Pameres Kingdom will pay 7,000 Gold Coins a month for this various order of meat, but since its Market price is a bit too big for a commoner or poor man to buy, it will be sold at half the market value so no one goes home hungry even though they work 22 days a month.
Regardless, this still means that 3,500 Gold Coins will come back to Pameres Kingdom which helps tame some of the expenses instead of straight up letting 7,000 Gold Coins being spent.
Now let's talk about fish! At Gaster Kingdom's shores there are tens of fish species and a large landmass to fish, so obviously they will never run out of fish, which is a good thing.
However, only a handful of fish species fall under the cheap category. When we are talking cheap, we don't mean rotten meat, but just those who are more common.
King Zar has offered to pay 3 Gold Coins a month for these species, but most importantly to fed the whole Kingdom a lot better, he will have them sold for half the Market price.
The price will be that low here and he will order 3 tons a month, this order all together will bring 9,000 Gold Coins to Gaster Kingdom. Inevitably, this domain whose income was flat, is earning a beautiful profit of 68k Gold Coins now.
Everyone is winning, Gaster Kingdom is earning more and Pameres Kingdom has better food options. Now you might be wondering if these 14 tons of imported food, 200 eggs and hundreds of Kilos of food brought from the local hunters here, will be enough to feed everyone.
Well, two meals a day are an absolute guarantee. But for those who can earn more or want to buy at bundles in the very beginning, 3 meals a day is very possible.
These options are nice, but Gaster Kingdom is far outsourced now with the new deliveries being established after February starts. And if the population here will rise, a better more dependable food supply has to be established. Seer suggests, 40 Hectares of Wheat fields.