As a method of taming the overall food situation, King Zar has hired extra Farmers a few weeks earlier to Cultivate 40 Hectares of land. They will start as soon as a bit of the Snow melts and although they might be planting Wheat Grains a month after the usual time in Ignis.
But since there is a lot of sun here throughout the summer it won't be a big problem, the crops will grow and Snow doesn't hit before December anyway.
Forming these Farm fields will also prove useful when the population meets yet another possible rise in the future, the King has already brought two waves of Zamerians in his Domain and plans to bring more in the future are in process, although not put in to word yet.
Simple reason behind a population rise is that more people equals to more income. However profit might be damaged if too much Gold was spend on food, especially if spent on meat. That would not prove as an aid to the overall Budget development.
Wheat Grain is the cheapest and most yielding option. According to common yields here in Ignis, Pameres Kingdom will harvest about 2 tons of Wheat Grain per Hectare. So when we combine them all, the average yield from the future farm fields will be anywhere around 80 tons. It sounds beautiful doesn't it? 80 tons!
This amount alone with no meat included, can feed the Domain of 3,200 people rather well for a span of 4-6 months. Maybe not twice a day, every day. But it still proves useful since buying enough food, especially meat from any other external Domain to feed this many people is hard to tackle. It is best if Pameres Kingdom establishes its own natural food sources.
However when you include the various options of meat in any individual's daily diet here, everyone will be properly fed. The Wheat Grain is a good way to ease expenses, it is a good move really although next year this Domain might need to double the Hectares due to the increasing population.
Regarding population, it has risen to 3,200 people recently. 1,000 of them are Zamerians and the last five hundred of these Zamerians arrived just a couple of weeks ago. The Kingdom could easily fit the first arriving 500 since there were already 100 Houses available.
Even after that, in just a span of a month 100 more Houses were built to fit the newly arriving 500 Zamerians that came two weeks ago. All this became possible because of the expansive count of Construction Workers and Stonemasons who with just 8 hours a day could tackle such a demand.
200 more Houses will be built as an order from King Zar, these houses won't be filled with people immediately but it is good to have them before time instead of rushing it a month before newly arriving people which can mess with the overall quality of the Houses. In total, there will be 800 Houses here in Pameres Kingdom by the end of April, 600 of which are already in use.
In terms of employment, King Zar did not rush. There were 253,000 Gold Coins spent on employees before January while the Income is just over 445,000 and not to mention that there are other expenses apart from the employees.
In one glance it is obviously a bad idea to invest this much Gold Coins on employees, and the constant Salary raises pushed the overall monthly Profit to this point. 150k of clean Profit a month just isn't enough when you consider the business deals settled and the expenses.
But there is also a good thing behind all those Salary raises in the past. For example now that there are 1,000 new people living here, there will be a lot less expenses when employing these new people.
It doesn't make sense now, but it is actually quite easy to comprehend.
One reason behind this concept, is that apprentices won't be paid over 150 Gold Coins right at the beginning yet the income these apprentices can bring will make a difference. In other terms, expenses on these employees will be low but the income they will bring has chances of being high.
There won't be any rush to giving them Salary raises either, and when given it will be small. Since most Branches of older employees now earn over 150 Gold Coins, Salary raises won't include these older employees which will be easier on the Budget. Meaning when a Salary raise would be neccesary, it won't cost much since it will only include 15-25% of the employees.
Before getting in to how many new people were hired, we can talk about a couple positive side effects of hiring them. Since there are more people hired of the 1,000 Zamerians, 200 more homes can be taxed.
It won't leave anyone hungry so don't worry about that, but for now it can leave them without savings depending on how many Salaries go in one house.
These taxes, push up the monthly income earned from Houses up to 60,000 while before it was only 40,000 Gold Coins. In the short term it doesn't look too big, but in the long term when you consider how much Gold was spend on just 1,480 employees before January, these taxes just enhance the monthly profit for the better.
The second benefit from hiring more Zamerians, is the fact that income from the various food sold has increased a tad bit here and there. It isn't a tremendous income, it barely reaches to 10k but it will help tame the expenses and inevitably raise the monthly profit.
Now finally, getting to how many people hired, on what branches and for what reasons. When Hiring people, King Zar can not help but think about the most profitable craft of them all, Blacksmithery.
These craftsmen can bring a shit ton of Profit, but yet again they take a lot of gold as a Salary the more they progress with the Craft so he had to go easier on employments this time. He only hired 200 experienceless Blacksmiths, and their first task has become making Daggers.
Their salaries however will be a good 120 Gold Coins for now, they will increase in time and most Kastarian houses have two or more incomes flowing in so there isn't any disadvantage here.
However, this time Pameres Kingdom did not tie a new deal with the Zamerians but with the Ratans instead! Odd right? Because for a start this super Continent doesn't make small deals, not to mention Daggers. And at the same time Ratan only made deals with the ill.u.s.tratian Alliance before which gives a sense of a preferred business faction.
I guess Pameres Kingdom's name grew bigger after the Revolution, but furthermore the employee count here became impressive. There are doubts about Domains in Ratan caring about the War here, they just want to be richer.
But what can be considered a side profit in any Domain of theirs there in Ratan pays off really well, as Daggers can be sold for triple the price there. One Domain in Ratan, closest to the ice caps has ordered 3,500 Daggers a month, this order will last for a whole year!
The main reason behind it, is that Ratan holds the biggest population on the planet and Daggers are self defence weapons that anyone out of the Army can cary, Daggers can never be enough.
Now technically, this new team of 200 Blacksmiths can only handle an order of 3,000 to 3,200 Daggers each month. 3,500 is a bit of a far shot so to their assistance has been put Blacksmiths from team one and two. The most experienced Blacksmiths can make triple the amounts of Daggers a month so this is no problem that can't be tackled.
These stats are getting a bit boring, I'm betting you care more about the overall profit from these Daggers. Kind on the eyes, this project alone will bring 105,000 Gold Coins a month starting from this February.
2/10 of this income will be spent on paying the Blacksmiths but that's a small sacrifice for the sake of a profit this big. Gaster Kingdom will be taking 10% of this income in exchange for the Port usage so technically Pameres Kingdom will earn 94,500 Gold Coins a month from this project (Paying the Blacksmiths discluded).
With so much Iron required, 20 new Miners have been hired to tame the daily demands. Although each Miner earns a whooping 170 Gold Coins a month, the monthly expenses made on them only shifted by 4k. This is King Zar's favourite expense since it fuels so many Incomes, he would blow another 4k on them without regret.
Now Hiring 220 Kastarians only and taxing 100 Gold Coins a month per house isn't exactly the best idea so King Zar has established an official team of Wagon Constructors so more people can bring Salaries to their homes.
This team won't be categorized under the "Construction Workers" section anymore. Actually this team will never build Houses, their numbers reach 100 now and they will solely build Wagons.
Throughout some sources of information, Ratan has figured out that Pameres Kingdom makes Wagons and sells them cheap. What Wagon costs 400 Gold Coins here in Occidentis Ignis (Country) can cost up to 3,000 Gold Coins there. We are talking about medium size and quality, nothing bigger or better.
Apparently its some type of luxury to have a Wagon in Ratan and the middle class have high demands for them. The Demands are high but buying them for 2,500 and selling them for 3,000 isn't the best business deal so that's where King Zar with his beautiful Domain comes in handy.
In a span of 9 months, Pameres Kingdom will deliver 100 Wagons to the Domain in Ratan which is located near the Ice Caps. They even offer 100 Gold Coins more from the average price around here, so that's 500 Gold Coins per Wagon which equals to a total income of 50,000 Gold Coins a month.
Gaster Kingdom takes 5,000 of course as a 10% deal so that leaves Pameres Kingdom with 45,000 Gold Coins as a pure income (Without the Employee expenses included that is).
Now these Wagon Constructors will earn a good income of 130 Gold Coins per month. But 100 of these people can make far more than 100 Wagons per month, they can make over 300.
So with that under consideration, another nearby Domain in Ratan has ordered 150 Wagons a month for a span of 4 months with a slightly bigger offer of 550 Gold Coins per Wagon.
Now these Numbers are getting too extensive and confusing so I will cut it short for you, the overall income from this second deal will be 74,250 Gold Coins. A beautiful number isn't it?
It feels even nicer how two sources of profit come from one branch of work. Better yet, the 100 Wagon Constructors can handle the orders so they can mainly focus on quality which will inevitably increase orders in the future.
Now with 320 Kastarians hired, it has become quite certain that each house can afford paying a 100 Gold Coin tax, they won't be able to save up gold but the cost of living will be covered which is good enough for now.
Now with all these expenses, you might be wondering how big the profit will be when March ends? A stunning, a beautiful 351,385 Gold Coins a month as a clean profit!
This is insane, because for over a year and a half of work Pameres Kingdom has piled up a bit over 600k Gold Coins. But now? The Domain will earn half of that amount in just one month!
At this point they seem practically unstoppable right but there is a twist. Well the gap between the income and outcome has become rather wide, mostly because three new sources of income have been established but also because the new expenses have been explicitly minimalist.
Not giving any Salary raises this time helped as well of course! The King has been increasing Salaries over and over, now it is the time for the Kingdom to make a good profit out of all those expenses made. In other terms, it means that raises will be a bit less common now although the overall goal remains for everyone to earn over 200 Gold Coins a month.
In another way, it is a good thing that there aren't any salary raises yet. Because the twist is that at the end of March a few business deals will meet an end. These deals equal to 1/3 of the current profit being sliced, so it is obviously big. These deals could be renewed, or they could be not. March will tell us, but for now it shows that Pameres Kingdom isn't economically unstoppable.
In terms of the total Budget now that January has ended, Pameres Kingdom still remains second in line in the title as the biggest Budget with a total amount of 621,000 Gold Coins saved up.
That's huge, and by the end of February this domain will be close to piling up one million Gold Coins and no doubt be first in the charts as the biggest Budget in the Triangle of Domains.
The tremendous profit indeed proved useful, and it will be a great way of funding the Outposts all the way across to Orientis Ignis. Although, it would still be great if the two close by domains chip in and it would be even better if the gap between the income and outcome here in Pameres Kingdom stray further away from each other.