Being given an hour or so to breathe freely, thanks to the fact that there are only 2 or so Demons emerging from the water under an hour or two and of course thanks to the fact that Mogranius is all over the Patrol shift, young Eric here has a bit more time to sharpen his powers.
He is an Expert Fire Controller no doubt, a Hatchling in Lava Controlling too but the power he looks the most forward to train at the moment are his beautifully helpful Healing Powers.
Eric is powerful enough alone, but life has no limits when it comes to bringing physical damage! He can get hurt, his friends can get hurt as well and having healing powers helps him feel the sense of immunity towards danger although not immortality.
He obviously won't be able to become a Grand Master in a span of a day or a year come to think of it, but it's always handy to have a healer in his or best called their Arsenal!
The best way to hone his healing powers properly, has become through reading pricy books written in the Zamerian language, thankfully Ladia is here to be a good translator and learn herself too.
Mostly, King Michael likes to monitor Ladia's progress since she is a very valuable person in this Kingdom and if there is any way he can help her progress faster, he would want to help.
Furthermore he is interested into researching how Healers do their thing, although he most likely won't become a healer himself since he doesn't have the power.
Those two facts aside, he can't be here and help these kids progress since he along with Commander Alia are trying to train the Chickens, trying to prepare them for battle in any way possible.
Ladia practically being Eric's teacher at the moment, although younger than him, decided to help the Electus by starting off with the most basic spells or best called power moves.
Muscle healing! Starting off with healing sprained ankles, wrists or any kind or muscle tension can help set down an essential base of practice which can help any Healer progress a hunch faster when they try more advanced pieces of work.
Well, at least that's what the book for Hatchlings (Level 1) healers says. So trying her best to explain, with all the Ignite language she knows, Ladia spoke. "Uhh, do you know wrist slapping?"
Trying her best to understand her, which in a way pushed his social anxiety away, he let silence stretch for a few seconds before answering. "You mean that thing you did on King Michael when he got struck by that big Lizard?"
Roughly understandable, but good enough for the older Eric who often stutters, she explained. "Yes yes, it's child toy. You just need to tap arm or leg with finger and try heal patch by patch."
Although willing to learn, he sure hopes this is easy so he bumps from one word to another trying to express himself quickly. "Does it require concentration? Because King Michael and Mogranius idolise concentration!"
Understanding the Electus, since as a child she isn't the best with concentration either, she tried to reassure him. "No no it easy, you just focus tiny and just tap tap tap tap!"
Tapping made her think of something else she read in the book, and since Eric doesn't usually reply in 2 seconds or less she used the silence to give a better explanation as she tapped her book. "It says in book that Hatchling can heal wrist with 4 - 8 tap tap taps and ankle with 7 - 11 taps."
Concern growing through his subconscious, he decided it best to ask about it. "Its no problem if we over do it right? I'm not the best with remembering numbers."
Having read this book for hours at a time now, she memorized everything enough to answer with 100% accuracy. "No harm, if muscle healed they will no longer pain sharp taps by every hit."
Pointing out the obvious, he spoke. "I guess I need to wait for anyone to sprain their ankle to use this one."
Freely expressive although younger, she spoke. "Boar crap, you can try on my wrist. If you can make finger glow its good enough."
After that she reached her arm out, lightly dropped her book on the table and said. "Try, imagine you healing muscle."
Not so comfortable with holding anyone's wrist, especially a lady's for obvious shy reasons, he tried to sugar coat his words with. "Are you sure it won't hurt?"
Appreciating the Electus how he doesn't want to hurt any friend, it gave her more motivation to help him progress so she insisted. "Very! Even if it will, a sprained leg hurt a lot more than sharp heal."
Avoiding grabbing her arm, he just started tapping on her wrist without giving much of a reply. "Okay."
Rushing it a little bit, he tapped on her arm 7 times without even a tiny bit of light shining from his forefinger.
Seeing that he is rushing, which in countless ways can take that little bit of concentration he has, Ladia advised. "Slow down, book speaks no run."
Since these books are once again a topic, they didn't come cheap at all. Crazy expensive even though the Ruler of Lav Kingdom helped Michael attain small discounts.
The first book alone for example, meaning the book that teaches everything a Healer needs to know about progressing through the Hatchling Level[1], has been bought for 500 Gold Coins!
Crazy expensive for a book, half of an average Zamerain salary actually but it's little compared to book 2 who teaches Young Cubs [Level 2] Healers. That book alone has been bought for a total price of 1,400 Gold Coins.
But the prices don't stop there, they continue to ascend towards the furthest. Magicians or differently called Level 3 Healers, would need to pay 3,000 Gold Coins if they wish to progress through Level 3 with a book to their aid.
To cut it short, ook 4 has been bought for 4,600 Gold Coins.
Book 5 has cost 7,000 Gold Coins.
And book 6, the highly valued piece of beneficial literature that helps one learn everything a Grand Master needs to know, has a total price of 10,000 Gold Coins!
You would wonder why the King would pay this much for books, especially since the Kingdom would likely not need the three last books for a painfully long time.
His answer is simple, tomorrow isn't promised and now that he had the chance to buy all 6 books, why not? Paying a total of 26.5k for these books is hectic, but it's better to get it over with.
Having a full trained Healer in his Domain will prove extremely useful in terms of keeping the population count steady here, one is enough to sustain all these 800 people.
Hilariously, King Michael hopes that more Healers won't emerge from the Zamerian citizens he has in this Domain because it would necessarily mean that they would need separate books as well.
Sure Eric and Ladia are sharing these books, but it would become more troublesome to learn if 3-6 kids share one source of "magical education".
On another side note, thanks to this purchase the total piled up Budget here in Gaster Kingdom has dropped from 385,500 Gold Coins to 359,000.
It's hard to see it drop this fast considering all the work the whole Domain put in to attain this gold, but between giving compensations and making necessary payments like this one, extra spending can and will become more often for the sake of progress and protection.
"Hello hello hello..." Ada stretched one word as she burst through the Kitchen doors.
The two Healers here didn't stray from the Castle, it's cold outside and who wouldn't want to be around fancy King food?
Her attitude sweet, the look on her face being blank enough to express calmness, these points alone make it clear that she didn't come here to cause any trouble. "King Michael told me you two are here, I want to see you two train."
Feeling a lot more comfortable that he and Ladia aren't alone in a room anymore, although that little lady wouldn't do anything to attract the Electus and just wants to train. Eric gave a little unnoticeable sigh and expressed. "Glad you are here."
Although unintended, Ladia projected a slightly harsh thought. "Now we have another subject train on hehe."
Basically any human being having it irritatingly hard to offend this kind 15 year old ill.u.s.tratian lady, she once again showed her level of maturity by tagging along. "Anything you need me for, I can help. So always call me when you are training!"
Although beating around the bush for the sake of not fighting over silly stuff like this, Ada is jealous! Having female friends is alright, but being alone with them and holding wrists like that can be easily misunderstood for the worst.
Highly agreeing, Eric smiled widely and nodded. "Totally!"