Considering this explicitly unique situation, to have an upper advantage against the Demons two steps have to be taken.
Although a good portion of the Town could have done the same if they paid attention, they didn't. It is Dilli Flurry who has made the firmest theory of where the Portal might be, by simply using Demonic traces.
And of course, they did not just burst in the Castle after forming a theory, that would be a bad idea in many aspects.
For example the Town could be caught off Guard if Hundreds of Demons suddenly decided to appear everywhere, even people as physically powerful as the Calidum Lutum could suffer large losses from a low tone Ambush.
Two but equally important, if Laza, Kazer and Dilli just went into the Castle without informing anyone. If the Demons actually overwhelm the three Adventurers, there will be no saving them, no back up.
They first went back to Town, arranged all of the Guards to be on their pique performance, even encouraged some non Guard men and women to lend a hand in this defensive task.
That should keep everyone safe from any possible attacks, if Close Combat isn't enough to handle the Demons, the Lava Blasters are here to cause colossal damage against anything who dares to hurt this Town.
Apart from that golden move of protection, they reconnected with the Grand Masters to propose a plan that Kazer thought off and Dilli modified.
Kazer stated after he entered the Rock Igloo, "Demons are here, we need to work fast. I need you Xalk."
Happy that he can get into action although he kept it calm, trying to not become similar to the situation in the old Lan Zhe.
Xalk answered, "What do you need me to do?"
Speaking in their own Calidum Lutum language although Dilli can't understand anything, Kazer pitched. "That old Ignite Castle has most likely a portal inside, we need you to surround everything with Volcanic Rock so we can seal the Demons in."
Although wanting to help, this idea might not be the best in Xalk's point of view and he didn't fail to express his disagreement either.
Starting it with a minor shout, Xalk stated. "That's crazy! That Castle is over 30 meters tall, I need the rest of the Grand Masters there if not 20 more Masters."
Xalk is taking this situation logically, which is ironic considering how he behaved back in Lan Zhe because of the Blue Lava.
Unwilling to sit and wait for something to happen, Altacin offered her services. "Then I'll come and help you."
Having that thought over already, Kazer expressed. "No, I need you three here to protect Lan Zhe."
Turning the topic back to Xalk, Kazer continued. "Xalk, take 10 Masters with you. Don't rush it, the Town is protected and I'd like to think that 21 people can take care of theirselves against mindless Demons."
As they walked closer to the Castle, Dilli couldn't help but be amazed of the Architecture although it is rather simple.
From the ground, she feels very small compared to the Castle as one of its round, moss covered Towers is 30 meters tall as mentioned by Xalk earlier.
Furthermore, a little while earlier she could notice half of the Castle's left tower crumbled down to the ground close by, a 10 or so meter tall rubble to be more exact.
Apart from its massive height, this Castle is over 70 meters wide. Although she can't be exactly sure of that, it still is huge.
The entrance she along with Kazer walked through, it's around 13 feet tall which points towards the fact that Ignites favoured to exaggerate Architectural works 6,000 years before.
What points out towards that fact? Well since Wagons weren't invented by that time and since Ignites ranged around 7 feet tall then, Building a 13 feet tall entrance was completely unnecessary.
Apart from its height, the walls granting entrance to the Castle aren't so thin either, approximately 20 feet wide which is logical considering the wall heights.
But as they passed through the entrance, they took a left glance to seek what else this Castle has to offer and noticed that the walls aren't equal to the entrance, they are a few feet thinner.
This Architecture is nothing less than different, you would expect that since the towers are over 30 meters tall, the Castle would be enormous.
It's quite the opposite, looking to their right they also spotted the Castle and considering the towers and walls around this Castle, this size is tiny.
The Castle only stretches 30 feet across, has this sort of roundish shape and is only 10 feet tall. 10!
Considering this odd architecture, one would think that the walls are just for show but when you look at this from a battle point of view, it is Genius.
Sure it isn't fancy and holy, but since it is made entirely out of rock it would face little to no damage from spears and arrows.
The walls protect this little Castle from receiving damage and considering the height of the Towers, the Ignites could have done massive Damage without Fire, although it is unlikely that they've put Archers up there.
Everything about this Castle is bizarre, there are only three Towers. Be it intact or not, so you would expect the walls to be triangular in order to both cut expenses and lead enemies towards the Towers.
But no, these walls are formed into a square and although there is a tower on the left and right in front of the Castle, there is only one tower right in the middle on the back side of these walls.
As they walked towards the Castle, Dilli asked. "Why do you want to build a stone wall around it? You could just go in here and surround the Castle."
Expecting this question, but not from Dilli, he felt well prepared to answer. "This is ancient Ignite History, our situation is sensitive but it doesn't mean that we have rights to destroy this precious Landmark. The easy way through would be considered selfish here."
Liking how Kazer is protecting Ignite History although she has it hard putting every logical fact together, she decided to ask. "But we will cause Damage when we bring that Portal down, some kind of Collapse is inevitable just to make the portal unusable for a while."
Not liking how she thinks, although understanding why, he pointed out. "You're thinking the easy way through, see that's what will harm this relic. I have an idea about that too, just leave it to me."
Entering the Castle was easy, the stone door of an entrance was long crumbled by time. Broken in 3 big pieces, and complimented by thousands of ash like tiny rocks spread around here and there around it.
Walking in the Castle became tricky for Kazer since he is ten feet tall, it was hard for him for a little while until they figured that this Castle is bigger on the outside than on the inside.
10 meters in, they found theirselves going down stone stairs, covered with moss, cracked all over and they could even see small animal bones here and there.
To make it more clear, everything is becoming more spacy. The Stone staircase is 30 feet or so wide, and it isn't certain how deep they go.
Dark down here without a doubt, Dilli broke out a bit of fire From her palm and kept it going to grant this place a gift that it might not have seen for 1 to thousands of years, illumination. Light.
Now why did I mention 1 before 1,000? It's simple, many people could have walked here after the Castle was put out of use.
Be it an explorer, be it a treasure seeker, be it a man or woman hungry for knowledge, many could have been here.
Relics usually sell for big coin, so if not sold to a rich ill.u.s.tratian, Relics could have been sold to some rich Ignite anywhere before 202 years.
That's one reason one would be inspired to explore this Castle, gold.
Feeling like they are half way deep through the Staircase, they heard something they did not want to hear but are also glad to hear it. Complexing to comprehend, but what happens happens.
A Demon shouted from the top of its lungs, chasing the light and thinking it would scare illumination with such crazed behaviour.
Dilli was the first to spot this Demon, although they both heard it yell like the crazed Bastards these Demons are.
She shot a two foot wide Fireball, small in size because she perfectly fixed her aim.
But second and the least favourable, this Demon was already 3 foot close.
It's head blown off, momentum piled up through its previous dash did not cease to exist.
Dilli got tackled by the Demon's carcass, tossed against the stairs because of it.
Thankfully alive and mobile, she pushed the Demon away, stood up alone refusing Kazer's aid and removed her shoulder armour strap, glancing at the claw marks left on it she expressed. "Well at least we are on the right path."