Chapter 289 Dissolution

Name:Elemental Cats Author:
Toz had only relatively recently acquired the void and space elements. But since he used void magic every time he used combination magic, he was getting quite proficient in the attribute.

However, Toz's proficiency in the void element was mostly limited to when he used it in combination with the other elements. It didn't help much when he tried to learn Dissolution, a spell digging into the true nature of void magic.

Most of Toz's experience with void magic was pretty useless when he tried to learn the spell. Since the Void inspired his darkness spell, Void's Embrace, it could provide some guidance. But it was inspired by the Void's properties of omnipresence, all-encompassing, and containment, so it couldn't help Toz much, not to mention how it was still a darkness spell and built on the nature of darkness magic.

However, Toz wasn't bothered by the fact that he didn't have a proper starting point to learn the spell since learning Dissolution without previous knowledge would allow him to learn it directly without having to combine it with his previous knowledge. It would also provide him fresh insights into the workings of void mana, and Toz eagerly dove into the grimoire with his entire concentration.

Dissolution was a pretty straightforward spell. It built on the Void's indifference to everything else and the way everything was nothing in front of the Void.

Toz quickly pretty grasped the concept of Dissolution thanks to what he heard the Representative do with the spell. That understanding also helped him learn the spell quickly, even if it was a lot more challenging to put it into practice than it was to understand the idea behind the spell.

The first step of the spell was to infuse the target with void mana, which wasn't difficult as long as the target was weaker than Toz and without sentience. Thankfully, Toz had a bunch of items and things stuffed into his spatial storage items in his pockets that he could use to train the next step.

After infusing his mana into the target, Toz had to bring out the void mana's true nature according to the way used in the grimoire. The difficulty varied depending on the item's quality and how it was made, and it would probably be a lot harder if Toz tried to use it against an opponent similar to him in strength. But Toz focused on what was in front of him as he grasped a low level wooden spear he picked up from somewhere and infused it with void mana.

After having practiced several times, Toz was already becoming quite proficient in stuffing his void mana into items, but he still couldn't complete the second step with the same amount of success.

Toz closed his eyes and focused on the mana inside the spear. If he didn't maintain control over it, the mana would only dissipate and escape the spear.

In his mind, the spear and the mana inside it were the only things Toz sensed as he began delicately willing the mana into action. It was at this point he usually failed.

Instead of dissolving the weapon, the mana tried to move around and inevitably escaped the spear.

But this time, Toz didn't make the mana dissolve the weapon. He held the mana completely still as he carefully, slowly, gently began to stir it and awaken a part of its true nature.

Toz felt like the mana was about to escape his grasp and leave the spear again, so he stopped for a few seconds before trying again.

As he continued, Toz could tell that he managed to bring out more of the mana's true nature without making it escape the spear. But he still had to stop after a certain point since the mana was growing too volatile to handle.

After the third attempt, Toz felt the spear in his hands lose a little weight as a few fragments of wood fell off the handle.

Toz smiled in success, but only for a split second since the mana was too sensitive for him to do anything other than focus on controlling it. Unfortunately, his reaction was still enough, and the mana slipped out of his grasp and left the spear again.

Toz considered continuing with the spear since he had already had minor success with it, but he chose not to for the same reason. Trying to dissolve the spear again might succeed, but the spell was supposed to be able to do it in one go and almost instantaneously.

Dissolving a half-broken and worn spear also wouldn't give Toz much practice, and it would be better to just move on to the next practice spear.

This time, Toz achieved similar success right on his second attempt as the spear shed pieces of its outer layer like a husk.

Toz was happy that he saw such rapid improvement, but he was still far from being able to use the spell in combat the same way the Representative did, so he continued destroying training spears left and right.

When he finally managed to turn a wooden spear into nothing more than a pile of splinters of various sizes in one go, Toz moved on to items of better quality.

Since he had moved most things into Wulf's treasury, Toz didn't actually have a lot of items on hand. He only moved on from the wooden spears, despite not being satisfied with how quickly he destroyed one because he didn't have any left.

Toz didn't think about fetching more items since he was so caught up in training. He wasn't willing to give up his focus just because he wanted to save some money by not destroying all his treasures.

Thankfully, Toz wasn't alone. He was still training on Taienra's back, after all. And while Taienra wasn't constantly monitoring Toz since he would be able to sense her perception and might get disturbed, she still checked in on him sometimes when the cats asked her to.

Taienra had seen what Toz's training was, and when she saw the pile of destroyed spears, she asked the cats to find something to help Toz in his training.

Taienra correctly guessed that Toz needed some sturdier treasures to use as practice, so the cats ended up bringing things that were a lot better than the wooden spears he used. The cats didn't have a need for treasures or magic items since their bodies and magic were all they needed. The only reason they gathered or hoarded items and valuables was for vanity and because Toz might need them in the future.

The cats brought a bunch of different weapons and items like enchanted trinkets and clothes to help Toz in his practice. The quality varied, but since Taienra had asked for the things on Toz's behalf, the cats didn't hold back and brought out some of their sturdier things. If they didn't have anything of suitable quality, they would either steal or make something.

Lucy mostly collected shiny things and money, so he ended up robbing most of the crews in Pirate Haven of at least one item. He only held back because everyone was technically Toz's subordinates.

Nil, on the other hand, could make things with his metal magic. Nil's constructs provided invaluable help to Toz since they helped him practice dissolving actual magic that someone else was responsible for instead of just inanimate objects.