Chapter 11: Making a Bet

Name:Elydes Author:
Chapter 11: Making a Bet

Chapter 11

People were adaptable and Greenside citizens were no different. Both the original and new population accepted their new reality.

The previously frenzied activity fell into a predictable routine. None were more bored than him. Kai had not made any new friends.

Exploring alone wasnt fun and he still didnt feel safe outside of the main streets.

Kai walked home exhausted, he had gone for a swim and bit off a little more than he could chew. Today he had to cook dinnerwhich consisted of a few boiled vegetables and fish. It was a sad meal, but while he had never been good at cooking, Kea was even worse.

Alana got home with Eleni half an hour later and the family got together to eat dinner.

Thank you for cooking dear, it smells amazing, Alana said with a smile.

Such a liar.

Kai inwardly rolled his eyes. He appreciated the sentiment, but the best he could aspire to was a bland smell and taste.

Youre improving, Eleni said. Her lie didnt sound as convincing.

Yeah, maybe in a couple of years your dishes wont taste like sand, Keandra remarked in a whisper loud enough for everyone to hear.

Youre welcome to cook next time, Kai said, glaring at her.

Oh, I think I will.

She never backed down.

Are you also gonna pay for a healer after we get food poisoning? He wasnt going to let her win so easily.

Kea looked at her empty glass disappointed, Next time you cook Ill remember to bring a glass of seawater. It can only improve the taste.

The back and forth went on for a while before Alana pacified the situation. Eleni ignored them, long used to their bickering.

Kai, would you come walk with me? Alana asked, after dinner.

Kai followed her outside, his mother wanted to talk with a bit of privacy that their house's thin walls didnt allow.

Im sorry I argued with Kea, even if she is the one who started it. Kai apologized halfheartedly.

Alana smiled amused, That is nice to hear, but this wasnt what I wanted to talk about.

Greenside was only so big with not many attractions. They could either go towards the cultivated fields or the sea. This time they chose the latter.

They stared at the blue expanse sitting on the rocky shore.

Kai, remember after you got Mana Sense we decided to get you a teacher in time. With everything that has been going on well, things clearly didnt go as expected. But now Im looking for someone.

Kai had to take a moment to remember what she was talking about. After they had been forced to move, he had already made peace that it was never going to happen.

Mom, its fine, I dont need a teacher. I can wait a few more years. Kai said, shrugging his shoulders.

Dont worry about the money, Ill find a way to make it happen.

It was nice that his mom wanted to help, but he knew that with three mouths to feed they were barely scraping by.

Mom, I dont need one. I can train fine by myself.

Honey, it would be a waste not to cultivate your talent. Its not only about learning about mana skills, improving your skills will also give you the XP to enhance your race faster.

I know youve already reached your first enhancement a while ago and are on your way to your second. Dont you want to reach it quicker? I remember you asked how to increase the number of skill slots. Well, the only way is to advance your race grade to Orange. Trust me, sweetie.

Now, that explains a few things

Kai took a moment to digest the new information, he would have much to think about later.

Even if it was tempting, he was firm in his decision, You dont have to worry mom, Ive already had my second enhancement, I can do it by myself.

His mind was still thinking about all the implications of the new revelation. Maybe that was why he didnt immediately notice his mother had gone silent. When he looked up, he realized his blunder.

How could you not tell me you have already reached the peak of Red, Kai?! Alana stood up in a scolding pose.

Before Kai could stammer a response, she had started pacing back and forth in front of him.

Its my fault for not noticing, how could I not think of it? I should have acted sooner

Kai could almost see Alanas brain going into overdrive as she found ways to take all the blame somehow.

Ill look for someone first thing in the morning. No, I cant settle for someone not worthy, Ill find the best teacher on this whole island, its decided.


Dont worry, no sane mage would refuse such a talented apprentice.

Kai tried to argue, but no matter what he said, Alana wouldn't listen. He was only able to make her promise she would not bankrupt their family. However, as he saw her make calculations in her mind, he was sure she planned to take another job.

Damn, my stupid mouth.

It wasnt like he didnt want a teacher, but with what they could afford he didnt expect much. Even if he was a geniuswhich was debatablehe didnt believe someone would teach him for free. He long reasoned that if he showed his real progress, he could probably find someone who would want to invest in him, but there would be strings attached.

It didnt look like his mom would back down, so Kai tried another approach.

Where exactly did you hear of this mage person exactly?

Alana mumbled something.

Say that again.

Tally told me she ended up on her property when she was trying to get to Sylspring during the famine and she said she was hosted by a mage for the whole winter.

Old Tally, the old crazy hag that sells fish in the market, insisting her completely ordinary fisha bit subpar if you ask meis some rare magical specimen that fell from the sky on top of her house during a storm? That Old Tally?

Kai, who taught you to speak like that? You should pay more respect to the old members of our community.

You know she once dyed her fish with some strange algae for another of her crazy stories and gave food poisoning to half a dozen families?

Cough, that's an old misunderstanding.

It was two months ago at most.

Alana had a hard time keeping a straight face at that, Sweetie, stop arguing so well. How I gave birth to such a silver-tongue monster I have no idea. You are my son and youll do what I tell you.

Over the years he understood people had a different standard for weirdness in this world. His mother thought he was very precocious and learned new words by reading his father's books.

Kai wondered if he should be worried they were developing such a strange relationship. After the accident, he stopped acting like a child and tried to be a bit more like his father. Even after all these months, it felt weird not hearing his voice in the house.

Sure, mom, we can go. Itll make a nice story to tell at the market.

Dont be so pessimistic, I confirmed with other locals that someone is living by themselves between here and Sylspring. It wasnt uncommon for outsiders to retire on the Archipelago even before the latest changes.

And she wants to hire a maid? His tone communicated all the skepticism he felt.

If we wait to confirm the rumor someone else might take advantage. We need to see for ourselves and then we can negotiate a deal when we know more. Youre so talented any mage would be crazy not to take you.

Alana became a little more serious. I know its a stretch, but at most, we do a little journey for nothing. It can be a great opportunity and we arent going to find much better here.

He wasnt too convinced, Cant we wait until I become seven? That was usually the norm and their situation would be more stable by then.

After a lot of back and forth, he was able to convince her to wait till spring, after his sixth birthday. It wasnt ideal but Alana was being more stubborn than him.

* * *

Time flew and things didnt go exactly as he planned. A week after his sixth birthday they were hiking through the Veeryd Jungle.

The path was a barely visible line on the ground, more often than not covered by overgrown weeds and shrubbery. If it didn't follow the coastline with a few cuts through the forest, they would have already gotten lost several times.

They had taken advantage of a low tide for the first portion of the way, then proceeded through this sham of a path.

The sea breeze was stopped by the trees. Their clothes stuck to their skin with sweat after the first hour. This was the fourth day.

Somehow, the further from Greenside they went the better the humidity got. That place truly was hell on earth.

There were fewer insects than one would expect since they stayed at the edge of the jungle. It appeared humans had yet to spread mosquitoes and other invasive species to every corner of the globe on Elydes. Only the pests native to the Baquaire Archipelago were present, buzzing around annoyingly close to his face, but it could be much worse.

The road went north along the eastern coast. It used to link many small villages, but now the nearest settlement was Sylspring beyond the forest. Probably the reason why this path looked abandoned.

Mom, are you sure someone is living here?

Im sure, we must be close.

Kai was more and more convinced it had all been a big mistake. He felt miserable, his legs were dead tired and he was all sticky from the sweat. He was just glad he didnt stink like an adult, but the smell wasnt pleasant.

Alana looked like she went out for a stroll by comparison. She looked a bit fatigued too, but compared to him it was as if she came out of a spa. She was even carrying all the supplies for the journey. He didn't know much about her status or profession, but she must have a higher physical focus than he thought or some useful skill.

If they didnt find anything, he could probably use that to make her answer a few questions on the way back.

Look! Alana woke him up from his musings, pointing to an indistinguishable spot in the lush vegetation.

Only when he got nearer, he did notice an opening in the trees with a path as poorly maintained as the one they were on. Without another choice, he reluctantly followed. Their destination was only a short way farther. The trees opened up to reveal a small bay with a long beach with actual sand, not the rocks and pebbles of Greenside. Kai couldnt believe his eyes.

The whole place looked like a photo with color correction, but not so much to look fake or unappealing. The plants were greener, the flowers more colorful. Even the sand and water somehow looked better.

In the center of it all, a magnificent mansion stretched along the shoreline with multiple conjoined secondary buildings. Despite its imposing appearance, the white and warm earthy tones with blue accents made it perfectly fit into the landscape.

It looked like how he had imagined the secret residence of a drug lord in the Amazon Forest would be. It probably was one of the villas the governor took inspiration to start his project, just four or five times better.

After a minute of awe, he was the first to regain his senses.

Mom, Im happy there is someone here, but I doubt they are going to hire me or you. I thought we would find a crazy old lady living in a hut, not someone who could buy the whole of Greenside twice over. He had run many scenarios in his head but was still caught unprepared. They were way out of their league.

Alana recomposed herself, Come on Kai, at most they are going to say no, its always positive getting to know our closest neighbor. If they are that rich, she must be a very powerful mage, well never find someone better.

Mom, I look terrible, what impression am I gonna make? Meeting and speaking to strangers had never been his forte.

Kai, we are going. Remember to be respectful.

Im always resp.

Sure you are, honey. Also, remember not to stare too much like you usually do. And for the spirits sake dont use your sarcastic tone.

Alana didnt wait for him to reply, grabbed his arm and started marching toward the mansion.