Chapter 39: Stupid Mushroom

Name:Elydes Author:
Chapter 39: Stupid Mushroom

Chapter 39

Waking up in a good mood the next day, Kai was pleased to notice it was barely an hour after dawn. His mana was also completely full.

Yesterday had gone splendidly, but he was happy this would be the last day of his crazy marathon. He really needed to take a break.

Curious about his progress, Kai checked his skills list.


Running (lv74)

Swimming (lv73)

Meditation (lv62>63)This chapter was first shared on the Ñøv€lß1n platform.

Awareness (lv54)

Herbology (lv50>52)

Acting (lv44)

Processing Plants (lv28>32)

Reading (lv19)

Gardening (lv12)

Sneak (lv7)

Mana Sense (lv40>41)

Mana Manipulation (lv8>9)

Alchemy (lv6>7)

Inspect (lv5>6)

Compared to the first day, Alchemy had only gone up one level, but Mana Sense had leveled too, which was far more valuable considering its level. In two days he had gained the progress of at least a week of hard work, which came to show how highly pushing your limits was regarded and rewarded by the Guide.

He was about to close the window when something caught his eye. Meditation had leveled too. Kai watched it confused.

Why did it level? I never practiced it.

Thinking back, he remembered the strange feeling he fell into the flow of doing alchemy.

Can I actually meditate while doing other things?

This discovery deserved more study but now was not the right time. He could try to achieve that state after he was finished with the order.

Walking into the kitchen, Alana greeted him with breakfast once more.

Do you need anything else today?

Kai shook his head. Her tone wasnt cold, but it made clear she was still upset regarding the trouble he got into.

Dont worry Mum, its all fine. Ill be done by today and make this worth it.


Thinking again, there was something he needed. Actually, could you ask Uncle Moui to come late this afternoon? Ill need his help to move everything.

Alana raised an eyebrow, Uncle?

Deactivating Mana Sense, he started looking with his own two eyes. This wasnt an issue about mana, not only at least. The problem lay in the physical structure and composition of the mushroom. Odds were the solution did too.

Observing the stalk and cap of the stubborn material, Kai focused on Inspect to find a weakness on its pale surface. Finally, he got something. He used the tip of the knife to make a small cut into a dark crease of the stem and slowly worked on widening the cut.

After piercing the outer layer, the knife was able to effortlessly sliced through. In his reverie of glory, he came dangerously close to cleaving the cursed mushroom in half. His instincts kicked in just in time to stop his hand. Now, it was time to tap into his Mana Sense.

That was close, but it seems I didnt sever any important mana veins.

Containing his enthusiasm, he proceeded with bated breath. His deep study of the ghostshroom to find a way to cut it turned into a great boon for the next part. He might have overused Inspect a bit, but now he knew exactly what to do.

And one is done.

Next was the nightbell, he had to be quick. The mushroom parts were already bleeding out mana.

Thank the spirits, the night blue bellflower turned out to be a much more agreeable patient. The flower almost had the opposite problem. It was extremely delicate and fragile. Thanks to the recent sharpening, he just had to gently move the blade along its surface to cut into it. It was a different kind of challenge he warmly welcomed.

With the main ingredients done, he started brewing. He tossed the secondary ones in the cauldron, mixing them properly was fundamental. They would create the base that would catalyze the reaction between the two tier-one herbs.

It had taken more than he expected to get everything ready, but the pseudo-mana plants didnt look like they decayed too much.

Step one went without an hitch. Starting with step two he added the ghostshroom first and the nightbell 20 seconds later.

The difficulty of the recipe became immediately apparent. Even with the help of the secondary ingredients, the energies of the two tier-one herbs clashed violently.

Kai had no time to consider if he did something wrong before things started going south. He could only use his mana to placate the situation, but there were too many clashes. He had to choose his battles going for the most serious cases.

Time lost all meaning as Kai's senses zeroed in on the bubbling contents of his cauldron. He pushed the thought of rationing his mana to the back of his mind. He couldnt afford to hesitate. Despite his efforts, the reaction continued to escalate out of control. For a moment he considered if it was better to leave it be and cut his losses. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the reaction reached its apex and started to settle down.

Kai nerves relaxed a little. The hardest part was over. Now he had to continue stirring for three more minutes, sieve the solution while it was still hot and continue to boil the brew. It would have been ideal to have a second cauldron, so he could directly pour it there and continue the process. Alas, he had to make do with what he had.

Sieving the concoction in a glass container he prepared, Kai was careful not to get burned or get any liquid on his body and clothes. The problem with not having a second cauldron was that the liquid would cool in the time he took transferring it back into his cauldron.

It shouldnt affect the final result too much, but it wasted more time reheating the mixture. He had thought about heating the glass container but only had one stove. He would need to ask someone in his family to heat it in the kitchen and he didnt want to involve any of them while he worked with poisonous material.

The bait poison was basically over, he only had to wait for most of the water to evaporate till he was left with a sapphire substance. Luckily, Reishi had provided small glass jars with a large opening for the poison. He didnt want to try to scoop it into a vial.

I just have to stir and wait. Exactly the thing I love the most while Im working against a deadline.

The water content wasnt high, but each second that passed Kai wanted to scream. His eyes glaring at the shrinking sludge.

Give it a move, I dont have all day.

After untold time, which admittedly was probably less than ten minutes, it was ready.

But instead of the advertised sapphire color, his concoction was a murky teal sludge with a sugary aroma.

At least it isnt purple.

That was the color he had to worry about according to the recipe. When the reaction had not occurred properly making it not safe for humans.

Scooping the sludge out of the cauldron into a glass jar, it could probably be considered a success of the lowest quality.

A win is a win.

Kai conceded himself a small celebration for the hardest potion he ever created. Then it was time to assess his situation.

It took him about an hour to complete it and he had to make 19 more to go. But that wasnt even the most worrying problem. He spent around 8-9% of his mana on this one potion. Even considering his regeneration across the day, he needed to reduce his mana usage drastically if he wanted to have any hope to reach his goal.

Just this morning, Kai had been very optimistic about his chances. Now not so much. Could he meet the deadline?

Only one thing he was certain: this alchemy session would not be meditative or relaxing.