Chapter 151: The Upper City

Name:Elydes Author:
Chapter 151: The Upper City

Chapter 151 - The Upper City

His mouth hung agape, muttering a numb oh. There must be some better, more appropriate reaction buried somewhere in his mind. Kai couldnt find it.

They were alive and well. His heart lightened as he discarded the grim possibility.

Or alive at least I should have known theyd get into trouble. I did teach them how to learn and train skills when we were kids.

Maybe it was arrogant to think that those basic instructions were the reason why they got into the scholarship program. The Republic might not be as picky or demanding as Virya, but they didnt choose anyone for their indoctrination program.

I don't have all day, a middle-aged woman grumbled, pulling Kai back to the present. The queue for registration had moved, just two more people were ahead of them. He scuttled forward with an apologetic look.

The distant and vague prospect of meeting his childhood friends had suddenly sprung up much closer than he imagined. Flynn observed him with a studious look, keeping his silence.

Are you sure it was them? It has been years, they must look very different now. Kai couldnt help himself, though he knew it was a stupid question.

I dont think there are many twins named Uli and Oli. I only talked to them once or twice, but they had a certain reputation for getting into trouble with the teachers. I also heard the names of the other two, though I cant be completely sure.

Yeah thats the twins. At least theyll get better professions and prospects. They cant believe the bullshit the Republic teaches them after they forced us to relocate.

Flynn had told him enough of those classes at Hawkfield to make him worry. It had been close to seven years, half their lifetime. More since the time as babbling babies didnt count for them.

People changed, children more so. It wouldnt be weird if they were complete strangers and forgot him. Spirits knew what might have gone down since they last said their goodbyes on that ship, and he made a promise he couldnt keep.

I should have found a way to visit them sooner.

The end of the queue saved him from more brooding. A bored clerk took their ID, wrote down their names and asked a series of routine questions. When did they land in Higharbor? Where were they from? How long did they plan to stay? What did they plan to do?

From the look of total disinterest of the man, none of the answers seemed to matter. Kai was happy to let Flynn take the lead, only speaking when he was directly questioned.

He needed time to untangle the jumble in his head. Jumping into the worst-case scenario without enough information was a bad habit he wanted to get rid of.

I need to get out of my head.

The beaming sun welcomed them outside the stuffy office at the foot of the hill. Do you know where they are now? Kai asked, shielding his eyes with a hand.

Theyre still in the program Flynn shuffled with the papers of their registration. Each class and year has slightly different schedules. Theyll probably be in Hawkfield during the summer, but theyll come back here in a few weeks, months at worst. There must be more kids in the program who know better, we can ask around.

It has been years, a few more weeks wont make a difference.

Kai nodded, glad hed have more time to prepare, and guilty for the relief he felt. There is no hurry, we still need to find a place to stay. When he heard Flynn knew them, he feared theyd find them that same day, maybe waiting outside the registration office.

As you command, Your Majesty. Flynn bowed, gesturing to the hill. Shall we go visit your summer palace or do you wish to fetch your carriage?

Where did he even learn what a carriage is? There arent any in the archipelago.

Kai marched toward the hill ignoring him and hiding the smile on his face. Stop being an idiot. You can pay for lunch today.

Wait, Your Majesty! I ask forgiveness if I caused offense, its not proper for a servant to pay. What will people think of you?

Ill manage the shame, and you can afford it. Youve earned as much as me betting with the crew.

Flynn caught up to him, cutting his shenanigans. It wasnt bad. We could go play again tonight. I heard Higharbor has the best betting dens.

A Thousand Ways to Lose Your Mesars in a Day, a book by Flynn Rilei.

If making money was so easy everybody would do it. The only winners are the dens, trust me. A crew of sailors was one thing, but he wouldnt go against a bunch of professional gamblers even with his Favor. And their ploy was unlikely to work a second time.

You dont think we are good enough to do it? Flynn tempted him like an imp whispering on his shoulder. We could make so much silver.

The whole city was pulling him out of balance. It wasnt the suffocating crowded chaos or Old Port, but it was just as weird. A world of stone and marble with hardly any green apart from decorative flowerpots. It was starkly different from everything he had gotten used to in the previous eleven years on Elydes.

If I adapted to getting reincarnated, I can do this too. It just takes more than a day.

We should probably go get lunch then, my treat. Flynn continued to walk and joke without a care. His acting was flawless. You can pick the place.

No way hed offer so readily to pay.

Lets get off this hill, Im sure there are plenty of fine places in the inner city. Kai reciprocated the grin. Im not sure your wallet could take the prices up here.

Youre very wise, Your Majesty.

He rolled his eyes. Lead the way, my faithful servant. If you continue to do well, Ill consider giving you a day off next month.

Such moving generosity.

I know, I cant help it. Kai strolled down the hill.

He was relieved to sense the mana density fall. Away from the governors presence and the pompous atmosphere.

The streets were still paved but had weeds growing at the seams, and he could spot the dirt path of the alleys. The people themselves were a more casual mix of origins. Though they walked with their high chins and straight shoulders, they didnt have the same judging eyesfor the most part.

Guess the capital is still the capital.

The inner city was a more comfortable halfway step between the opulence of the gilded hill and the rest of the archipelago.

Browsing around the streets, Kai quickly settled on a clean restaurant that promised the best fried seafood of the archipelago. He didnt know if that was true, but the spicy fried squid was the best he ever tasted. Crunchy breading, tender inside and not too oily.

I missed this so much. Food does make everything better.

After they ordered a second round, Kai fought off Flynn's attempts to steal from his plate with a tiny crab pincer. Narrowly avoiding getting his hand impaled, the thief snatched the last piece of shrimp and threw it into his mouth.

Kai let him enjoy his victory, he couldnt have eaten another bite for all the gold in Higharbor. The second plate had definitely been a mistake, and his stomach was close to bursting.

But it was so worth it.

They went for a walk in the shade of the building to help digest before retiring in The Golden Pearl.

What do you want to do? Flynn asked, sitting in his room.

Find a place to rent.

There must be something like that in Higharbor. A cheap inn could also work, though Id prefer a place without the constant coming and going of people.

Flynn shuffled in his seat, staring at his feet, I mean, after that?

Ill need to train my mana skills and profession. The cube was the main priority, and it didnt require much space, any private room would do. He could also go to the upper city to recharge his reserves when he ran low.

Finding a place to train Blessed Swimmer and Swordsmanship would be more annoying, though he heard there was a beach on the northern side of Higharbor.

The city kids need to have some kind of training ground, maybe theyre renting those too?

With the craziness he had seen in the upper city, one more talented kid shouldnt attract attention. What do you plan on doing?

I Im not sure. Ill probably find a job. I didnt really think about what came after.

Now youve nothing but time to decide since no one is hunting you down, probably.

That sounded more encouraging in my head.