Chapter 158: The Duel

Name:Elydes Author:
Chapter 158: The Duel

Chapter 158 - The Duel

Expectant gazes burrowed into his back. Flynns gaze carried question, ready to make up some random excuse to offer him a way out.

Kai shook his head with the tiniest movement. Beneath his fake sweat and heavy breathing, the fight with Oli had been little more than a warm-up. Swordsmanship had gone up a level, even if he had already been close before the fight, it meant he was on the right track.

Just another friendly sparring. What could go wrong? Sometimes I wonder if I enjoy challenging my Luck

Putting on a bright smile, Kai gripped the hilt of his wooden blade and marched back into the ring. Lou was already in position, practice sword casually resting on the sand. Kai wasnt about to trust that laid-back pose, the memory of Lous berserker ferocity against Flynn was still fresh in his mind.

Is he a battle maniac behind the quiet persona? There must be some motivation behind his rapid advancement

Attack when youre ready. Lou took a textbook stance: squared shoulders, wide legs, muscles taut but not stiff, hands firmly wielding his longsword with his guard up. His expression was relaxed, but it was impossible to avoid a tinge of tension when he looked ready to charge at a moment's notice.

It might just be me, but he doesnt look very friendly. Anyway, here we go.

Letting go of his distractions, Kai swung two probing strikes, careful not to unbalance himself to receive the retaliation. Lou easily parried himas expected, but the fierce response didnt come. The looming tower of muscles limited to defending against any slash and lounge he threw at him. Calm and controlled.

Cmon Kai, you need to focus. Is this all you got? Lou stared at him like a disappointed teacher. You were fighting better than this against Oli.

That was so unlike anything Kai expected from his quiet childhood friend, he took a second to realize Lou was taunting him. Then again, it had been almost seven years, he had been arrogant to presume he knew everything about the grown teenager.

In the back of his mind, a tiny voice whispered to stop there and lose. It was the most prudent choice. But the boot of his pride squashed the voice like a bug, he couldnt give up so easily.

Pressing his lips in a thin line, Kai swung his sword with renewed vigor, inching closer to his real power. He sent a rain of meticulous strikes to find an opening in his opponent's defenses.

Fending off the barrage of attacks, Lou began to press him with strikes of his own. He wasnt anywhere close to his full Strength, but it was enough to force Kai into a difficult position.

Frustration at his restricted attributes mounted with each swing he blocked. Not only was he fighting an uphill battle, but limiting his stats took another chunk of concentration from the duel.

All he had to do was reveal more of his attributes, a tiny bit. The Strength and Dexterity in his arms begged to be used. Perhaps his caution with his friends was overblown. It wasnt like he had done anything illegal.

If the Republic discovers theres an eleven-year-old kid who has reached Orange , theyre definitely coming to bother me. The governor is too greedy to leave a silver mine lying in his backyard. And the twins suck at keeping their mouths shut.

The more people knew a secret, the higher the chances it would leak, be it on purpose or by accident. Gritting his teeth, Kai retreated, palm up in surrender to stop Lou from pursuing.

I. Need. A break, Kai Improvised a ragged breath, though the sweat on his brows and back wasnt faked. The sun was rising over the sea. The temptation to throw all caution to the wind would be too great if he didnt stop now.

Lou's impassive eyes studied him as he lowered his longsword. We can keep going, you are doing good. The only way to improve is to push yourself, and you cant learn without losing.

Im not planning on losing. I should have told him I was just a mage.

Improvisation offered him half a dozen excuses to get out. He just needed to pick one and swallow his pointless pride. Why was it so hard?

Itd be a waste to refuse this opportunity, wouldnt it? Thats the reason.

He hadnt found a decent training partner since Elijah had left, and he yearned for it. Flynn was capable, but he was no swordsman. Fighting him was like chasing a slippery eel, it didnt push his technique higher.

Against Lou, Kai could feel his Swordsmanship progress after months of near-stagnation. When would he get another chance like this? A glimmer of an idea flashed through his mind, and his decision was as well as made. The plan was too clever not to be used.

Ive got a skill that boosts my strength temporarily. Kai pushed back his hair slick with sweat, they needed a cut. I know this is a weapon sparring, but can I use it? You can also stop holding back.

How many useful skills do you have? Uli huffed. Its so unfair.

Oli swatted his brother. Who cares about that. Kai, you can teach me that skill, right?

You can ask him about that later. Lou silenced them, his attention back on him with a frown. Are you sure you can match me? Those skills usually come with drawbacks if you abuse them.

I know my limits, I can do it, Kai nodded with conviction. I have enough mana to last for a duel.

Its a mana skill? Ana blushed when she realized she had spoken out loud, and mumbled her next words. You can tell me about it later.

If you are sure, Lou hesitated. But warn me if youre about to run out of mana, and dont try to overdo it. Im ready when you are.

Nows my turn to have fun.

After stretching his arms, Kai charged with a powerful swing. Not a drop of Empower flowed through his muscles, but the full weight of his attributes gave his sword more than enough power.

The wooden blade whistled through the air. Honestly, he had been an idiot not to think about it sooner. He had the perfect skill to hide the physical attributes of his grade.

Lou parried his blow with a grunt and a flash of surprise. His eyes narrowed. If he didnt believe him before, he did now. In a snap, he burst forward with the ferocity he showed fighting against Flynn.

Kai was forced to focus on defending alone. Each blow reverberated through his body like the hammering of a blacksmith on an anvil. As he so smartly predicted, Lous physique and muscles more than made up for the difference in grade.

Damn. Overgrown. Teenagers.

If Lous swings werent aimed at his sword, Kai might have thought his childhood friend was trying to kill him. He tightened knuckles on the hilt till they whitened, getting disarmed would be an embarrassing way to lose.

Lou's technique was blunt but flawless with no weaknesses to leverage. The relentless assault forced Kai on the defensive without any opportunity to reverse the momentum. If he didnt do something soon, his dear friend would drive him out of the ring.

I guess it was good that I lost. Maybe next time Ill

His musings were rudely interrupted when two pairs of hands grabbed him. He didnt need to hear the twins wild cackles to know it was them.

Put me down right now, or Ill

Or youll what? Oli challenged, stopping his arms from squirming away.

What are you gonna do? Uli chuckled, firmly clutching his legs.

When Kai looked for help, there was no one to save him from the two blockheads. Lost in his own thoughts, he hadn't realized everyone else had gone into the sea. Ana was swimming while Lou and Flynn idly chatted in the waves.

Any threat would only spur them on. He needed to change tactics. Put me down, Im hurt, I cant swim.

He looks fine to me, doesnt he? That potion Flynn gave you must have been really good.

Yes, Uli nodded sagely. He looks perfectly healthy to me.

The healing potion had restored him to almost prime conditions, but Kai couldnt fight both when they had already secured his limbs. Lou will be really mad if Im hurt further. Kai tried to dissuade them.

Dont worry, we wont let you drown, Oli said with a dumb giggle that was far from reassuring.

Uli could barely contain the laughter. Yes, well take extremely good care of you. Trust us.

After he had kept Empower hidden in the spar, Kai wasnt going to reveal the true power of the skill to deal with two fools.

I should have drowned you for good when I had the opportunity.

He could only accept his unjust fate as the sea grew nearer. His pleas to let him take off his clothes had fallen on deaf ears too. Flynn merrily waved at him from the sea while Lou watched him, stoic.

Werent you feeling guilty? Heres your chance to help!

Ready for your healing bath? Uli and Oli cackled madly, swinging him with his limbs and throwing him like a ragdoll into the sea. Kai flew in a long arc over the waves and crashed into the cold waters with a loud splash, coming close to hitting the seafloor.

Im so going to murder them.

If they thought being two against one protected them, they had committed their last mistake. With Blessed Swimmer, Kai swam to shore looking for vengeance, aiming for the two figures rolling in the sand amidst laughter.

He emerged from the sea clenching his fists, clothes dripping with water on the sand. A hand gripped his shoulder.

Its better if you leave your shirt before you go after them, Lou had somehow materialized behind him. It looks expensive, and you don't want to ruin it.

Kai glared at him. Why did he wait till now to appear? Despite all, his advice cooled his anger. His shirt was enchanted to hide his profession and cost more than a few silver mesars.

The twins jumped into the sea arms around their bellies laughing and taunting him to follow.

Fine. Vengeance is best served cold.

Dont mind them, Lou dragged him to where theyd left their bags closer to the palm trees. Youre a pretty fast swimmer, your skill must be quite good.

Kai took a deep breath to calm himself. Its pretty decent. Can you let my arm go now?

Lou didnt respond, tightening his grip instead.

Whats up with you? The twins were enough without the supposedly thoughtful boy acting up.

Fifty meters from the shore where the greenery began, Lou finally let him go and watched him with icy eyes. Why did you lie?

I dont know what youre talking about. Kai dusted himself off, but there was no hint of humor in Lous gaze.

Kai, Im not an idiot. His apathetic tone erased any chance that it was a joke. Youve mentioned Running and five other skills while we trained earlier. You also said you had Mana Sense, Mana Manipulation and an observation skill in your stories at the dormitory. Alchemy requires two or three more at the very minimum, and Flynn told me you can draw runes.

Damn, Flynn. Why couldnt you keep your mouth shut?

Dont blame him, Lou towered over him. It was just a hunch from his stories until you confirmed it with your reaction.


Ive also seen you Meditate earlier by the ring. Adding Swordsmanship, the boosting skill and Swimming, which you also just confirmed, that makes sixteen or more skills. And it would be strange if youd already mentioned every skill in your status. Lou inched even closer and grabbed the amulet on his neck. The necklace must have fallen outside his shirt during his impromptu bath.

Whats this, is the pendant enchanted? The metal wouldnt reveal any secret, but its effect would become apparent if he took it off.

I Kai grasped for Improvisation but was silenced with a warning glance.

I thought your Swordsmanship was weirdly high for a mage apprentice. Too high for someone at the beginning of Orange. Lou looked at him with a silent threat. I hope there is an explanation for all of this, I really do. Why did you lie? Did you get involved with dangerous people?

Kai had always known there was a brain behind those observant green eyes, but he underestimated Lou by a lot.

I think Im fucked.