Chapter 187: Stalker

Name:Elydes Author:
Chapter 187: Stalker

Chapter 187 - Stalker

Bidding goodbye to the Silver Edge, Kai and Flynn stepped on the ivory docks. The shuffle of people and voices washed over them. No matter the place or the hour, silence and privacy were foreign concepts in Higharbor.

I already miss Sylspring peace and quiet.

Goods and news from all over the archipelago and the mainland flowed through the capital, and it was also where a certain stalker lived. With her fame and reputation, the little princess shouldnt be hard to find, though getting her help might prove more problematic.

One step at a time.

He had missed his own house more than he thought possible. Clean and spacious, if a little messy. While he enjoyed spending time with his family, six people were too manyespecially when they had to share a single bathroom.

Happy to be home? Flynn put down their luggage and went to check the rooms for any signs of intrusion.

Sometimes I wonder whos more paranoid

Im happy to have a bed and not sleep on the floor every other day. Kai took in the familiar atmosphere and smell of herbs. Do we have anything to eat?

Hmm remember you told your mother youd take a fair share of the chores? Flynn mused, coming back from his inspection. I wouldnt want to tell her you lied next time we talk.

Kai narrowed his eyes. I should have seen it. You only bought me the communication cubes to blackmail me.

Youre catching on to my schemes. The teen gave him a sly grin. Unfortunately, its too late to save yourself. Groceries are on you, Ill rest my poor bones here. He stretched out on the couch, kicking off his shoes. His lower thigh had healed well, and he had deemed his scar cool enough for him.

If you want to play, lets play.

Okay, but before I go, have you decided to keep your perception and social skills? Kai inquired.

Yes His voice was lined with suspicion. Why?

Most of your skills need other people to work. I wouldnt deprive you of such a chance for valuable training opportunity.

Ive plenty of ways to train from here. He produced a throwing knife, juggling it between his fingers. Ill keep myself busy.

Im sure of it. I do have a few Mana Sense exercises that would be great to practice. Counting the mana filaments inside a tangleweed is extremely rewarding. You should be getting a level soon. Now, where did I put that herb? He began taking out random plants from his ring. You promised to do as I say if its useful, and I wouldnt want to make you a liar.

Flynn pressed his lips together and put his shoes back on with a sulk. Fine, Ill go. Only this time.

Of course. Well share the duties that dont interfere with your training. Dont forget my mangos. Kai waited for the door to shut before he slumped on the couch.

Home sweet home.

* * *

Kai was proud he had managed to track down Valela without Flynns help. He kept an open ear and made some discreet inquiries. As the daughter of the high councilor, everyone in the upper city gossiped about her.

Their estate occupied the largest swath of land after the governors family. The lavish complex of ivory stone and imported woods spread over the top of the hill towards the sea, enclosed by a dense edge and a cloaking array that barred his Mana Sense.

He only caught a glimpse of the high buildings and flowering trees inside. The private guards patrolling the ground stared down at anyone who walked closer than ten paces. They strode towards him with steely faces when he didnt move along.

Selling your soul to the Republic must pay well.

He had known she was filthy rich since she buried him in silver to satisfy her curiosity, but he had underestimated the scale. It confirmed she would have access to the restricted list, and that she wouldnt be moved by any amount of money he could dish out.

At most, shell say no, or demand an outrageous price

The problem was getting her alone to talk. The little princess rarely graced the streets used by common mortals. When she did, she always moved from one place to the next escorted by a pack of guards and lackeys.

He didnt want to discuss such a private request in front of everybody, and he couldnt knock on the gate of her estate. Well, technically he could, though that would attract unwanted attention. Odds were the guards would shoo him away before she knew he was there.Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

His possible embarrassment played no part in his choice to discard the option.

Kai strode through the paved roads of the upper city. Getting enhancing elixirs for his mom was a timely matter. He had given himself a week to find a semi-discreet way to learn her habits and figure out a way to contact her. If he failed, he would swallow his unease and approach her directly.

I can't believe I became the stalker. What a world.

Five days passed with little meaningful progress. Despite his misgivings, he had grown a begrudging appreciation for the immaculate streets and parks of the upper city. Little oases of green and quiet with stunning vantage points to admire the sun setting over the capital and the sea.

Lines of orderly lights ran through the lower city to fight off the darkness and tinged the capital in a soft glow. If he stretched his Perception, he could hear the faint echoes of people having fun in the Ring Road.

I just like to be mysterious. Kai gave her a cheeky grin, hoping she wouldnt dig deeper.

Im sure thats the entire reason. Valela seemed close to rolling her eyes, only slightly shaking her head instead. Why did you come looking for me? Dont get me wrong, its nice seeing you, but you usually run away like a startled cat when you see me.

For your information I only make dignified retreats, thank you very much.

Kai briefly debated denying his reasons for being here. Itd be a terrible idea. There was a subtle difference between teasing and treating someone like an idiot. Something told him Valela wouldnt appreciate the latter.

No beating around the bush, eh? Why is it so hard to say?

Uh I I need a favor. Kai muttered, looking for her reaction. Valela didnt give anything away and waited for him to continue.

Would it kill you to say something? And why is the night so warm?

He dried his hands on his shirt and took a breath, bracing for rejection. Do you have access to the list of restricted items of the Republic? I need something I cant buy anywhere else. Of course, Id pay for it.

Her eyebrow arched, face still impassive. I wont ask how you learned about that list, but even if I wanted to, you need to register before making a purchase. And I wont lie for you.

I understand, Kai hung his head low. So you cant get me the enhancing elixirs

Valela faltered the rhythm of her steps. You mean the potions for an unborn baby?

Yes? What else did you think I wanted?

The princess looked away, examining a tree that had suddenly caught her interest. The items on those lists are restricted for a reason. They could pose a security risk in the wrong hands.

Kai didnt stop himself from rolling his eyes. Of course! Never be that some peasant babies are born with a higher grade. The Republic would be overrun in a day!

Thats not what I meant. She said, flustered. The elixirs arent even supposed to be there. You dont know the other items that are on those lists.

Communication tools? Bombs? Did she think I was planning to burn down a town? What exactly is the Republic keeping for themselves?

Yeah, sure. What could even be that dangerous?

Valela didnt take the bait. Unfortunately, its restricted information. I cant talk about it.

Pity. Maybe Reishi knows

Does this mean you can get the elixirs for me, if I pay you?

It depends. I would need to know who they are for. She looked at him with her brows furrowed. Youre a little young to be having a child.

Kai replied with a flat stare. Im not. My moms about twelve weeks pregnant.

Oh, congratulations to your family. She strolled along like nothing. Then I could get you the red ones, but they wont be cheap.

The price wont be a problem. Are you saying there are higher-grade elixirs?

No. Valela bit her lip, lowering her voice. Well not on sale. And not that anyone in the archipelago could afford them anyway. Id also like your discretion on this.

Ill keep silent like a fish. Kai smiled. He wanted to quiz her for more information, but first, he needed to secure his prize. How much do the red ones cost?

She had a pensive look, likely knowing an answer would mean she was agreeing to help him. Two golds.

Two for a bottle! His eyes bulged. Wasnt the Republic stock supposed to be cheaper?

A bottle? Its two golds for a four-month supply. What would you even do with one dose? Only a scammer would sell them individually. Valela peered at him in realization, playing with an auburn curl that had escaped her hat. The elixirs need to be consumed consistently to be effective. If you want more, its seventy silvers for every extra month.

I knew I wasnt stalking you for nothing.

His heart pumped in celebration. When can you get them? You know its a timely matter.

Valela pulled the lock of hair behind her ear. Ive yet to agree to anything, I only said I could, not that I would. The Republic doesnt want people to abuse the system, so I can only buy restricted items for someone else twice a year. And Ive already used it once and the year is far from over

Kai pressed his lips in a line. He didnt know whether this rule was true or just an excuse. Either way, there was no arguing when one person held all the cards. What do you want in exchange? I can pay you in gold.

My poor shiny coins.

I dont want your money. Valela pursed her mouth as if offended by the notion. Lets just say you owe me one favor. Ill come to collect it when I need it. Do we have a deal?