Chapter 202: Meddling Beasts

Name:Elydes Author:
Chapter 202: Meddling Beasts

Chapter 202 - Meddling Beasts

Why is there another one?

He had heard a screech inside the tunnels, but he had blamed it on the spatial anomaly. In all of the reports he read, beasts always appeared alone. Did Seryne withhold information? Or was it the size of Kawei's ruins?


The human-sized toad surveyed the scene with its protruding eyes, horizontal pupils looked unblinking in opposite directions. It swelled its lighter vocal sac and took a cheerful bounce. The ground shook under its glistening bluish body while the vegetation hissed and withered.

Youre right, Mr. Frog. The why doesnt matter till we get rid of you.

The stone croc-lizard was around high yellow, while the fat toad was closer to the beginning of the grade. He hadnt seen enough beasts of that level to judge more accurately.

Crouched beside the broken tower, the croc-lizard let out a low growl. It took advantage of the general shock to bolt at the nearest soldier. The man had his screams cut short beneath the fangs of the beast. Bones crunched and blood dripped down the brown scaly snout.

The disturbing sounds broke the lull and prompted the rage of his comrades. Before any of them could charge in retaliation, a spear-wielding man shouted to change their formation.

Deterred by the snapping jaws of the beast, the soldiers followed the command, retreating out of striking range. Blue and black uniforms were brought together in the emergency.


We need to get away from the fighting, Kai whispered and shook Valelas shoulders to repay the earlier slap. You were zoning out. We need to move. Lou, can you carry her?

Hearing his name, the big boy woke up from his stupor. Fear painted his face, showing his fifteen years of age. Hmm yes. He nodded and mechanically moved through the motions with a blank look.

Valelas gaze darted all over the place in a frenzy. I can walk.

Not fast enough. Youll get us killed if you cant run.

The chunky toad showed no intention of joining the ongoing battle. A slimy mucus oozed from its purple warts, sizzling a trail of death in the vegetation. The acid might kill or cripple them before they used a potion, if his concoctions even worked. Doras vials in his ring might have a chance, but they werent made for this type of poison.

Such rotten luck. Guess I should be grateful we didnt meet it in the tunnels.

The toad bounced closer. Kai wasnt going to underestimate a yellow beast just because it looked dumb and clumsy. He suppressed the urge to run, creeping back to not attract the attention of the beast.

With Valela on Lous back, they retraced their steps towards the edge of the ruins, using the leafy shrubberies as a cover between the ivory towers.

A new squad of guards joined the fray from the camp. The officer in charge sent six men to keep the toad busy while the main group dealt with the main threat. Excluding the poor sods who had gotten eaten or maimed, they might just survive till more reinforcements arrived.


Preening its slabbery frame, the toad inflated its throat and spit a purple blob at the coming attackers. The spit glowed with mana, crossing the distance like a bullet.

The squad dove to avoid the attack. The acid splashed in the middle of the group, showering them with purple droplets. Plants hissed and burned, but the sound soon overpowered by pained screams.

A young guard held the melting skin of his face. He writhed on the ground crying in pain as his companions attempted to wash off the acid. The rest of the unit avoided the worst, some ripped off their sizzling clothes and took cover behind a pillar.

The fallen man stopped screaming, either dead or unconscious. Another guard in a blue uniform dragged him away from the battle, leaving only four people in military black. Two with yellow professions and only one with his race.


Insteadof pressing the attack, the toad turned and bounced towards the trio. Guided by chance or hunger, the beast would reach them in seconds. There was no point in stealth.

Run! Lou sprinted, Valela holding onto his shoulders.

Empower flooded his body, Kai dashed after them. They just needed to take time for the guards to catch up

The whispers of Hallowed Intuition spiked. Mana Sense latched on to the bright skin-melting projectile flying towards them. Dodging would leave a straight path for Lou and Valela. They might avoid the main strike but not the aftermath.

Damn, Mr. Frog!

Kai cast a revolving water shield behind him. It was faster than using ice and it didnt run the risk of shattering and sprinkling the acid around. The glob plunged into the bubble, twisting its shape. A solid shot would have pierced through, but the liquid glob messily dispersed its momentum.Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

He fed more mana into the shield to keep it from exploding in his face. His attempts at freezing the acid were hindered by the foreign mana. His head pounded with effort. Kai got the tinted liquid under control and sent it splashing back at its owner.

The fat toad was too committed to its charge to evade. It tanked the lethal mixture head-on. The acid splashed over its coarse hide with no effect besides an indignant croak. The wannabe prince frog bounced with renewed vigor towards the princess and her two squires.

Youre the one trying to kill me, asshole.

I should have let you get eaten, Lou snorted.

Too late, you'll regret it for the rest of your life.

Half-blind and copiously bleeding, the toad thrashed through trees and slammed into a tower. Its croak turned into guttural wheezes of pain. The blackened tongue hung limp and useless from its mouth. It worked even better than severing it fully.

Surround it! A dozen soldiers ran out of trees, armed with bows and spears. All but one wore the uniform of the military. Keep away from the acid mist and finish it from a safe distance.

The man in charge approached them. We got it handled, he snorted. Run to the forward base for rescue before you get yourself killed.

Kai was too shocked to formulate a response. He was pretty sure it was the same yellow guy from the initial charge.

Did you stop to take a sandwich along the way?

The main team still fought with the croc-lizard at the center of the ruins. The gravely growls of the beast shook the leaves of the trees With the frenetic pace of battle, it might have been less than a minute from the toads first strike. Kai didnt believe for a second that it was a coincidence the military arrived right when Mr. Frog posed no threat.

Did they try to get us killed?

Nails dug in his clenched fist and blood pumped into his ears. Fury burned his mind, fueling the desire to shove the man into the acid mist. He could use a root to trip them to be more discreet. He didnt care whether it was the bullshit infighting of the Republic, or a bunch of cowards scared to risk their lives after their comrade got melted. Someone would pay for this.

Lou dragged him away bodily. Lets go. Were safe, its over.

This is so not over.

He glared a hole through the fuckers head and committed his cowardly face to memory as Lou carried him away bodily. Not only did they let them almost die, but they also stole the kill. He would be surprised if he got a chip for the carcass.

Im going to mur

Lou covered his mouth before he could finish his threat. Dont be a fool, they can hear you, he whispered in his ear. There is no point warning them to watch their backs. If it was intentional, Ill take care of them. The cold fury in Lous tone doused his flames. The teen might lack experience fighting doomed battles, but he had an iron hold on his temper.

Hmm they do say revenge is better served cold.

They circled the ruins outer edge when Valela limped into sight. She stood near the tower they had escaped from, clutching a green vial in each hand. Are you hurt anywhere? Ive more than enough potions.

Were fine, maam. Lou hid his injured hand. Its nothing serious.

Valela bit her lip, head down in shame. I cant explain how sorry I am. I know I almost got you killed. We should have run away immediately when we escaped the ruins.

You dont need to apologize. No one could have predicted this would happen.

Kai nodded. He would have gone to look anyway. Its not your fault.

Still, if there is anythin


A slender draconic figure perched on the window of the tower. Its pearly scales shimmered in the sun while its tail ended in a bleeding stump. Its slit blue eyes set on them with the unmistakable mana signature of a low yellow beast.

Nonono.This cant be. Why are there three of them?

The wyrmling spread its two leathery wings, letting out another piercing screech. It dove towards them with lazy grace.

Kai burned his remaining Water mana to summon a wall of ice. The shield barely held under the first assault, large cracks forming over its surface.

The group scrambled to retreat, but there was no shelter or running from this flying beast. Even the useless soldiers were too far away to help. Lou grabbed on his longsword, stiffly forming his guard. Valela fiddled with her spatial satchel to retrieve her wand, chanting a spell that would take too long to complete.

Spirits, what a shit day!

There was no other choice. Kai pulled his enchanted crystal sword from his ring, getting ready for another confrontation. His elemental reserve was as good as empty, but he still had enough unattuned mana to fuel Empower. If the soldiers bothered to help, he might even survive the wounded lizard.

The wyrmlings fangs breached the ice. It flicked its forked tongue to taste the air and probably their fear too. It leaped, jaws open in a hungry snarl. Only, it never reached them.

Its flight ended halfway. The beast hit the ground in two separate pieces missing a wing. Makyn, his faithful porter, stood between them with a bloodied sword. Moving in a blur, he stabbed his blade through the slitted eye and finished off the wyrmling.

He turned to regard them. Are any of you hurt?

Kai grinned. The spirits hadnt forsaken him after all. Have I ever told you how much I love your smiling face?

No. His icy eyes fell on his sword. Where did you get that blade?