ELYDES - TIDES OF CHANGE is now out on Kindle!

Name:Elydes Author:
ELYDES - TIDES OF CHANGE is now out on Kindle!

Hello, Drew authorman here!

Another publishing day has arrived! Book 2 of Elydes - Tides of Change is now available on Kindle and Paperback!

I’m excited to share the final version and forget the first draft I put out. Without going into details, let’s just say editing this book was a journey. The word count has been significantly condensed to improve the pacing while still keeping all the contents. I've also touched up a few characters, added hints of the lingering rebel threat, and some minor world-building nuggets.

Book 2 - Tides of Change

If you want to support Elydes in other ways and already have Kindle Unlimited, a download counts as a sale and can boost my launch rank. My publisher also never stops reminding me how important reviews and ratings are on Amazon. If you're enjoying the story, I'd mean a lot if you could do either. You don’t need to have purchased the book to leave a review, though it’s weighted more if you’ve read it.

Drew out <>