
Name:Elydes Author:

Hi, I just wanted to give a little updated about what’s going on behind the scenes in my life (and why I’ve been publishing less). I’ve said more on Patreon, but even there I’ve not shared much lately. I wanted more definite solutions/progress before making a post and telling people about my personal stuff. (I still plan on doing that in the future, but I wanted to say something to not leave y’all in the dark).

Anyway, for the short version: today there won’t be a chapter. About a month ago I fell really sick and spent a week unable to write, and stayed longer with brain-fog. I didn’t want to put out less chapters overall, so I kept publishing on RR, thinking I could later catch up on Patreon, but this has proven far harder than I predicted because of other issues.

So, to not let things get out of control on Patreon, the next chapter will be on Friday.

The overall experience has been frustratingly slow for my impatient mind, and quite tiring. I really hate calling strangers to take appointments and waiting for emails replay. Though, on the good side, I’m finally making some progress. I can’t put a date in on it yet—I’m nowhere near done—but I aim to gradually go back writing more in the next months.

So, that’s about it. I will keep you informed when I have more definitive updates!

To avoid any doomsayers in the comments: No, I’m going to quit writing Elydes no matter what happens. The only question is how fast I can go back to writing full time.

Thank you all for the patience,

Drew <>