Chapter 87: Bulletin Board #6

Chapter 87: Bulletin Board #6

EO This is a thread where Summoners gather. Part6

This is a thread where you can post information about summoned beasts and even brag about your own summoned beasts.

Please follow the manners and use the thread properly.

The next thread should be declared by >800.

If you can't start a new one, be sure to specify the next response number.

If the next thread is not up, please slow down.


222. Anonymous Summoner

Did the dryad & animal ears shock subside?

223. Anonymous Summoner

I think I've made a new thread, so I'm good

224. Anonymous Summoner

I didn't see any other images, only those two images were making a lot of noise.

225. Anonymous Summoner

If you're a man, you can't help it. Come to think of it, there was a summoner with a lizardman just now.

226. Anonymous Summoner

I saw it yesterday.

227. Anonymous Summoner

If you summon this many, you're bound to hit a few subspecies.

228. Anonymous Summoner

Still, the odds of not getting a dragonewt are so low.

229. Anonymous Summoner

E, Emm. I'm sorry. I hit the Dragonewt yesterday.

230. Anonymous Summoner


231. Anonymous Summoner


232. Anonymous Summoner

229>>You can't lie

233. Anonymous Summoner

It's true! Look! Here's a picture of the proof!


234. Anonymous Summoner


It's a redheaded loli!!

235. Anonymous Summoner

546. Anonymous Warrior

That Freetia doesn't seem to have a very good weapons situation.

547. Anonymous Researcher

I feel like if I go to Freetia, I'll have a better chance of getting into the same server as the Little Girl Summoner.

548. Anonymous Archer

It's hard to choose just for that purpose. Having the Little Girl Summoner doesn't mean you'll succeed at the event

549. Anonymous Ninja

You're right, but I would think that it would be a good idea if it was the Little Girl Summoner.

550. Anonymous Warrior

That's how it is. He's probably the highest in level and you never know what kind of summoned beasts he'll be bringing to the event.

551. Anonymous Summoner

It can't be weak. It seems that Golem has become a companion with the latest information.

552. Anonymous Mage

Ah...that's a definite success.

553. Anonymous Alchemist

Our dreams are gone!

You beat me to it!

554. Anonymous Heavy Warrior

If it's hardness, we can't lose!

555. Anonymous Heavy Warrior

Even if it s an attack, do you lose!

556. Anonymous Warrior

In any case, I'd like to see his summoned beast battle in person.

557. Anonymous Female Mage

I bet it's a mofumofu paradise.

558. Anonymous Researcher

If you say that, Loli, nothing. Forget it

559. Anonymous Warrior

That writing is the same as saying

560. Anonymous Priest

Well well. In any case, his battle will be shown in the video.

561. Anonymous Female Warrior

I think so too. I'm looking forward to it from now on.

562. Anonymous Warrior

The sadness of a man who wants to see it live even if he knows it.

563. Anonymous Heavy Warrior
