Chapter 145: Robot capture method and second slate

Chapter 145: Robot capture method and second slate

I felt the pain of being burned all over my body and blacked out. When my vision returned, I found myself at the old lake. This is what it feels like to return to death...but I feel good.

It's the same for all of us.

"Good work, Takuto-kun"

"Good job, Ruin-san"

We all praise each other.

"What do you want to do now?"

" doesn't look like we're going to win against that mecha"

It's a robot!

The male players, myself included, correct Ruin-san's mistake! It's not a mecha! It's a robot!

"It doesn't matter what it is"

Not good!

"I, I understand...and, that robot, but if you can defeat it, there must be a way to weaken it"

"But I don't think that's the way to go, do you? I think it's more realistic to find a way to open that door properly"

I have a feeling Mel is right. It seemed like it came out because it was magic.

"You're any case"

"I don't see how you can win in a fight"

I guess. I'd like to know how much damage Lily can do with her maximum attack, but from the looks of it, it's unlikely to pass. Ion's dragon wave won't even faze it.

The best possibility is to summon a spirit, but I had a hard time with the Guardian Ice Spirit with the earth spirit. I don't think I can beat the robot.Follow current novels at

"In any case, we need to go to the floating island again...on second thought, I haven't done any research at all"


It seems that all the players were so excited that they lost sight of their original goal.

"By the way, we were so absorbed in the door that we didn't look around"

"I think we need to reflect on let's go there again when the despena is gone"

By the way, there is a status is reduced by 90%. This is terrible. But of course, this isn't all. The raft was missing from the item box...

Eh? We're going to rebuild that? We had a lot of trouble making them...

When I checked, all the raft owners had lost their rafts. That's completely intentional. Yug-san and the other woodworkers are raking in the dough...or are they? If they die, they won't make any money.

Anyway, I should log out and have lunch.

Since I'm back from the dead, I talked with Kayo-nee and we unanimously decided to finish dinner and bath early and log back into the game.

I got a text message from Ruin-san and the others and they were already on their way to explore. I called up my summoned beasts who had worked so hard and praised them one by one. I knew they cared about me. Then I cooked a meal to reward everyone for their hard work.

When the meal was over and I was about to make a raft, Ruin-san and the others suddenly appeared...oh, is this a return to death? Ruin-san is very upset.

"Who is it? Who turned on that robot! I told you to leave that door alone!"

"The researchers were examining the door, but..."

Ruin-san glared at the people in white coats with those words.

"I, It's a misunderstanding! We were just checking!"

"Yes, we were! I swear, we didn't do anything weird!"

"We were just touching around the door and suddenly we were recognized as enemies and attacked!"

"""Yes! We're the victims!"""

They're so close. These people. But if you touch the door and it appears, that's probably the cause.

"Hey, let's talk in the back, shall we?"

The three of them were dragged away by Ruin-san.

"Ah, no"

"This is the first time I'm interacting with a female player in this game..."

"Punishment time? I'm waking up"

They're saying something sad, but as a result they came back with their faces all pale. I can't ask them what happened.

I decided to concentrate on building the raft until Ruin-san's mood improved.

When I finished cutting down the trees, Ruin-san was in a better mood, so I talked to her. Apparently, the search was divided into groups of several people.

It's more efficient that way. As a result, some of the groups got out of control, but it paid off.

"The slate Takuto-kun found has been found. It says The one that brought disaster"

The two key words are Coming from the skyThe one that brought disaster, which can be interpreted to mean that the thing that brings disaster comes from the sky.

"Don't you feel something different?"

"That's strange. Me too. If the plague is a poison in this forest, it's normal to assume that this is the work of the boss. If it's coming from the sky, why are there places that aren't poisoned?"

It's true that if the poison was spread from the sky, it's unnatural that there are places that are safe. Anyway, I need to be sure.

"I'm going to go back to the floating island and look at the slate again. I'm looking at another slate. If this is a text and the shape of the slate is a clue, then the cracks should match"

"Sure, it could be a puzzle-like hint. We're going to try it again. Shall we go together?"


Then we rebuilt the rafts and headed for the floating island.

As we were making our way across the ocean, we heard the sound of battle behind us. I turned around to see the players shooting magic into the sky.

Oh, no. I hadn't expected an attack from the sky. The members were Ion, Chess, Gale, Puyosuke and Seguro. I looked at the sky and saw a lot of enemies.

Archaeopteryx Lv10

Event Monster Subjugation Target Active

Archaeopteryx are surprisingly small, aren't they? Oh, they're heading this way.


"It's okay. Everyone, I'll drop them into the ocean with Gale and you can finish them off"


"Ruin-san, be careful. The raft might be rocking a bit"

"All right!"

Okay, let's do this.

While Gale is using his lightning magic to control the raft, I will complete my magic.


Bow Lv6

Woodworking Lv8Lv10

Collecting Lv10

Dose Lv5

Wind Magic Lv3

Fire Magic Lv7

Water Magic Lv12

Earth Magic Lv13

Wood Magic Lv15

Tree Magic Lv5

Elven Knowledge Lv11Lv12

Spirit Summoning Lv4

Name Chess Polar Bear Lv8Lv9

Vitality 36

Magic Power 2829

Strength 4042

Defense 3334

Agility 1920

Dexterity 19


Bite Lv10Lv11

Bare-handed Lv10Lv11

Assault Lv10

Swimming Lv6

Ice Claw Lv10

Name Gale Liger Lv9Lv10

Vitality 28

Magic Power 4042

Strength 4042

Defense 21

Agility 4648

Dexterity 2122


Bite Lv10Lv11

Claw Strike Lv10Lv11

Intimidation Lv7

Night Vision Lv8

Provocation Lv5

Lightning Magic Lv1011

Name Puyosuke Blue Slime Lv2Lv4

Vitality 3133

Magic Power 0

Strength 0

Defense 4143

Agility 2021

Dexterity 2021


Predator Lv9Lv10

Defense Lv3

Physical Disable Lv5

Transformation Lv9Lv10

Impact Absorption Lv3

Splitting Lv3

Regeneration Lv3

Underwater Action Lv5Lv6

Extreme Cold Body Lv7Lv8

Name Seguro Sea Snake Lv1Lv3

Vitality 3537

Magic Power 1213

Strength 2325

Defense 1213

Agility 1819

Dexterity 1819


Bite Lv4Lv6

Coiling Lv4Lv6

Poison Lv4Lv5

Heat Detection Lv2

Underwater Action Lv4Lv5