Chapter 204: Gerbera Grow Subjugation Battle

Chapter 204: Gerbera Grow Subjugation Battle

Author note:

This is the first time I've done a battle with non-Takuto players only. I was wondering if I should post it, but some people wanted to know how strong Gerbera Grow was, so I decided to post it.

The story of this time will proceed on the premise that Takuto and the others dont know.


While Takuto was mining in the Yellow Ossa Mountains, the top players of the event were gathering in Fast Town. Their goal was to defeat Gerbera Grow, the boss of the Young Tree Forest.

In fact, they have attempted to do so many times before, but have failed. One of the reasons was that not all the top players in the event were able to get together due to real life reasons. However, on Saturday, they decided to take on the challenge for the first time with a full Legion party of 30 top event players.

The party consisted of 10 heavy warriors, 3 warriors, 2 spearmen, 4 knights, 1 ninja, 5 mages, 2 archers and 3 clergies.

All of the heavy warriors, warriors, knights, spearmen and ninjas used the curse blades and poison swords that were distributed at the event. In addition, except for the ninja, their armor is made of iron.

The five mages were chosen for their high levels of fire magic and explosive magic. The archers were also of a high level and the clergies were gathered from the stiffest members who had performed admirably as healers in the event.

They arrived at Gerbera Grow in the late afternoon, defeating the small fries. The leader, a knight, calls out to all of them.

"I'm sure we'll be fine since we're all top players who played well in the event, but do you remember our attack patterns?"



"Good! Then, let's go. Today we're going to take down the boss of this place, Gerbera Grow, for the first time!"


Thus began the battle against Gerbera Grow.

First, when the heavy warriors entered Gerbera Grow's attack range, they set up their shields to receive the vine attacks with their martial arts.

Impact Counter!

The heavy warriors returned the attack they had received and Gerbera Grow received his own vine attack. Immediately, all of them enter the attack range, form a predetermined formation, and the two archers fire their poisonous arrows.

""Arrow Rain!""

A rain of poisonous arrows rains down on Gerbera Grow. Then the ninja approached the frightened Gerbera Grow at high speed.

"Falcon Slash"

Gerbera Grow was hit by a cursed condition. But Gerbera Grow was not silent either. He aimed at the ninja with his vines.

"Mission accomplished, farewell"

The ninja makes his mark. The ninja was hit by Gerbera Grow's vines and knocked into a tree, but the next moment, the ninja's figure turned into a log. This is the famous shape-shifting technique.

The ninja, whose damage was nullified by the shape-shifting technique, immediately joined the party.

"Thank you for your hard work. You've done an excellent job"

"I'll do what I'm paid to do. I won't touch it from here, okay?"

"Yes. It's okay"

From that point on, it became a battle of endurance. The heavy warriors shifted and defended against the attacks of Gerbera Grow. Then they attacked with their poisonous and cursed weapons, blocking the recovery and gaining damage from poison damage and the effects of plant attacks.


""Heat Lance!""

""Penetrate Arrow!""

As the magic and arrows explode, Gerbera Grow's vitality is cut in half and Gerbera Grow screams out.

"Attack pattern, change! Clergy, prepare to heal!"


So much for my longtime mission...hopefully the nature of this place will be safe...

Gerbera Grow then turns into light and disappears.

"O, Oh? Where are the materials?"

As soon as the leader said that, a magic circle appeared around them and when it shattered, the information flowed.

Emergency Quest, Zombie Army Attack has occurred

This information signaled the end of their happy time. The Young Tree Forest was suddenly enveloped in a dark cloud.

As they were caught by the countless hands that suddenly appeared from the ground, zombies appeared from the ground one after another.


They desperately try to resist, but the zombies cannot be defeated with normal weapons. And the zombies were no ordinary zombies.

When the zombies are defeated, purple smoke is generated.

"Kuu...what is that? That smoke!"

"This is no time to be talking about that! Retreat! Fall back!"

"H, Hey!? Tr, Trouble! The durability of our weapons is dwindling fast!"

"Wh, What!?"

Their weapons and armor are disappearing one by one.

"Damn it! That's bullshit!"

"Wh, What the hell! This!"

"No, don't come...don't bite..."

They were bitten by hordes of zombies one after another and returned to death.

In the midst of all this, there was one person who was desperately trying to escape. It was a ninja. He had investigated the facts of the rumors at the Adventurer's Guild, thought something was going to happen, left the Legion as soon as they were defeated and was the first to escape.

"They're idiots. That's what happens when you don't check the information properly"

He thought he could escape completely, but suddenly someone appeared from behind and slashed his arm.


"Hahaa! Did you think you could escape? I'm so sorry. I love to bully and kill people who feel pleasure like you do. Please let me feel your pleasure"

"D, Don't underestimate me~!"

The ninja challenged him to a fight, but he cut off all his fingers, ankles and wrists. Every time he does, the being in front of him goes crazy.

"Damn it! Why don't you kill it!"

"Aah? It's because it's the most fun to watch you suffer. It's just as happy to hear them scream as I am to see you suffer"

He then poured a potion on the ninja, restoring his dying vitality.


The ninja's face was stained with despair.

"Ah, I love that face ~I am! Come on, cry harder, despair! Indulge me!"

The ninja was toyed with by a mysterious being and returned to death.

And there was a being who was watching the whole thing from the sky. It was Nebiros, the devil that Takuto had fought before.

"Hahaha! Humans are the best, aren't they! Now it's time for the promise! Humans! Let's get this party started!"

The declaration became a declaration of war between humans and undeads.