Chapter 259: Gluttony person and mint tea

Chapter 259: Gluttony person and mint tea

I came to the gates of Freetia.

"Huh~. Huhu~h"

With Lily, Ribina and was impossible to convince them to go with me, so they played rock-paper-scissors to see who would go with me and Lily won, which put me in a good mood.

Ribina and Bran can fly, so they'll be my guards and Hix will take over.

We took to the skies and headed for Verdure Village.

Then, a large number of monsters appeared below. I identify them.

Ghoul Lv13

Normal Monster Subjugation Target Active

I knew it was a ghoul...but I'm afraid I'm not going to go through with it. Cotton is calling us!

Good! I see Verdure Village!

That's when I thought about it. Suddenly, I felt a breeze behind me and Hix stopped moving.

"Ta, Takuto!? There's a strange wind from below"

"W, We can't go on!"

Ribina and Bran were right, there was a strange wind coming from below and we couldn't go on! What the hell is this!?

"I mean, were sucked in like that!?"

Ribina was right. I'm being sucked into something on the ground. And the power to be attracted gradually is getting stronger. This is bad!

"Hix, we're going down! Ribina, Bran, you go up!"

"All right!"


As soon as we were separated, the force of attraction aimed at us.

As a result, Ribina and Bran are free.

"Yes! The suction is gone!"

"But the Lord is being targeted!"Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

Now that you're free, attack the enemy to stay out of suction range!

I gave them synchronized instructions and they found the enemy and attacked as instructed.


Bran uses her halo. However, it has no effect on the mysterious enemy and we continue to be sucked in.

I also caught the enemy on sight.


? ? ?

The enemy was a chubby ghoul, one size larger than a ghoul.

That Gluttony's belly opened up, creating a wind that sucked into its stomach.

Ribina's fascination didn't work and she had no choice but to attack physically.

"Deyaaaa! Ribina kick!"

Then Ribina's foot buries itself in Gluttony's skin and Gluttony's face looks at Ribina.

"Hey!? Wa,'re not going to eat me, are you?"

Gluttony's mouth opens in a way that is impossible for a human and Ribina's body is sucked into its mouth.

"Noooooo! I, It's going to eat me!? Hey! Bran! Help"

"I'm sorry"

"You leave me!? Noooo!"

Ribina's been sucked in. We're no strangers to this. Hix is nearing the end of his rope...there's got to be something we can do...

No items. No equipment. No money.

Game over in three stages.

I knew I shouldn't have gone out while in despena. Lily behind me called me and when I turned around, she smiled and said.

"Takuto...we'll be together when we die"

Lily has raised a death flag! We were sucked into Gluttony's stomach and returned to death.

I wake up in my bed and quickly log back in. I'm in despena to begin with, so despena is pointless.

Then I call everyone.

"Takuto! Bran has abandoned me!"

Ribina gets angry, but I defend Bran.

"Ribina, don't blame Bran...if she could have helped you, she would have. This time the fault lies with me for trying to go out there in a weakened state"

"Muu...if you say that, then we can't say anything because we were selfish too"

As everyone is depressed, I ask Bran"

"Bran...when do you think you can win without a trump card?"

"It's hard to say without seeing it in action. But if we can exploit the weakness the Lord found in that sucker, I think we can defeat it"

The weakness Bran refers to is that it can't move while it's inhaling. He's been targeting us for a long time. Then you can defeat it if you attack like before.

But there's something that worries me.

"First of all, it's a powerful enemy that I can't identify except by name. In addition, Ribina was defeated by another attack during its sucking attack. So, if you underestimate it and think it is defenseless, it will do the same thing again"

"You're right...I'll change my mind"

Yes. You need to change your perception first. That Gluttony is not a small fish. I don't know why he targeted me, but if it targeted the summoner, it's not stupid.

"I'd better share this information with everyone...there doesn't seem to be any conditions for its appearance and if it appears anywhere ghouls appear, we're in big trouble"

While I was doing that, Hephaestus came. He has a katana in his hand!

"Were you busy? The new forge is complete and I've been working on the katana you ordered..."

"It's okay. The new forge is finished, right?"

"Yes! It's suddenly a lot bigger and a bit uncomfortable, but it's very comfortable to use! Ah, would you like to come take a look?"

"Yes. I wonder if you can show me the katana in the new forge"

So we headed to Hephaestus's forge. It is a columnar house made of bricks. There is a chimney.

When I entered, I felt like I was in a forge. The basement of the house has been transformed into a house at once. It certainly feels spacious.

In case you're wondering, there's a bed here, too, at Hephaestus' request. He says he sleeps better when he's surrounded by weapons.

Well, everyone's tastes are different. If that's what he wants, I'll let him have it.

"Then, here is the finished katana. It's my first time, so please let me know if there's any concern"

"Ah. Koihi"

The girls had different tastes. The meat lovers don't like it, but the vegetables and fish lovers like it.

I took the money that Ruin-san had given me and treated everyone to a meal. Then Mel and Yuuna-san gave their impressions.

"Is it a bit harsh, fresh mint tea?"

"Yes, it is. But I think it can be fixed by brewing it better"

I'm sorry I'm not good at this! I'm a coffee lover! In case you were wondering, when Mel and the others brewed it, it was indeed delicious. But...

"The quality is low"

War broke out. In the midst of all this, Heliya, who was drinking with me, brewed a mint tea that had the same effect as mine and tasted better than Mel's. It was a disastrous defeat.


"Th,'s just a coincidence"

If I could make delicious mint tea by accident from the start, I would have no trouble. I'll ask Heliya to make mint tea from now on.

It was decided to break up for the day, so I just finished my production work and logged out.

Name Loco Moco Happiness Sheep Lv8

Vitality 104

Magic Power 69

Strength 11

Defense 89

Agility 48

Dexterity 40


Flight Lv6

Ramming Lv3

Danger Detection Lv11

Run Away Lv3

Hair Growth Lv10Lv11

Milking Lv10Lv11

Cold Resistance Lv1

Happiness Lv8

Blessing Lv8

Protection Lv4

Light Magic Lv3

Heavenly Blessing Lv10

Name Aranea Tsuchigumo Lv7

Vitality 46

Magic Power 55

Strength 52

Defense 28

Agility 34

Dexterity 86


Bite Lv6

Fighting Lv1

Adhesive Thread Lv14Lv15

Soft Thread Lv9Lv10

Steel Thread Lv23Lv24

Trap Setting Lv20

Thread Detection Lv6

Poison Breath Lv3

Earth Hiding Lv3

Throwing Lv4

Earth Magic Lv1

Curse Lv1

Sorcery Lv1

Name Airy Zlatorog Lv8

Vitality 84

Magic Power 50

Strength 52

Defense 32

Agility 65

Dexterity 45


Horn Strike Lv18

Climbing Lv4

Danger Detection Lv14

Leap Lv10

Gale Lv15

Wood Magic Lv3

Light Magic Lv12

Milking Lv9Lv10

Protection Lv5

Blessing Lv6

Resurrection Lv1

Berserkerification Lv2