Chapter 275: Invitation to the gastronomic town and information on other countries

Chapter 275: Invitation to the gastronomic town and information on other countries

The day after the event, the test is over.

After all the excitement of going to bed last night, Kaito and the chairman were blanked out by the reality of the test. The vice-chairman seemed to have been studying hard for the test and seemed to be relaxed.

I hadn't done much studying for the test in the past because of my part-time job, but this time I had prepared well, so I was feeling good.

After the first day of testing, I went shopping, studied for the test during the day and played games at night without a care in the world. Well, just summoning and harvesting vegetables and purifying plants.

First, I try to summon the Lesser Ogre, which I failed to do yesterday at the Beastmasters Guild. The result was failure. Oh, I'm out of medium magic stones...should I buy more? No, the long desperation will be over in three days, including today. I'll just have to be patient here.

Yuuna-san and I harvested some vegetables together. I'll give her some vegetables in return. She made some alcohol, and it seems to be selling like hotcakes, which makes me very happy. I guess my drink has a rival. Well, I was the one who lent a hand to that rival.

When I finished harvesting, I was about to log out when Regin-san came in, looking flustered.

"Haa...haa...i, it's serious. Takuto-sama. Please hurry and come to Lieblich"

Did something happen in Lieblich!? I hurriedly made my way to Lieblich, where I found a crowd of people. I had a bad feeling about this.

"Excuse me. I'm the manager. Please let me through"

I said and everyone opened the way for me. I don't know if it's my imagination, but everyone is smiling. Oh? What the hell is this?

I wondered as I entered the store and saw a gentleman among the customers.

"Are you Takuto-sama, the manager of this store?"

"Ah, yes. I am"

"I am a member of the Culinary Guild from the gastronomic town, Donos. Today I'm here to deliver you an invitation to Donos, the gastronomic town. Please confirm"

Eh? A letter of invitation to Donos, the gastronomic town? When I checked the invitation, I found that it praised my skills as a chef and the prosperity of my restaurant and invited me to come to the gastronomic town.

There was also a ticket for a carriage to Donos, the gastronomic town. S, Seriously...

"If you show this ticket to the Adventurer's Guild, they will immediately arrange a carriage from gastronomic town. The travel time from here is about two hours. I will be waiting for the day you come to Donos. I'll be going now. Thank you very much for the food, young ladies!"

Th, Thank you very much!

As the gentleman left, cheers went up from all over the store. What the hell? What's going on?

"Wow! Manager-san!"

I see...that's out. It's too scary for the production guild.

"Well, as long as nothing serious happens, we'll be fine. I've heard that the production guild headquarters has some difficult requests that we can't accept here. You should come and enjoy it along with the food"

As long as nothing serious happens...hey.

I can't help but think of Lily and the others running amok, but that's the point. I'll ask him about other countries in detail.

"Other countries? I'm sure you've heard of Freetia, Veinreef, Wantwork, Gonesse, Reich, Wizard Orb and Elixir Lapis, right? And then there's the Knight Kingdom of Paladin Lord''

Oya? Surprisingly, it's dangerous to look sweet because it's a country unit.

"I'm not familiar with Gonesse, Wizard Orb, Elixir Lapis or Paladin Lord, so it would be great if you could tell me..."

"Umm. I don't know much about Goness either. Rather, it seems that the other side is unilaterally recognizing this as a bad can be said that the country has the worst relationship with Freetia"

Well, that's true. And you still don't know anything...this time Gonesse was not affected at all. Perhaps I'm not the only one, but others will suspect that Gonesse is suspicious. I want to get some information, but I can't send Mirai out as a spy.

As for Gonesse, I'll have to rely on the other players.

"Wizard Orb is a country where magic research is very popular. It's especially famous for its magic swords and grimoires. I've heard that there's a lot of research being done on magic, but the details are still unknown. It's a country that Freetia is on good terms with"

It's the kind of country that mages aim for, after all.

"Elixir Lapis is an alchemist's country. It is a country that researches the elixir of immortality, the Philosopher's Stone Lapis. It is the closest country to Freetia. With the help of Freetia, Elixir Lapis can be used to create artificial golems"

Artificial golems!? I'll have to report this to Robot Research.

"Paladin Lord is a country where knights and heroes of great skill gather. What should I hide? Princess Sarah was also trained in this country and gained her current strength. In terms of military power, Reich is said to be the best, but in terms of individual power, no country can match Paladin Lord"

There's a new country on the horizon. And I have a feeling King Arthur or something will make an appearance. If the knights are going to go, it's going to be Mels group.

"Oh, by the way, there's another country that rivals Paladin Lord"

"Eh? There is no other country on this continent like the one you just way!?"

"There was a country called Sakura, which was said to be located at the far end of the ocean. I'm sure you've heard of it. It is said that their ability is comparable to that of Paladin Lord"

I knew I'd come to the right place! A country that corresponds to Japan! Is it possible to get there from the Lagoon Sea? I asked Duke Hans and he said I couldn't. Damn it!

But for the time being, I was assured that the gastronomic town of Donos was a safe town. It's a town I've been curious about, so I guess I'll head there tomorrow. I'm in the middle of a test, though!