Chapter 1403

Name:Tyrant's Cute Wife Author:Ling Ji
"Ancestor, I want to make it clear to you that one hundred million of the two hundred million dollars I gave you should be regarded as the betrothal gift given by the Mo family to Yu family, so that they can settle the account with Qingbang."

When Mo Ziyan saw that his family's face had changed greatly, he added coldly, "why don't you agree?"

Mo family gives Yu family $100 million as dowry?

What's more, this money can't be spent at home. Is it the compensation to Tang Shuixin?

Mo's mother couldn't agree anyway. Even the ancestors and Mo's father didn't know how to answer this question at the moment.

"Ziyan, you promised to help solve Yu's problems. Why do you want them to compensate Tang Shuixin for 100 million dollars now?" Mo's father frowned and looked at Mo Ziyan. The uneasiness in his eyes also appeared clearly at the moment. "Dad, the water has moved the fetus, and now it has been sent to the hospital. If you let Qing Shaoyu know about this, I don't know if he will give me this favor at that time. If her brother Tang shuiyi knows about it, I can tell you for sure that he will fight with me. This water heart is the same as the $100 million you asked for as compensation, which must be paid. "

When Mo Zi said this, his eyes turned directly to Yu's mother. Looking at her anxious appearance, the ironic light in his eyes still did not disperse.

"Besides, Yu's family is also your appointed in laws. Shouldn't you pay off this account for them and relieve their current financial crisis?"

"Ziyan, I have something to tell you about this." The ancestor also can't accept this condition, but he can't refuse it at this time.

"Just say it."

Mo Ziyan raises his eyebrows. He reaches out his hand and says "please help yourself" to his ancestors, indicating that he has something to say.

"Our second condition is to ask you to help solve all the problems between Yu Jia and Qingbang, so that Xiaoman and Mo Qing can get married smoothly. But when you do this now, don't you fail to fulfill the second condition you promised? "

The ancestor said kindly, and his eyes toward Mo Ziyan were full of care.

He was also worried that he would turn the great grandson over on the spot if he said so, but now he has to take the matter to the surface.

"Laozong, I promised to help Yu family solve this problem. That's the normal way to solve it. If you don't want to pay for the debt you owe me, it doesn't matter. I can pay for you in private. "

"This is naturally the best." As soon as Mo Ziyan finished speaking, Mo's mother nodded without hesitation.

"Ancestor, you and my father also mean that?"

After Mo Ziyan's mother's reply, he turned his eyes directly to the two people in front of him. He gently pulled the corners of his mouth and showed a cruel smile.


The old ancestor and Mo's father looked at each other, and they didn't dare to nod their heads.

Because the warning in Mo Ziyan's eyes is serious and dangerous. If they are careless, their mo family will be doomed.

"Laozuzong, what are you hesitating about, this one..."

"Shut up

When Mo Mu was ready to answer again, he asked her to shut up again. He also looked at the servant who had been following him and said to him, "if she dares to interrupt again, you can drag her out directly."

"Laozuzong, you..."

"Don't you think the things you've added are messy enough? Or do you really want Ziyan to halve the amount? " Mo's mother doesn't want to embarrass his wife in public, but if she doesn't know her face so well, he's not ready to leave any more.

Moreover, to continue to play the family card with Mo Ziyan at this time is tantamount to death.

"Ziyan, just do as you say. I'm really tired today."

The old ancestor is going to be bothered to death by Mo's mother, and he doesn't want to talk about it any more. Once Mo Zi has made a plan, they have no right to interfere.

"Ziyan, I agree with what my ancestors said. Half of the 200 million dollars you give to your family will be considered as the dowry of our Mo family to Xiaoman. After that, as long as you do what you just said, we will not pester you any more. "

Mo's father followed the words of his ancestors and made the position of the Mo family clear.


Mo Ziyan turned his head and looked at the team of lawyers who came from "dark night" and asked coldly, "do you write down everything they said?"

"Don't worry, we've made a recording, and they can't even rely on it." A person headed by the lawyers' group broadcast the content just recorded in public.

"It's none of your business here. As soon as possible, you can write down the story of Mo's family's estrangement from" dark night "and let the news media broadcast it directly."

What Mo Ziyan means by doing this is to announce to the world that from now on, their "dark night" has nothing to do with the Mo family, and the "dark night" of the Mo family will no longer interfere.After Mo Ziyan paid 200 million US dollars, this matter was completely solved.

However, at this time, Mo Qing suddenly ran in with the unconscious Yu Xiaoman. His forehead was covered with cold sweat, and even his breathing became very urgent at this time.

"Moqing, why did you come back with Xiaoman in your arms?"

The first person to see Mo Qing was Yu Fu. When he saw his daughter lying in each other's arms with her eyes closed, he was scared to step forward.

"Just in time."

Jack whispered this sentence in Mo Ziyan's ear when Mo Qing came in with Yu Xiaoman.

At the same time, he also stands in front of Mo Ziyan.

"Uncle Yu, I don't have time to explain to you now." Mo Qing said while holding the unconscious Yu Xiaoman, anxiously ran to the ancestors.

"Mo Qing, this What's going on? "

The ancestor looked at the bloodless Yu Xiaoman, and the worry on his face also emerged.

"Xiaoman, what's wrong with her? Didn't you take her to the hospital?" When Mo Qing and Yu Xiaoman run to their ancestors, Yu's mother runs with them.

When she was holding her daughter's cold hands, her heart went up and down.

"Laozuzong, the door is blocked by Qingbang people. I can't send Xiaoman to the hospital at all. She's almost stunned." Mo Qing doesn't dare to ask Mo Ziyan, let alone go to Jack to intercede. Just now, when they saw Mo Ziao leaving with Tang Shuixin at the door, Qi Liang rolled down the window and gave him a cold stare, which made him dare not be presumptuous at the gate. , the fastest update of the webnovel!